Consultant for Climate, Environmental and Social Governance (CESG) Training For Financial Service Providers, MESPT

1. Background
Micro Enterprise Support Programme Trust (MESPT) is a development organization focused on enhancing Agricultural Productivity, Food Safety, Agricultural Business Development, market linkages, increased Financial Access and Inclusion and Green Transformation within Agricultural sector. MESPT desires to contribute towards creation of green decent jobs and improve competitiveness and socio-economic sustainability among stakeholders and more so the smallholder farmers and Agri-based SMEs.

Promotion of financial access and inclusion within Agricultural and Green Growth sectors is a critical strategic pillar. Participation of private sector towards achievement of the desired results within focus strategic pilar continues to be critical and calls for concerted effort for support mechanisms. MESPT has taken facilitative role for both forward and backward linkages and building partnership to sustainably support the financial eco-system.

Vision: “Build a more Prosperous Society”
Mission: To provide sustainable business development and financial services to small holder farmers and Agri SME’s in Kenya.

2. Rationale
The financial sector continues to play a critical role in facilitating private sector investments through savings mobilization and provision of credit facilities. However, with increased liberalization of the financial market, we have witnessed expanded financial space and increased access and inclusion.

Whilst economic viability considerations continue to influence sustainable business performance, time has come for financial service providers to implement a more progressive decision-making model that also factors in variables such as environmental impact and social capital in the overall finance matrix.

Financial Access and Inclusion has and continues to play a critical role in driving sustainable development and growth. Globally, there is growing debate on the level of responsible business conduct within the financial market. Ethical practices and conduct reinforced by corporate values are the foundation of any financial service provider. The Board and Chief Executive Officer must lead the way in setting up the tone and actively ensure that business
practices are ethical and fulfill the established regulatory and corporate governance requirements. Disclosure and publication of the positive impact of sustainability initiatives that financial service providers are advocating and achieving in their day-to-day activities is increasingly becoming a differentiator.

Recognizing that the financial services sector is both directly and indirectly impacted by social and environmental factors, through policies and risk assessment procedures, great effort has been put to mitigate social and environmental risks associated with their financing activities as well as identifying sustainability opportunities.

It is the desire to play a critical role in promoting sustainable inclusive financing within the Agricultural and Green Growth space, that MESPT wishes to undertake this consultancy to influence the decision makers and operational level officers in financial service providers. It is our expectation that this training will impact positively on the participants and achieve positive transformation.

3. Goal
Build capacities of Financial Service Providers serving smallholder farmers, farmer groups and agri-businesses to effectively mainstream responsible, inclusive and sustainable practices in their business models

4. Objectives
Raise awareness to financial service providers – especially those promoting agri-finance on the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation.
a) In addition, facilitate the financial service providers to perform optimally in the area of comprehensive risk management
b) Establish institutional action points towards realization of sustainable financing.
c) Establish opportunities for Agri-finance in the midst of climate change risks.
d) Enhancing best business practice, leadership and governance through engagement and capacity building at the board and senior management levels
e) Facilitate the financial service providers to perform optimally in the area of comprehensive risk management
f) Empower financial service professionals on their responsibility in sustainable finance.

g) Review case studies that illustrate how your organization can be a force for good in realizing positive impact in Climate, Environmental, Social and Governance (CESG)
h) Build the capacity of financial service professionals to assess their institutions’ contribution to climate change, environmental degradation and social development.
i) Identify the main actions that must be taken by financial service providers to promote responsible agriculture finance to support adaptation and mitigation of climate change i.e. Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA).

5. Target
The target audience are the board members, CEOs, Finance managers, Operations Managers, Credit Managers and Marketing Managers of microfinance institutions and Saccos.

6. Assignment Timeline
The training will take a maximum of five days distributed as follows

Target Group No. of Days No. of participants Venue
Board members and CEOs 2 30 Westlands, Nairobi
Senior and Middle Level Managers 3 30 Westlands, Nairobi

7. Consultant
7.1 Consultant’s responsibilities
a) Content development for Climate, Environmental and Social Governance (CESG) Training including case studies. Share this with MESPT Credit Manager seven days before the training dates.
b) Conduct a two-day training for Board Members and CEO’s of respective financial service providers
c) Conduct a three-day training for Senior & Middle level Managers of respective financial service provider.
d) Write and submit training reports, including evaluation forms and summaries, participants feedback.

7.2 Eligibility Criteria

The Consultant should:
a) The consultant must be an ESG expert with experience in sustainable financing and/or climate finance experience
b) Have a at least 5 years’ experience in implementing sustainable finance and/or climate finance projects within the financial sector.
c) Demonstrate capacity in terms of knowledge and skills required to undertake the training.
d) Qualification as social and environmental auditor will be an added advantage.
e) Certification on sustainable finance will be added advantage

8. Institutional Arrangement

The Consultant will work under the direct supervision of the Credit & Business Development Manager to adapt and deliver the consultancy appropriately to meet MESPT expectations. During his/her assignment, the consultant will be provided with all necessary information.

9. Application Instruction:
This consultancy is for individual consultants. The individuals that wish to signify their interest in undertaking the prescribed work are to share the following documents to by 28th February 2022 at 12.00pm
i. Cover Letter
ii. Proposal including interpretation of the ToR and delivery methodology
iii. Resume for the lead consultant with relevant experiences
iv. References of similar work done for the past 5 years with contact details.
v. Expected course outline
vi. Financial/Budget break down inclusive of all taxes not exceeding 1 page
While submitting your application be sure your email subject line is CLIMATE, ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL GOVERNANCE (CESG) TRAINING

10. Technical & Financial Evaluation
9.1 Technical Evaluation: (Maximum Score 80 Points)
Proposal evaluation will be based on the following criteria

Criteria Score
1 Qualification and experience profile of the consultant relevant to this assignment. 20 Points
2 Understanding of the assignment 10 Points
3 Quality and relevance of referenced past assignment carried out by the consultant for the last 5 years 30 Points
4 Actionable Approach & Methodology: 20 Points
Total Score 80 Points

9.2 Financial evaluation (20 marks)
The overall weights for the evaluation of the technical and Financial will be 80:20 respectively. MESPT reserves the right to select and negotiate with the successful bidder. The financial proposal must reflect the cost per man day, number of man days for each activity and number and level of human resource per activity. All quotation must be inclusive of applicable taxes (VAT, WHT etc.)

9.3 Qualification Criteria
Only candidates who pass the technical assessment process will be qualified for financial proposal score. The successful candidate will achieve the highest aggregate score (technical and financial points).

11. Payment Plan
The payment plan to the Consultant will be as follows: –
i. 30% of agreed cumulative budget upon signing of the contract and submission of inception report
ii. Final 70% of agreed cumulative upon satisfactory completion of the training and submission of relevant report(s)

12. Conditions
MESPT reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal.
Any canvassing will lead to automatic cancellation of the submitted proposal.

13. Submission of Proposals
The Financial Proposal and the Technical Proposal files MUST BE COMPLETELY SEPARATE and emailed through and clearly named as either “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” or “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL”. The subject of the email should clearly capture the description. The file with the “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” must be encrypted with a password so that it cannot be opened nor viewed until the Proposal has been found to pass
the technical evaluation stage. Once a Proposal has been found to be responsive by passing the technical evaluation stage, MESPT shall request via email the Proposer to submit the password to open the Financial Interested applicants should send their proposals to by 28th February 2022 at 12.00 Hours. Kindly send your clarifications to by 21st February 2022 at 12.00Hours. ..

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