Consultancy Services needed to Conduct Feasibility Study on Multiple Use of Water for Climate Change Adaptation and Economic Empowerment of Rural Women, Habitat for Humanity


Habitat for Humanity Kenya (HFH Kenya) was established in 1982 as a Non-Governmental Organization with the goal of enabling low-income families access decent and affordable shelter. HFH Kenya is an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI). The current strategic plan of HFH Kenya (2020-2025) looks at shelter as cutting across construction and including access to clean and adequate water, sanitation, hygiene, infrastructure, tenure security and disaster response. The goal of HFH Kenya is to see safe, resilient and healthy communities settled within quality housing and with access to basic services and infrastructure, including organized community structures in the management and implementation of interventions.

Tana River County covers an area of 38,437 Km2 with a population of 315,943 persons. The county’s poverty incidence stands at 76.9%, one of the highest in the country. Only 45% of the households have access to clean drinking water despite the county being traversed by one of the longest river in Kenya. Due to the nature of the topography, the region is prone to perennial riverine and flash flooding, which destroys food crops and infrastructure. To mitigate the issues of floods, the County Government of Tana River has embarked on an ambitious program of resettlement of the population away from the River (5 Km towards the hinterland). They have identified 14 clusters where communities will be resettled in Eco-villages (10,000 acres per cluster). Each of the clusters is expected to host at least 500 households.

Habitat for Humanity Kenya has been engaging with the County Government of Tana River County to develop projects aimed at enhancing access to safe drinking water, construction of quality houses, livelihood initiatives and responding to disasters through resettlement programmes. Habitat for Humanity Kenya is planning to implement a climate adaptation and economic livelihood project in 3 clusters of Tana River County (Konani, Mwina, Baomo) between September 2022 to December 2026. A proposal for this project will be submitted to the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany (BMZ) in collaboration with Stiftung der Deutschen Lions (SDL)

The Project Summary:


  • More than 1,110 households in 3 new clusters (Konani, Mwina, Baomo) are more resilient and economically empowered to cope with the impact of climate change in Tana River County


  • Over 6,660 people have access to self-managed water which is harvested from an improved source and reticulated to 3 clusters for domestic and economic use.
  • 24 farming groups (composition -75% women) realize increased income through agriculture and economic capacity development
  • 24 cooperatives are engaged in marketing their farm products and boosting their income streams through financial services offered by voluntary savings and loans schemes;
  • Strengthened capacity of the Tana River County Government to cope with the impact of climate change Indicators:
  • Ratio of households with diversified livelihoods and meeting their own basic needs all year round
  • Ratio of people receiving 20 liters of water per day within a radius of 500 meters
  • Number of water points managed and maintained in good working condition by the water committees.
  • Percentage of income increase for women farming groups
  • Percentage increase in women groups savings

Purpose of the Study

  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the social, economic, technical, legal and operational relevance of the proposed project and schedules, given the target group, the resources and the time. The study will also assess he capacities of HFH Kenya, to ascertain the likelihood of completing the project successfully, based on the requirements of BMZ and DAC-Criteria (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact). The study results will be used to further develop the project proposal for submission to the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The study report will be submitted as an annex to the proposal which is a funding requirement of BMZ.

Objectives of the Study:

  • Assess the viability of the proposed project in terms of its relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, potential impact and sustainability
  • Determine the capacities of HFH Kenya to successfully implement the project
  • Provide a sound, empirically verified basis for the project, identify and verify material assumptions and prerequisites for project success, identify risks and risk mitigation strategies.
  • Examine and verify project concept, identify weaknesses, opportunities and threats in order to provide recommendations for an optimized project, that can be implemented in Tana River County.
  • Conduct a desk review of a 2021 Needs Assessment report by HFH Kenya in Tana River County that assessed women’s access to water and economic empowerment, and also review the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) and the County’s Eco-Village resettlement program and any other relevant documents;
  • Collect technical data on the viability of the proposed water installations (two boreholes with tanks vs. individual boreholes with hand pumps vs. rain water collection, hydrological data, groundwater data, water quality
  • Adjust baseline data and give recommendations for the project design and proposal development so as to achieve desired results, and;
  • Map out and conduct SWOT analysis on potential partner organizations including the County Government, and other important stakeholders with the aim of assessing capacities and identifying mainstreaming synergies.
  • Questions to be answered:
  • Determine the relevance, appropriateness and quality of the project design by measuring the extent to which the project is suited to the priorities of the target group and national development priorities, including changes over time
  • Establish the effectiveness of the proposed project by elaborating the extent to which the project shall achieve what it has set out to do
  • Evaluate the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the proposed project by exploring whether the most efficient process has been adopted in achieving the outputs in relation to the inputs (costs, both financial, staffing, time) and whether funds are being invested in the least costly way in order to achieve the desired results.
  • Predict the impact of the project by assessing the positive and negative consequences of the project activities, direct and indirect, intended and unintended
  • Ascertain the sustainability by clarifying how the intervention will continue to deliver benefits for an extended period of time after completion. The project needs to be environmentally as well as financially and socially sustainable


  • The feasibility study is to be designed and conducted as a desk study combined with interviews as well as field visits to potential implementation sites in Tana River County. The study shall use mixed methods including quantitative and qualitative methods. Some of the methodologies may include but not limited to the following:
  • Literature review and analysis of existing data from HFH Kenya’s Needs Assessment Report for Tana River (2021), the County the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP), the County’s Eco-Village Resettlement Program
  • Technical and hydrological data from relevant government authorities or field assessment
  • Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with representatives from state and non-state actors
  • Household Surveys through Questionnaires Administered by Enumerators
  • Telephonic and email communications
  • Stakeholder validation workshop
  • Field assessment of the proposed project sites

