Consultant – Localization of HelpAge Kenya Programme

HelpAge International is looking for a consultant to support its localization agenda in Kenya.


HelpAge International – HelpAge International is a global network of organizations working towards a fairer world for older people so they can live safe, healthy, and dignified lives. In addition to working with more than 171 network members in 91 countries, HelpAge operates country programme offices in 13 countries across Asia, Africa, Middle East, and Eastern Europe. In line with HelpAge International Global Strategy 20301, our commitment to partner led programming and the Charter for Change2, a key step is to transition our country programmes to a Locally Led Development option.

Locally Led Development – HelpAge International has committed to embracing and advancing Locally Led Development. This commitment was expressed in HelpAge’s 2030 strategy and re-emphasized and clarified in a position paper on Locally Led development issued in November 2021.

HelpAge’s vision for Locally Led Development is, “Humanitarian and development initiatives designed, led and delivered by national or local actors and older people within countries”. At country level, the commitment to Locally Led Development requires purpose, mission, and vision-based transformation, to shift the power from HelpAge International to local actors. In order to identify the most appropriate Locally Led Development option for each country, HelpAge International has designed a process that promotes transparency and accountability and ensure that decisions are based on robust evidence and analysis. This consultancy will ensure that the perspectives of country teams and external local stakeholders are collected and fully contribute to the analysis and decision making, with the goal to achieve sustainable impact for older people in Kenya.

Country Programme – Kenya, a country of approximately 50 million has more than 2.7 million older people. The Government of Kenya has instituted policies and programmes aimed at improving the wellbeing of older persons and has the potential to play an important role within Africa and international forums advocating for older persons rights. HelpAge International has operated in Kenya since 1980, working closely with various ministries of the Government of Kenya and other state and non-state actors to develop relevant policy framework and programming for older persons. We work as committed partners in multi-sectoral, dimensional, inclusive, community, right based approach implementing policies, strategies, interventions and about advancing the rights and aspirations of Older Persons. Central to our approach is working through local partners.

Our role is long term partnerships to support with Resource mobilization with a focus on localization, where relevant and feasible, Visibility, branding and communication, Policies, systems, procedures and practices, Infrastructure, deep rooted technical expertise, influence and inspire action in others, enabling greater accountability and promote safeguarding.

HelpAge International dual mandate in both humanitarian and development contexts, works with partners and hard to reach communities focus areas include 1. Healthy ageing (HA) 2. Income Security/Social protection 3. Violence, abuse, and neglect and 4. Inclusive humanitarian action

Purpose, objectives, and scope

The purpose of the consultancy is to conduct local consultations with the Kenya country team and local external stakeholders, which will contribute to a detailed assessment of the Kenyan context with regards to the situation of older people, HelpAge’s work, the stakeholders’ views and capacities, the civic space, and legal frameworks, etc. The consultancy will highlight opportunities and constraints and provide rigorous evidence to guide decision making on the transition to locally led development in the country.

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