Consultancy to Develop a Strategic Plan (2022-2026) for the Refugee Consortium of Kenya

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Refugee Consortium of Kenya (RCK)
RCK is a national NGO established in 1998 in response to the increasingly complex refugee situation in Kenya. The organization’s mission is to safeguard and protect the rights and dignity of forced migrants and host-communities in Kenya and the wider East African region. RCK services include:
i) Provision of legal aid through representation in the Kenyan courts of law on: asylum and immigration related matters, and custody and guardianship related cases affecting refugees and other forced migrants; legal counselling and psychosocial counselling to refugees, asylum seekers and the IDPs;
ii) Advocacy initiatives towards development of friendly policies and laws for refugees, IDPs, returnees and stateless persons;
iii) Protection and monitoring of refugee and other forced migrants’ rights and their dignity through research, documentation and dissemination of information;
iv) Capacity building of refugees, other forced migrants, stakeholders and partners who interact with forced migrants on a day to day basis.
v) Initiatives on ending gender based violence among forced migrants and host communities

1.2 Background
RCK implements its mission through four programs; –
i) Legal and Psychosocial Support Program;
ii) Advocacy, Policy Development and Governance Program;
iii) Research and Knowledge Management Program;
iv) Institutional Support and Development Program.

The critical interplay between the four programs of RCK and the organizational growth is currently guided by the 2018-2022 strategic plan. It is within this context that RCK is embarking on an early development of the 2022-2026 strategic plan to reflect the changing environment.

The proposed consultancy will support the development of a new 5-year Strategic Plan for RCK by facilitating an in-depth organizational assessment, broad stakeholder consultation and environmental analysis to identify key strategic priorities and objectives for RCK, as well as approaches to achieve them. The expected timeframe for the project is 3 months.

1.3 Contextual analysis
The strategic plan shall purpose to assess the previous and current context, drawing insights from the changing refugee and forced migration situation in Kenya and the region, to give a strong future forecast, and a robust risk mitigation plan. The plan will consider and aim to limit the impact of operational threats such as the rapidly changing funding environment and prevalence of crises like the outbreak of Covid-19 among communities.

2.0 Objectives
This evaluation exercise of the Strategic Plan will:
I. Evaluate the changing context within the refugee operation in Kenya, the region and globally and use this to guide the review and recommendations for the revised strategic plan. Examine the trends shaping the present and future forced displacement operations in Kenya;
II. Review RCK’s performance against the 2018 – 2022 strategic plan, key programmatic milestones and the 2021 Risk Plan;
III. Develop a 5-year Strategic Plan, with clear mission and vision, revised SMART Outcomes, Outputs and Indicators against the outcomes. Further revise each Programs’ specific objectives against the revised outcomes, outputs and indicators and suggest any new focus areas as the case may be;
IV. Revise RCK resource mobilization strategy in accordance with the developed 2022-2026 strategic plan;
V. Recommend an implementation strategy for achieving the strategic objectives and key result areas.

3.0 Scope of the consultancy
The operational scope of this consultancy service will include:
I. The service period in which the 2018-2022 RCK Strategic Plan has been operational;
II. The national and current field Programs in Kakuma, Kalobeyei, Dadaab, Garissa, Nakuru and other RCK areas of operation;
III. Revision of the resource mobilization plan to facilitate the developed 2022-2026 strategic plan.

4.0 Description of tasks
The process will be led by an independent consultancy firm skilled in the field of strategic planning and with experience in carrying out similar tasks among NGOs working in refugee and human rights matters. The consultant must have clear understanding of forced migration context in Kenya and the region. The consultant will be guided by RCK Board and the Executive Director with support from the Strategic Planning Committee, senior management team and the program staff.

4.1 Tasks
a) Familiarization with RCK’s history, vision and mission, and recent work, as well as review of the previous (2018-2022) RCK strategic plan;
b) Stakeholder consultations;
c) Evaluation of stakeholder inputs;
d) Vetting of key strategic objectives, operational approaches, and high-level indicators for success;
e) Development of a draft 5-year strategic plan and work plan for RCK 2022-2026;
f) Resource mobilization plan to support the implementation of the 2022-2026 strategic plan and work plan;
g) Validation of the outputs in a dissemination workshop with RCK board members and senior management team;
h) Presentation of the final strategic plan to RCK;
i) Any other proposed activity by the consultant, and approved by the organization.

5.0 Time frame
The Strategic Plan consultancy is a 30-day engagement spread over a maximum period of 3 months.

6.0 Methodology
The Consultant shall provide an inception report, obtain disaggregated data, review relevant literature, conduct interviews and undertake field visits in selected areas. This will be achieved through development and presentation of a work plan, for the 30 days’ period spread over 3 months, to RCK.

