Consultancy to undertake Capacity Building on Financial Literacy (Eligible to Individual National Consultants only)


Micro Enterprise Support Programme Trust (MESPT) is a development organization focused on enhancing, Agricultural Enterprise Development and Market linkages, Agricultural productivity and Food Safety, Financial Access and Inclusion and Green Transformation. MESPT interventions are through small holder farmers and Agricultural SMEs aimed at increasing productivity, incomes and enhancing competitiveness for decent job creation, especially among women and youth.

The engagement of private sector towards achievement of the desired results within focus thematic areas continues to be critical and calls for integrated support mechanisms. MESPT has taken this role to facilitate both forward and backward linkages and build sustainable partnership to sustainably support the eco-system.

MESPT has a tripartite business model that entails working with;

  1. MSMEs and Small holder farmers – MSMEs comprise Agri entrepreneurs that include small scale processors, aggregators, input providers, traders, off-takers, and exporters who we link to small holder farmers so that they can trade.
  2. MSMEs and Financial Services Providers– We link MSMEs to financial service providers that can lend them working capital and asset financing when in need to enhance their operations. We partner with the financial service providers by giving them affordable loans for onward lending as well offer them technical assistance and business advisory services.
  3. Smallholder Farmers and Financial Service Providers-We are at the forefront to ensure that the small holder farmers are supported to increase their agricultural productivity and profitability, linked to viable markets for their produce and offered appropriate capacity development services.

Promotion of financial access and inclusion within Agricultural and Green Growth sectors is a critical strategic pillar. To support the financial access eco system, it is becoming increasingly important to mitigate opportunity for potential failure of businesses and/or break down of lender borrower relationship due to inadequacy of information. We note that increased financial access can be achieved where potential borrowers are fully aware of their responsibilities towards credit management prior and post disbursements. To further avoid the moral hazard of vicious cycle of debt trap, we strongly believe credit management awareness is critical. It is against this background that this consultancy has been conceived to enhance financial knowledge among key end users of financial services with the expectation that this will increase access and inclusion among the youth.

Vision: “Build a more Prosperous Society”

Mission: To provide sustainable business development and financial services to small holder farmers and Agri SME’s in Kenya.


The objectives of this consultancy is to undertake

  • Developing common understanding of the assignment from different stakeholders through inception meetings.
  • Training of identified community trainers as ToTs for purposes of delivering financial education/literacy to youth groups in Kakamega, Vihiga, Kisumu, Bungoma and Siaya Counties.
  • Review existing training material and develop a harmonized financial education/ literacy training manual to be used by the trained ToTs.


The objectives of the consultancy are to:

  1. Participate in inception meetings between MESPT and other stakeholders ( GIZ, Youth group leaders and Community trainers).
  2. Sensitization of the community trainers on the assignment and deliverables in a two-day workshop where review of existing training material shall be undertaken.
  3. Harmonization and development of training g material to be applied in the entire training for standardization. This shall be coupled with necessary tools, case studies, role plays etc.
  4. To undertake TOT training on financial education/ literacy and equip 40 community trainers with key aspects of financial literacy and practical models of delivering the training:
  • Under open door vs class room set up;
  • Phased delivery and lead time between trainings;
  • Assessment of results- (what is appropriate lead time before commencement of assessment of results).
  • How frequent should the training be delivered to the same group of participants to achieve maximum results?
  • Develop role plays to demonstrate various aspects of financial literacy.
  1. Deliver initial financial literacy training sessions for identified groups covering but not limited to the following:
  • Setting financial goals
  • Managing money smartly
  • Understanding savings methods and avenues
  • Use and Management of Credit Facilities
  • Risk management and Insurance
  • Develop a strategy with the community trainers for the sustainability of the established groups
  • Develop a consolidated final report on the toolkit and trainings, giving recommendations for the future.


  • In-depth knowledge and experience in Development finance, financial inclusion, Enterprise development, Youth development and coaching and/or Agricultural Value Chain Development.
  • Experience and track record in curriculum development (modules preparation) and training (experience of providing similar training(s).
  • Demonstrated understanding of concepts for financial education/literacy training and delivery mechanisms.
  • Experience in Adult learning skills and training methodologies
  • 3 References for similar assignments for the past 5 years, with contact details.
  • Degree in business course and relevant technical experience.

(Certification of National Industrial Training Authority and master’s degree will be an added advantage)

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