Consultancy Services required to Develop a Masterplan and Strengthen Regulatory Frameworks for Sustainable Coastal and Marine Tourism and Mining Activities (Kenya), AU-IBAR


The African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR), a specialized technical office of the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment (DARBE) of the African Union Commission (AUC), is mandated to support and coordinate the utilization of livestock, fisheries, aquaculture and wildlife as resources for both human wellbeing and economic development in the Member States of the African Union. AU-IBAR’s intervention in the fisheries, aquaculture sector is guided by the Policy Framework and Reform Strategy for fisheries and aquaculture in Africa (PFRS) which is aimed at improving governance of the sector for increased sustainable contribution to food security, livelihoods and wealth creation. Also, within the framework of the African Union 2063, the Africa Blue Economy Strategy envisioned an inclusive and sustainable blue economy that significantly contributes to Africa’s transformation and growth.

The objective of the Africa Blue Economy Strategy (ABES) is to guide the development of an inclusive and sustainable blue economy that becomes a significant contributor to continental transformation and growth, through advancing knowledge on marine and aquatic biotechnology, environmental sustainability, marine ecosystem utilization, management and conservation and carbon sequestration, the growth of an Africa-wide shipping industry, the development of sea, river and lake transport, the management of fishing activities on these aquatic spaces, and the exploitation and beneficiation of deep sea mineral and other marine resources.

The Africa Blue Economy Strategy is consolidated based on the following five thematic technical areas:

  1. Fisheries, aquaculture, conservation and sustainable aquatic ecosystems;
  2. Shipping/transportation, trade, ports, maritime security, safety and enforcement;
  3. Coastal and maritime tourism, climate change, resilience, marine ecosystem, environment, infrastructure;
  4. Sustainable energy and mineral resources and innovative industries; and,
  5. Policies, institutional and governance, employment, job creation and poverty eradication and innovative financing

To support the implementation of Africa Blue Economy Strategy, AU-IBAR, with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), is implementing a three-year project on “Conserving Aquatic Biodiversity and ecosystems in African Blue Economy”.

The overall objective of the project is to enhance the policy environment, regulatory frameworks and institutional capacities of AU member states and regional economic communities to sustainably utilize and conserve aquatic biodiversity and ecosystems.

The specific objectives of the project are as follows:

  1. Ratify and/or align relevant international/regional instruments related to blue economy themes (with specific reference to protecting and conserving biodiversity);
  2. Optimizing conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity while minimizing conflicts among blue economy sub-themes;
  3. Strengthening measures for mitigating the negative impacts of coastal and marine tourism oil, gas, deep sea mining and climate change on aquatic biodiversity and environment;
  4. Strengthening gender inclusivity in aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management.


Africa is abundantly blessed with a coastline of over 30,000 Kilometers, adjacent to a vast expanse of oceans and seas. Maritime zones under Africa’s jurisdiction total about 13 million square kilometers including territorial seas and approximately 6.5 million square kilometers of the continental shelf. Thirty nine of the fifty-five African Union Member States are coastal or island States.

The continent is also endowed with huge networks of rivers, lakes, lagoons, floodplains, waterways, and wetlands with massive potential for socio-economic advancement of the continent. Africa’s ocean, sea and inland waters (lakes, rivers and reservoirs) provide significant benefits in the continent in terms of: i) food and nutrition security from fisheries and aquaculture, ii) economic and social development from fisheries and aquaculture, marine and coastal tourism, shipping, mining, energy and iii) ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration, water filtration, atmospheric and temperature regulation, protection from erosion and extreme weather events.

Throughout history, coastal environments have had a strong appeal to tourists, and many coastal areas, including in Africa, have developed into thriving tourism destinations. Coastal environments are often sensitive and fragile, containing important habitats and rich biodiversity, whereas land, water and other natural resource can be relatively scarce. Developing tourism in a sustainable manner in coastal areas in Africa is of utmost importance to preserve the environment and the well-being of host communities, and should receive a high priority in governance and management processes at local and national level.