7.0 Expected deliverables and outputs
The shortlisted consultant is expected to provide the following deliverables:
Deliverable 1: Inception report with clear interpretation of TORs, methodology and consultancy plan, with clear timelines for each milestone.
Deliverable 2: An internal and external review exercise report containing the following chapters:
• Executive Summary;
• Introduction;
• Internal and external environmental scan with a detailed SWOT and PESTEL analysis matrix that includes but not limited to;
a) Key technical, institutional, and financial gaps that may impede effective delivery of RCK interventions;
b) The current institutional capacity, and future requirements based on the review of the context;
c) The degree to which the current focus areas of RCK will be relevant for RCK to stay engaged with over the next decade;
d) The place of technology in the new RCK outlook;
e) Key anticipated risks and mitigation.
• Methodology and process employed;
• Findings and lessons learnt during assessment. A good analysis of good practices for organizational growth and sustainability;
• Clear Vision and Mission, based on findings, revised respective program log frames indicating updated outcomes, outputs and objectively verifiable indicators under each of the specific objectives for each program; and develop clear performance targets and appropriate monitoring and learning plan;
• Recommendations based on the findings;
• Annexes – those involved, schedule of activities and outcomes, programmatic log-frame, budgetary projections.

Deliverable 3: A draft assessment report for inputs by staff and partners.

Deliverable 4: A draft revised Strategic Plan which incorporates the changing context and the remaining years of implementation of the current Strategic Plan (2021- 2022) and a draft resource mobilization plan for inputs from RCK review team.

Deliverable 5: The final hard copies of well-bound assessment report; revised strategic plan and resource mobilization strategy.

8.0 Consultancy time frame and contact person
The consultancy is expected to start in Late-September 2021. Final date of submission will be agreed upon between the consultant and the RCK as appropriate. The selected candidate will report directly to the Strategic Planning Committee who will also provide technical assistance to the consultant.

9.0 Qualifications of the Consultant
1. The principal consultant should have at least a Master’s degree in institutional development, international studies, forced migration, human rights, economics, law, public policy, development studies and or any other relevant field of study. A first degree in the same fields will be considered with additional years of experience.
2. Minimum of 5 years’ experience in strategic planning, including a proven track record of working with humanitarian agencies and in the non-governmental sector; experience in organizational and change management would be an added advantage; Demonstration of developing successful strategies will be required.
3. At least a member of the team must have proven knowledge and understanding of gender matters or must have previously handled gender related projects.
4. In-depth knowledge of the environment in which RCK operates;
5. Proven excellent communication and facilitation skills;
6. Highly motivated and committed to the values of transparency and integrity;
7. Fluency in English;
8. Knowledge of RCK areas of operations will be an added advantage.

Interested candidates should submit a concept note regarding this consultancy which should include the following:
1. Description of company/organization profile;
2. Previous relevant experience – listing previous relevant strategic planning/evaluation work; samples of previous similar work where possible;
3. CVs of person(s) to carry out the assignment and their contact details;
4. Current contact details of three referees who can attest to previous strategic plans developed;
5. Proposed methodology and consultancy work plans;
6. Proposed cumulative consultancy fee.

10.0 Role of RCK
To facilitate the consultancy work, RCK will:
• Prepare a consultancy contract with the consultant;
• Make financial consultancy payments directly to the consultant in accordance with the contract;
• Inform, and mobilize its Board members, staff and key stakeholders to participate in the various stages of this exercise;
• Provide all relevant background documents or reference materials including, planning documents, constitution, monitoring reports (quarterly, biannual, annual etc.) to assist in the design and implementation of the consultancy assignment;
• Organize internal validation meetings of the review exercise and other meetings as agreed upon with the Consultant;
• Organize travel logistics for the consultant to its field offices/operations in Dadaab, Garissa, Nakuru and Kakuma & Kalobeyei.

11.0 Selection Criteria
The award of the contract shall be made to the consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined against the financial score, compliance, experience and other technical skills. Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 40% of the total 60% technical points would be considered for the financial evaluation. Shortlisted candidates shall be called for an interview which will be used to confirm and/or adjust the technical scores awarded based on documentation submitted.
Financial Proposal Points to be awarded
Finance 40%
Technical Proposal Points to be awarded
Methodology & Work plan 20%
Management 10%
Past performance 5%
Relevant experience 5%
Technical skills 20%
Total 100%

12.0 Submissions of the proposals
Interested and qualified candidates are expected to submit two sets of proposals, one Technical and another Financial, clearly marked as such, and delivered to RCK offices at Haki House, Ndemi Road, off Muringa Road, or via email address with subject line “Strategic Plan Consultancy“, by 15th November, 2021 close of business and addressed to:

The Executive Director
Refugee Consortium of Kenya
HAKI House, Ndemi road off Muringa Road
P.O. Box 25340 – 00603, Lavington,

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. RCK reserves the right to pick the lowest or the highest bidder.

For full ToR:

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