Consultant profile:

  • Should be independent from HFH Kenya and SDL, also certified by a statement from the consultant; any former or planned and already known business relationship, or any familial relations to the third degree (including aunts, uncles, and cousins) between the consultant and the HFH Kenya or SDL must be stated and communicated to BMZ by SDL before a contract for these services is awarded;
  • The feasibility study will be conducted by the independent consultant/consulting team with close collaboration with HFH Kenya programs team.
  • The consultant or the consulting team shall hold the following academic qualifications: MA/ B.A in environmental sciences, social sciences or international development, with specific academic or professional background related to climate change adaptation, economics, project management monitoring and evaluation or other closely related fields;
  • The lead consultant should have at least 10 years’ experience and above in conducting feasibility studies, evaluating, or implementing projects on Water economics, climate change adaptation, and livelihoods economics development at both national and county levels in Kenya. (Experience with BMZ or international donor funded projects is an asset.)
  • The consultant should provide at least three references for relevant consulting assignments from reputable NGOs, public agencies, or donors which have been delivered to the satisfaction of the respective principals. (Consultants will be required to share contact details for references; consultants should indicate whether previous work used as a reference can be reviewed by HFH Kenya and Stiftung der Deutschen Lions (SDL); preference will be given to bidders who can present previous work for review.)

The consultant/Consulting team should have the following attributes among others:

    • Excellent track record in designing and conducting quantitative and qualitative research, analysis and evaluation; meeting deadlines and responding to requests and feedback provided timely and appropriately
    • Ability to provide strategic recommendations to key stakeholders;
    • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills including ability to facilitate and work in a multidisciplinary team;
    • Ability to prepare well‐written reports in a timely manner and availability during the proposed period;
    • Ability to fluently speak English, Kiswahili. A local Tana River County language will be an added advantage.

List of documents for consultant´s review:

  • Project Concept/Project Plan
  • Draft project budget
  • Relevant documents identified by Principal for Desk Research:
  • HFH Kenya’s 2021 Needs Assessment report on women access to water and economic empowerment in Tana River County.
  • Tana River County County Intergrated Development Plan (2018-2022)
  • Tana River County Cluster “Eco-Village” Resettlement Program

Management of the Feasibility Study and Logistics

HFH Kenya Responsibilities:

  • HFH Kenya will avail relevant documents or information pertaining the study, hold debriefing sessions for the consultant and review and provide feedback on the deliverables of the consultancy.
  • Ensure sustained involvement of key stakeholders on the ground so as to improve the quality of work and access to available information.
  • Plan and coordinate a workshop for dissemination of study findings
  • Review draft feasibility report and approve final report
  • Pay the consultant based on the agreed terms and conditions specified in the expression of interest
  • Responsibilities of the Consultant
  • Design the feasibility study, develop and present inception report and draw the feasibility study budget.
  • Collect and analyze data and produce a draft report
  • Facilitate research findings workshop with all stakeholders
  • Capture recommendations and produce the final report in soft copy and an accessible format.

Duration and Phasing

  • The study is expected to start on 29th August 2022 and last for 20 calendar days. An itemized action plan (indicating description of activities in chronological sequence and dates for each activity) should be submitted with the expression of interest.

Expected Deliverables

Interview and contracting of the consultant – 2 Days

  • Review of both technical and financial bids by HFH Kenya and SDL
  • Sign-off of Consultancy contract specifying the terms of engagement.

HFH Kenya Briefing of consultant and review of relevant documents – 0.5 Days

  • Research plan for feasibility study and methodology, approved by HFH Kenya and SDL.

Inception Report – 1.5 Days

  • An initial inception report summarizing the desk review and details of how the consultant will proceed with the study and other relevant information.

Data collection – field and desk research – 6 Days

  • Field data collected

Data analysis, preparation and submission of draft report – 2 Days

  • Draft report 1 detailing findings of the feasibility study & recommendation

Feedback from HFH Kenya and SDL – 2 Days

  • Produce Draft 2 incorporating the feedback from HFHK and SDL

Stakeholder validation workshop – 1 Day

  • Stakeholder input documented for incorporation into the report

Finalization of feasibility study and submitting final report – 3 Days

  • Final report of feasibility study is produced and presented.

Costs and payments

The Consultant’s fee + all auxiliary costs: in Ksh..

The consultant shall submit to HFH Kenya an expression of interest indicating the evaluation team’s daily rates for the assignment. HFH Kenya will negotiate for the final fees in line with the budget available for this study and based on the experience of the chosen candidates.

Please detail in the Proposal what costs have to be covered by whom, such as:

  • Consultant costs: fee, airfares, accommodation, local transport (those costs will be reimbursed upon receipt of proper invoices)
  • Make sure that VAT is added onto fees.

To Apply

Expressions of Interest shall be submitted via e-mail to

Applications to include the following and shall be appraised as they are received:

  • Brief description of consultancy firm/consultant/team include references and/or examples of previous work and reports
  • Detailed CVs of each suggested team member
  • Understanding of this TOR and suggested methodology
  • Availability of team and suggested schedule
  • Financial proposal

Each team member, incl. interpreters, enumerators etc. need to fully comply with and sign HFH Kenya’s Conflict of Interest and Safeguarding Policy as well as commitment to data security and privacy.

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