Consultancy: Storytelling Facilitator

CISP – Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli (International Committee for the Development of Peoples) is a rights-based international NGO established in 1983 in Rome. CISP implements humanitarian, rehabilitation and development projects through its cooperation with public and private local actors in over 30 countries globally. Since 1997 CISP has been working in Kenya to carry out projects in areas of development by supporting national and county authorities to provide quality, equitable, transparent and accountable services in various sectors. Over the past 23 years CISP Kenya has expanded its activities across more than 12 Counties in both rural and urban areas in various sectors of intervention, including Agriculture and Food Security, Conservation, Livelihoods, Health and Nutrition, Protection (children, refugees, GBV), Education (early childhood, university), Governance, and Arts and

CISP is the lead agency of a consortium of partners implementing a multi-year and multi-country EUfunded project entitled ArtXchange “Connecting creative youth in Africa and Europe”, aimed at promoting intercultural dialogue, collaboration and exchange among youth professionals from the creative sector in Kenya, Somalia and Europe.
CISP is seeking a qualified Consultant to provide high quality Story Telling trainings both online and in person (Nairobi – Kenya).

Overall Project Objective
To enhance inclusion, empowerment and connection for youth in the creative sector in Africa and Europe.
Specific Project Objectives
To support young creative professionals, CSOs and organizations, by promoting collaboration, capacity building and exchanges in Kenya, Somalia, Italy and Sweden.

Relevant Project Result Areas

  • Increased access to capacity and skills development opportunities for youth and youth-led organizations in the creative sector in East Africa.
  • Increased access for young creative in East Africa to professional networks/platforms, job and market opportunities in the creative sector locally and internationally.
  • Promoted intercultural dialogue and inclusion through co-production of innovative and impactful creative events and projects by and for youth in East Africa and Europe.

Objective of the Assignment
• To create a story telling program based on the priorities and targets of the project.
• To create an online program accessible for the creative youth selected, coming both from AU and EU countries.
• To facilitate and moderate the storytelling workshop, focused on the writing and performances
skills of the participants.
• To not only teach technical skills but also blend other important topics and project objectives, such as: self-development, career development, diversity, dialogue and exchange.
• To enhance knowledge sharing and collaborations opportunities.
• To facilitate dialogue on the use of art and culture to express ideas, influence opinion and affect change in society.

The consultant will be required to work with CISP to successfully deliver on these activities. The scope of
the work will be to facilitate a 4-days story telling workshop and to compile a report outlining the workshop’s proceedings, including practical recommendations which can be used by the team in the future. Secondly, the consultant will be involved in the planning and implementation of an artist’s residency in Nairobi, Kenya. (Availability for the in-person residency in the Country, is a necessary requirement to access the job consultancy in object).

Timeline / availability requirement:
• Online workshop – September/October 2021
• Nairobi workshop – January/February 2022

Scope of Services, Deliverables & Timelines
CISP ArtXChange – Culture Project
Scope of Services, Deliverables, Timeline
a Online story telling training Program development- Implementation Final report- September/October
b Residency Directing and planning- Implementation Final report- January/February

Consultancy Timeframe
The consultancy assignment is expected to take a maximum of 14 days (4 days preparation, 2 days pre-testing and planning, 4 days training, 2 days reporting) + 2 days planning and discussion of the in-person Residency.
The consultancy assignment of the in-person residency is expected to take a maximum of 26 days.

Consultancy Delivery Methodology
• The workshop will be conducted over Zoom over four days with a maximum of 20 participants.
• The facilitator will engage participants before the training to be able to tailor the training (pre-workshop questionnaire).
• The program will require online presence and individual off-line works.
• The trainers must have the capacity to create a safe and conducive space for creation, actively engaging the participants.
• The trainer will follow CISP MEAL procedure (pre and post questionnaires, feedback forms).
• The Program needs to be open to creative with different levels of experience.