Tourism stimulates infrastructure development accelerating economic growth by increasing the number of available jobs in a tourism sector, both directly and indirectly. However, the sector needs to be climate resilient and environmentally friendly. The threats to aquatic biodiversity include urban development and resource-based industries, such as mining, coastal tourism activities, plastic pollution, coastal infrastructure development that destroy or reduce natural habitats; and also, oil and gas exploration where oil deposits have been discovered in highly productive water bodies (e.g. shrimp fishing grounds).

The impacts of mining, oil and gas exploration have been correlated to: Pollution impacts on communities; dangerous emissions that fuel climate change; Oil and gas development that damage wetlands ecosystems; Fossil fuel extraction that affects visitors; Drilling that disrupts wildlife habitat and biodiversity; Oil spills, gas leakage and discharge of chemicals that affect animals and biodiversity; and, Light pollution impacts on wildlife and wetlands.

The strategic direction to ensure environmentally sustainable and climate resilient economies and empowered communities through the conservation of aquatic biodiversity and ecosystems for Coastal & Marine Tourism and mining activities in ABES were proposed.

Therefore, the project made provision to conduct studies to identify priority issues and actions for sustainable coastal, marine tourism and mining activities for aquatic biodiversity conservation and environment protection. Accordingly, AU-IBAR hired a consultant, Professor Adetola Jenyo-Oni, Professor of Coastal Wetland Biodiversity and Fisheries Ecology, Head, Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The consultant has completed the studies and developed a framework for sustainable environmental coastal and marine tourism, oil and gas exploration.

The next stage in the process is to support selected AU member states by organizing national consultative workshops for the formulation of national master plans and strengthen regulatory frameworks (e.g. policies, regulation) to ensure environmental sustainability and biodiversity conservation in the development of coastal and marine tourism, oil and gas exploration.

In this regard, Kenya has been chosen as one of the member states to hold this national stakeholders’ consultations. It’s therefore important that this national consultation will lead to development of Kenya’s national master plan and strengthen regulatory frameworks that would guide and promote sustainable development of coastal, marine tourism; oil and gas exploration as well as mining activities that would take due consideration on environmental sustainability and aquatic biodiversity conservation.


The main objective of this consultancy is to facilitate a national consultative workshop and develop a national master plan, review and strengthen national regulatory frameworks for sustainable coastal, marine tourism and mining activities towards aquatic biodiversity conservation and environmental management in Kenya.

The specific tasks for this consultancy will include but not limited to:

  1. Liaise with relevant personnel at AU-IBAR for detailed briefings on the tasks;
  2. Conduct extensive reading to digest the report of the consultant on ‘framework for sustainable coastal and marine tourism, oil, gas exploration’ as a guidance document for this document;
  3. Conduct reading of African Union endorsed documents, including the African Blue Economy Strategy;
  4. Facilitate national consultative workshop on development of national master plans and strengthening regulatory frameworks for environmentally sustainable coastal and marine tourism;
  5. Liaise with the ground facilitator to identify relevant stakeholders from the tourism and mining sectors (Oil, Gas, Deep sea, Mineral sectors) in Kenya to participate in the consultative workshop;
  6. Identify, source and review relevant national regulatory, policy related documents in departments, agencies or ministries responsible for environment, the tourism and mining sectors (Oil, Gas, Deep sea, Mineral sector), aquatic biodiversity (including fisheries and aquaculture)
  7. Based on the outcomes of consultative workshop, identify priority issues and actions for the development of the national master plan;
  8. Develop regulatory and policy guidelines to strengthen environmental sustainability in the development of coastal and marine tourism, oil and gas exploration (mining) and practices in Kenya;
  9. Develop comprehensive reports of the consultancy.


