Consultancy: Technical Assistance for Civil Registration and Legal Identity Management

UNICEF Kenya plans to support the Government of Kenya to fulfill the promise of universal birth registration, and a legal identity for every child in Kenya, by 2030 through accelerating effort at national and sub-national level, to not only increase birth registration coverage, but also certification through advocating for birth registration and certification as foundational to identity management in Kenya.

Goal and Objectives:

The ultimate goal of the consultancy is to support the Government of Kenya ministries, departments and agencies in establishing an integrated identity management system guided by the UN LIA framework and to facilitate a coordinated UN response.

More specifically, the consultant will provide technical and coordination support to UNICEF Kenya in its role as the lead and chair of the inter-agency UN legal identity agenda taskforce. Additional technical support will be provided to the Department of Civil Registration Services (CRS) to strengthen its system and policy framework to enable it to play its key role as the source of foundational data for implementation of the integrated identity management system (NIIMS) and to support UNICEF in delivering results for children in the area of birth registration.

Specific Objectives

1. To support UNICEF in implementing the Country Program document priorities, as outlined in the annual Child Protection section work-plan in relation to civil registration, within the broader framework of the UN LIA

2. To coordinate the implementation of the UN legal identity agenda by providing the UN agencies, funds and programs with technical support to implement the UN LIA work-plan and projects.

3. To provide regular liaison with the Government of Kenya ministries, departments and agencies involved in the implementation of the integrated identity management system, with particular regular contact with the Department of Civil Registration Services (CRS) and the National Integrated Identification System (NIIMS).

4. To provide technical support to on civil registration in strengthen the enabling environment (policy, strategy and financial) for accelerated effort towards realizing universal coverage of births and death registration and certification and the implementation of a national identity management agenda guided by the UN LIA principles and recommendations and in a collaborative manner.

5. Contribute to resource mobilization efforts for the country’s implementation of the UN legal identity agenda.

Overall, the consultancy will contribute to the below strategic objectives for the UN and UNICEF Kenya:

1. UNDAF Outcome 2.7.1 – Strengthen civil registration, vital statistics and identity management systems
UNICEF Kenya Country Program document – Output 3.3. Strengthen CRVS system to offer universal birth registration in Kenya
Activities and Tasks

1. Provide technical and coordination support to UN LIA Taskforce in the implementation of the UN legal identity agenda in Kenya and implementation of the taskforce work-plan
2. Act as a liaison between key civil registration and identity management stakeholder institutions and the UN to facilitate collaboration in the implementation of UN LIA , ensure implementation and follow up on agreed activities and action points.
3. Provide technical support to the UN LIA taskforce and ensuring finalization of the work UN – Government of Kenya UN LIA Operational Framework
4. Support resource mobilization and donor engagement for UN LIA in Kenya (e.g. donor roundtable) and for the UNICEF child protection program; identify new opportunities for resource mobilization and contribute to donor reports
5. Technical assistance to UNICEF in implementation of UNICEF supported civil registration initiatives at national or county level, including provision of technical support for Zonal Offices
6. Development of training material for capacity building of CRS and other stakeholder institutions technical and functional staff on accelerating birth and death registration services and deliver trainings as needed

Full details:

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