Consultancy to carry out a Baseline Assessment for the Gold Project under the Pathways to Prosperity Program – Solidaridad International



Solidaridad is an international network organization with eight regional expertise centers worldwide. Its mission is to bring together commodity supply chain actors and to engage them to develop innovative solutions to improve production, thereby ensuring the transition to a sustainable and inclusive economy that maximizes the benefit for all. Solidaridad strives to be an organization that understands the signs of modern times, seeking to be a Civil Society Organization (CSO) with its own place and role in society, while simultaneously interacting with Governments and markets. With 50 years of experience Globally in facilitating the development of socially responsible, ecologically sound and profitable supply chains, Solidaridad is a frontrunner in the area of sustainable economic development. Solidaridad envisions a world in which all we produce, and all we consume, can sustain us while respecting the planet, each other and the next generations. Solidaridad embraces the public-private and people partnerships (PPPP) in order to test innovations, speed up change, and take success to scale. Globally, Solidaridad works around coffee and other 12 commodities/sectors (

Program Summary

Solidaridad Network with the financial support of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs intends to start a Gold project in Kenya (Migori, Kakamega, Narok and Turkana Counties) and Tanzania (Geita). Artisanal Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) is estimated to occur in more than 80 countries and to employ 20-30 million people worldwide. ASGM is often associated with social conflict, illegality, human and labor rights violations, poor safety standards and fatal injuries, gender-based violence and environmental degradation. Sector informality traps miners and communities in cycles of poverty and excludes them from legal protection and support. The sector is known for its low labor productivity, which makes it difficult to invest in technology to improve gold extraction rates and reduce the use of mercury. The gold value chain lacks transparency and traceability, and market power is concentrated in the hands of gold traders. The Lake Victoria Goldfields (LVG) in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda have emerged as an important site for gold mining and exploration in Africa, providing livelihoods to over 300,000 people. It is estimated that 70-80 percent of ASGM in Africa is informal.

The programme will co-create and implement tailored interventions to facilitate (i) knowledge transfer and skills building, improve access(ii) to services and technology, and (iii) markets, therefore, contributing to increased sustainable ASM sector, improved incomes of miners and mine associations, enhancing resilience to the impacts of climate change and other shocks and the creation of decent jobs and inclusive supply chains.

2.3 The Survey Objectives and Methodology

2.3.1 Stakeholder Analysis:

Stakeholder analysis ensures that project interventions consider all stakeholders in the project’s target areas and increases the chance that projects will ‘do no harm’ and hopefully create positive change for excluded stakeholders. In general – the more stakeholders involved in the project’s design/implementation, the more successful and sustainable the project results will be.

The stakeholder analysis should aim to accomplish the following:

1. Map the key stakeholders and their interests (supportive or unsupportive) in the project

2. Note the relationships and power dynamics between different key stakeholders

3. Assess the relevance of the project to each stakeholder as well as their influence on the project

4. Identify if/how to engage stakeholders

The stakeholder analysis matrix (to be given to the consultant) can be used to synthesize the information gathered for the analysis. Based on the stakeholder mapping, the project team should decide which stakeholders the project interventions should prioritize and how they should be engaged to strengthen inclusive impact.

2.3.2 Gender Analysis:

With reference to Solidaridad Gender Inclusivity Buckets Book (to be provided) a gender analysis shall be conducted following the Step 1 on stakeholder analysis. The consultant will utilize gender analysis tools to identify the gender issues, and social inclusion/exclusion issues in relation to P2P pathways. And suggest strategies to address them using a gender transformative approach. A simplified gender analysis matrix has been developed to inform project design and ideally with the participation of key local stakeholders/partners. The matrix provides guidance and step-by-step instructions on how to complete the matrix as well as the analysis of the information captured.

2.3.3 Problem Analysis:

After having mapped the project’s key stakeholders and their relationships/influence, as well as analyzing the specific Gender considerations in the project’s context through a gender analysis, the program team should be ready to identify the overarching main problems the project wants to address.

The main problem we are trying to address through this Gol project is sustainable production (minimum use or zero use of mercury, formalization and legalization, traceable ASM chain) as well as sustainable markets.

2.3.4 Indicator Framework:

This will involve selection of key indicators for project monitoring aligned with generic programme indicators provided in the project document. Initial basis of these indicators will involve the collection of information which allows the project team to track progress on targets and systems change over the duration of the project.

2.4 Responsibilities of Consultants/Scope of Work

The composition of the survey team is left up to the consultant/ organization based on their internal system, ideas, and logic. However, Solidaridad recommends that the team comprise one Team Leader (TL) to coordinate/conduct the overall study and liaise with Solidaridad. To collect information from the field using an adequate number of Field Enumerators (FEs). Supervision of the fieldwork and the quality (reliability and validity) of the data/information collected from the field is the primary responsibility of the TL. The TL will work closely with Solidaridad M&E Officers, Gender Officers, and Country managers. In each step and process, consultation with the Solidaridad team is vital.

2.6 Deliverables

The Consultant should deliver the following:

A. Work plan and expression of interest (EOI) for the research study, outlining;

  • A detailed methodology for implementation of the survey.
  • Draft data collection tools
  • A detailed work plan for the research study

B. Draft Report: The Annexes (Stakeholder Analysis Matrix and Gender Analysis Matrix) shall also be completed by the consultant.

2.7 Expert/Consultant’s Profile:

Consultancy firms/companies with verifiable research work and who fulfill the following requirements are encouraged to express their interests.

  • The consulting firm should have teams in both countries
  • Demonstrated experience in analytical research in the fields of policy, industry, agriculture and environment.
  • The consulting firm should have a better understanding of cross-cutting issues (gender, NRM) and this should be reflected in the team profiles.
2.8 Application process:

Applications should be submitted by 03/03/2023. All applicants must meet the minimum requirements described above, those unable to meet the requirement will not be considered.

Remember that Solidaridad is an equal opportunity employer.

Submissions are by email to procurement.eca@solidaridadnetwork.orgwhile addressed to:

Attn: Managing Director

Solidaridad Eastern and Central Africa Expertise Centre,

Kilimani Business Centre, Kirichwa Road,

P.O. Box 42234 – 00100 GPO Nairobi

NB: Only successful candidate will be contacted

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