Consultancy Services required to Conduct Policy Mapping and Policy Analysis on Child Protection in Turkana and Kajiado Counties, Girl Child Network

1. Background

Girl Child Network is a Network of over 300 organizations working to improve the status of children in Kenya with emphasis on the education of the girl child. The Network was born in 1995 as a follow up of the Beijing Platform for Action and implementation of Article 12, The Girl Child. It is in this realization that GCN came into being, primarily to mainstream children’s activities with a focus on the girl child in the development sector through advocacy, information sharing, action implementation and strengthening of children programming in Kenya.

Every Girl in School Project is implemented in Kajiado and Turkana Counties and seeks to scale up girls’ participation in education. One of the mitigation strategies is to conduct Policy Mapping and Policy Analysis of key legal and policy frameworks in Turkana and Kajiado Counties that protect the rights of children and their welfare with a view to identify the gaps and lobbying for improved child protection

2. Justification for consultancy Scope of the work

Since Devolution in 2013, Counties have undertaken robust Policy Development to enhance service delivery to its citizens, especially children. GCN acknowledges the fact that while majority of the laws and policies on child protection have been put in place, there are very few members of the communities who may be aware of their existence. Additionally, there is no proper coordination between policy implementer and other actors thus making access of these services to resource-poor households difficult.

To address this, the project intends to conduct Policy Mapping and Policy Analysis of key legal and policy frameworks in Turkana and Kajiado Counties that protect the rights of children and their welfare with a view to identify the gaps and lobbying for improved child protection. The policy mapping will in from development of policy briefs on the gaps identified on child protection.


The aim of this activity is to understand the nature and gaps in availability and implementation of legal frameworks and policies supporting child protection in the two Counties. Therefore, it will assess the strengths and gaps of the policies on child protection with recommendations made for development of policy briefs.

4. Scope & Targets

The Policy Mapping and Policy Analysis shall target Turkana and Kajiado Counties within the Ministries or Departments mandated with child protection such as Ministry of Education, Department of Children Services, Ministry of Social Services among other relevant bodies in each County.

5. Main Tasks

The goal of the consultancy is; Policy Mapping and Policy Analysis of key legal and policy frameworks in Turkana and Kajiado Counties that protect the rights of children and their welfare. The consultancy work will be guided by the above main objective to arrive at a conclusion and recommendation in his/her report on the kind of gaps and recommendations for the development of policy briefs.

6. Expected Deliverables

  • Develop and submit an Expression of Interest that clearly interprets these Terms of Reference
  • Develop Policy Mapping and Policy Analysis Tool to collect data in the target counties
  • Develop work plan and costed budget for successful execution of the work
  • Submit all required legal and registration documents
  • Undertake the assignment in compliant to provision of these TOR.
  • Compile a report that clearly identifies the policy strengths and gaps and make necessary recommendations as per the laid down objectives and specific objectives of this TOR (as shown above)
  • Submit 2 bound copies (hard and soft) of the report.

7. Methodology

The desired methodology will include but not limited to; interviews with key informants, Focus Group Discussions, Direct Observation and finally review of primary and secondary data as provided by the government officials.

8.0. Suggested Plan of Work and Time Frame

The assignment is expected to take 17 working days as follows:

Deliverable Days Date

Submission of Expression of Interest, tools and financial proposal – 8th April 2022

Contract signing – 13th April, 2022

Data collection (10) days 19th -30th April 2022

Data Cleaning and Report writing (4) days 4th-6th and 9th May 2022

Submission of the 1st draft report (1) day 11th May 2022

In cooperation of inputs from GCN and submission of the final report (2) days 17th-18th May 2022

9. Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences (Humanities). Holders of Master’s Degree will be added advantage
  • Experience in similar or related needs assessment assignment. Those who have undertaken similar work with the organization will have an added advantage.
  • Exceptional experience in Monitoring and Evaluation in the Child Protection sub-sector especially in ASAL Counties.
  • Ability to carry out the assignment and deliver the final report within the stipulated period of time.

10. Reporting

The selected consultant will work closely with the Deputy Director and the project team but on matters finance will report directly to the Executive Director.

11. Logistics

All the logistic costs related to the assignment shall be met by the consultant.

12. Expression of Interest

Interested consultants/firms should send their technical and financial proposals attaching all the necessary documents (statutory, personnel and proof of previous work) to reach the office on or before 8th April, 2022. Expression of Interest should be addressed to;

Executive Director

Girl Child Network

Valley View Office Park, City Park Dr, Off Limuru Rd,

P.O Box 2447 – 00200 CSQ

Nairobi, Kenya

And send to the following email address; or

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