  1. National consultative workshop facilitated;
  2. Priority issues and actions for sustainable coastal, marine tourism and mining activities identified;
  3. Master plan for sustainable coastal marine tourism, mining activities (including oil, gas, mineral exploration) developed;
  4. Policy guidelines and regulatory measures developed to strengthen environmental sustainability and aquatic biodiversity conservation in the development of coastal and marine tourism in Kenya;
  5. Policy guidelines and regulatory measures developed to strengthen environmental sustainability and aquatic biodiversity conservation in mining activities, including oil and gas exploration in Kenya;
  6. Implementation mechanisms developed in the master plan for rolling out the guidelines in Kenya;
  7. A comprehensive report on the consultancy.


This is a national consultative workshop organized (Physically) in Kenya at a suitably selected place/location. The selected consultant will be based in Kenya.


The effective duration of this assignment is 15 days but can be accomplished within 30 days from signing the contract.


The remuneration for this Consultancy is USD 4500 after submission of satisfactory reports.

Supervision and Reporting

The candidate will be under the direct supervision of the project team leader with oversight supervision by the Director of AU-IBAR. The team leader will have the responsibility of approval of the final report.



The incumbent should have a Minimum of a Master’s degree in environmental studies, aquatic sciences, social sciences with extensive experience, professional qualifications in environmental issues aquatic ecosystems conservation studies.

General Experience

  1. Familiarization of and/or working experience with national public or private institutions or agencies in in Kenya in charge of blue economy, tourism, mining, oil and gas exploration (and related institutions;
  2. Familiarization with and knowledge on the operations of coastal and marine tourism industries in Kenya, including sources of environmental degradation and their impacts on aquatic biodiversity, environment and communities in coastal settlements;
  3. Familiarization with and knowledge on mining activities and the operations of oil and gas industries in Kenya, including their impacts on aquatic biodiversity, environment and communities in coastal settlements;
  4. Knowledge of existing continental and global initiatives or instruments promoting environmental best practices for environmentally sustainable tourism development, mining activities and oil and gas exploration.

Specific Experience

  1. At least 5 years of working (or capacity building) experience in disciplines related to blue economy sector, aquatic biodiversity and ecosystems conservations and environmental sustainability;
  2. Familiarization with existing national and regional regulatory instruments related to aquatic biodiversity conservation (including fisheries, aquaculture, other living aquatic species), environmental management;
  3. Evidence of involvement in or developing policy, guidelines and strategies for conservation of aquatic biodiversity, ecosystems and environmental management;
  4. Proven evidence of conducting review of policy or regulatory instruments in blue economy sector, including aquatic biodiversity (fisheries, aquaculture, other living aquatic species), and environment impact assessment (EIA);
  5. Knowledge of processes involved in master plan development and, familiarization of its contents.

Required Skills

  1. Diplomacy and good interactive skills necessary for dealing with senior officials in Government, Regional Organizations, and donor/development organizations in Africa;
  2. Evidence of facilitating stakeholder workshop
  3. Very strong writing, analytical and communication, computer skills are necessary;
  4. Proficiency in at least 2 AU official languages.

Evaluation Criteria

The applications will be evaluated on the basis of the relevant technical qualifications, experience and competence of the candidates.

Criteria Scores (%)

Qualifications 20

General Experience 25

Specific Experience 40

Other skills 15

Preference will be given to applicants from the concerned member state.

Gender Mainstreaming

The AU Commission is an equal opportunity employer and qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.

Submission of Application

  • i) A Profile and CVs of the Consultant (s) undertaking the work indicating relevant experience and contribution of each one of them in the study
  • ii) Other relevant information showing experience in related field, demonstration of expertise by showing the experience, academic background, an inventory of past and current assignments of similar nature

Interested national consultants are required to submit their application to on or before 28th February 2023.

Preference will be given to applicants from the concerned member state.

Terms of References (English version)

AU-IBAR Personal Data Protection and Privacy Statement

AU-IBAR Declaration Form

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