Contract Award Criteria
The contract will be awarded based on the following evaluation process in chronological order:
1. Preliminary Evaluation: Applications will be assessed against the application instructions (see below, chapter 8 “Service Provider Profile”). Non-compliance or lack of meeting any of the minimum requirements will result in automatic disqualification of the application. Applicants that comply with all the minimum requirements will pass on to the Technical Evaluation stage.
2. Technical Evaluation: Only applications that pass the preliminary evaluation will be assessed on their Technical Proposal.
3. Financial Evaluation: Applications that proceed to the Financial Evaluation stage will be assessed on their Financial Proposal against the application instructions. Non-compliance or lack of meeting any of the minimum requirements for the Financial Proposal will result in automatic disqualification of the application.

Parties will agree on payment schedule with the successful bidder that will be based on achievement of
set milestones.

Service Provider Profile
The profile of the Service Provider must meet the following minimum requirements:
• Masters in Development Studies, African Studies, Arts, Communication.
• 5-10 years of relevant professional experience.
• Proven track record of facilitating storytelling workshops and consultancy experiences both in the EU and AU.
• Prior experience with donor supported agencies and programs management is an advantage.
• Proven experience in both Theatre, Story telling and other performing arts disciplines at Director’s level.
• Proven experience of Performing and/or Directing Events and festivals both in the EU and AU.
• Proven experience of similar online trainings and in-person residencies with young artists from different Countries.
• Full computer literacy and fluency in English – both written and spoken – are essential. Fluency in other languages is a plus.
• Good interpersonal skills and the ability to interact effectively with diverse groups and in an international environment with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
• Well-developed conceptual, critical, analytical thinking and planning skills.
• Creative, willing to develop and encourage innovative solutions.
• Proven ability to adapt the workshop to the different artists selected.
• Proven ability to be able not only to give technical skills but also to work on the social topics important for the target audience and the project such as: identity, belonging, interculturality, society.
• Proven excellent writing and communication skills (published works, experience in medias).
• Work experience with participants and teams both from EU and AU.

Mode of Application
Applications should be submitted on or before 17:00 EAT (30/08/2021) via email as follows:
All applications must include all of the following:
1. Curriculum Vitae
a. Curriculum Vitae of all consultant(s) involved in the service provision.
b. At least two samples or links of previous work for similar assignments.

2. Technical proposal (max 5 pages):
The technical proposal should include,
a. Training concept and objectives (based on general program objectives above)
b. Methodology (tools, participants engagement, evaluation, etc.)
c. Suggested pre-workshop assessments
d. Timeline and Daily program schedule
e. Summary of facilitator experience in relation to the training objectives

• The technical proposal must clearly show justifications, understanding of the TOR and the tasks to be accomplished and prove the trainer has enough experienced and qualifications to perform all aspects of the assignment and deliver the services.
• Indicate in the email or in the technical proposal your availability to creatively direct the story telling section and collaborate with other sector experts on the Nairobi residency in January 2022 – this is a necessary requirement to access the job consultancy in object.

3. Financial proposal (max 1 page, can be included in the technical proposal)
The Financial Proposals should be inclusive of all costs required to render the services, should be taxes included, and achieve the deliverables of this TOR, including consultancy fees for preparation, implementation and reporting connected to the activity. The currency used for the Financial Proposal shall be in EURO and including all relevant taxes.

4. Supporting Documents
Prospective bidders requiring any clarification on Technical and Financial proposal matters may submit
questions to CISP via the email addresses indicated above no later than 25/08/2021.
At the discretion of CISP, applicants may be invited to supply additional information on the contents of their proposal during the Evaluation and award process; this will be communicated via Email should need
CISP is strongly committed to ending child abuse, all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse, and to building a work
environment that is safe and welcoming for all, where sexual harassment does not take place. The desired candidate for any position should share and support this commitment in all aspects of their personal and professional behavior. Any history implicating that the applicant has a history of child abuse, sexual exploitation and abuse, or sexual harassment, is a reason for excluding him or her from employment with CISP

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