Consultancy Services for Photography and Videography during the Road Safety Shows in Kiambu, Embu, Meru, Nyeri- St.John Ambulance Kenya

Ref No.: SJAK/PROC/10/22-23 

St John Ambulance Kenya with support from Johanniter International Assistance.

Synopsis of the tender Opportunity (Individual / Registered firm)

  • Solicitation Reference No: SJAK/PROC/10/22-23
  • Title of SolicitationRoad show photography and videography coverage
  • Duration of the Assignment: 9 days
  • Point of contact for clarifications, questions, and amendments: St John Ambulance Kenya procurement,
  • Email Address for submission of Proposals/ Quotes: St John Ambulance Kenya General Procurement
  • Solicitation Issue Date :26/10/2022
  • Initial Deadline for Submission of Proposals : 9/11/2022
  • Anticipated Award Type :Contract

Submission and Evaluation Criteria (Mandatory Eligibility Requirement)

  • Must be an Individual/ Registered firm consultant
  • Where applying as a firm provide a company profile and CVs of Key Personnel, Individuals to provide C.Vs with a minimum of contacts of three references and a brief write up of previously certified completed assignments.
  • The consulting firm must provide the certificate of Incorporation/ Business Registration/ valid tax compliance certificate

Terms of Reference

1. Background and Rationale.

St John Ambulance is a first aid and health charity organization incorporated in the Republic of Kenya under the St John Ambulance of Kenya Act, Cap. 259 of the Laws of Kenya with mandates to provide emergency medical support to communities promote charitable works aimed at reducing human suffering and provide technical reserves to the medical services of the Government and security agencies of Kenya among other functions.

Road Traffic injuries (RTIs) are among the ten leading causes of death worldwide. They impede the economic wellbeing and macroeconomic performance of Nations, causing more than 1.35million deaths a year and 20-50 million injured or disabled persons, majority of whom are economically active and working population.

In Kenya, about 3,000 road deaths occur annually and cost the country up to Kshs.300 Billion (about 5% of GDP). Statistics from the Department of Civil Registration show that about 6,500 persons die because of road traffic injury every year and many more are injured. Low levels of road safety awareness among road users, increase in motorization without commensurate improvement in road safety strategies and land use planning are other compounding factors.

These losses are tragic hence the urgent need for action to mainstream road safety to improve the situation. There are a number of road safety risk factors that have been found to cause these crashes and injuries. These range from speeding, driver fatigue, drunk driving, inadequacies in driver training and recruitment, road engineering challenges, environmental conditions, low levels of awareness on road safety, vehicle conditions among others.

In view of the above, St john with support from Johanniter International Assistance plans to conduct Road show campaign on Road safety in Kiambu, Embu, Meru and Nyeri counties from 20th -24th November 2022.

1.1. Overall Objective

To create Road safety awareness among the communities living within the selected counties. (Kiambu, Embu, Meru, Nyeri)

1.2 Specific Objectives of the road shows event are:

  • To provide road safety information for road users residing in the selected counties
  • To encourage safer road user behavior among current and prospective road users

Objectives of the video documentary;

  • To document the road safety shows under the first responder project undertaken by St. John and the outputs achieved after the 4 days event.
  • To document at least 8 key achievements of the road shows activities in the 4 Counties in the 4 days of implementation.
  • To collect feedback from stakeholders, community members, road users (bodaboda, matatu) on their views on the road safety and solutions for ensuring proper road information to save lives.
  • To document challenges and obstacles in road safety in the 4 Counties and what recommendations can be implemented by Government, St. John and other stakeholders to improve road safety in the 4 target Counties
  • To increase visibility for the First Responder project in the 4 Counties.

2. Deliverables.

The applicant shall deliver the following:

  • Detailed work plan for the 9 day assignment including planning meetings, reporting which includes 4 days for the show in the 4 Counties
  • Print and digital 200original high resolution executive event photos comprising of 50 edited photos from each County. The photos should identity the event, partners and participants from each County). The photos MUST be printed on good quality photo graphic material and should be of size A5 each.
  • 5 edited DVDs (each with two chapters – 90-minute and 10-minute summary videos).
  • High quality 10 minute video documentary with a voice-over in English on the roadshow event in the 4 Counties. Including subtitles in English
  • A script for the documentary which will be developed in conjunction with St John Ambulance and Johanniter International Assistance.
  • 5 edited DVDs (each with two chapters – 90-minute and 10-minute summary videos).

The video (90 minutes and 10 minutes documentary) MUST have the following features:

  • Introductory voice over to first responder project, why the road show activity and what is expected to be achieved from the road shows
  • Record using the highest resolution format with a minimum of 1080p HD
  • Picture quality MUST be clear
  • Picture composition MUST be professional with each clip having all possible camera angles and depth
  • Capture Road Show truck/participants/Public from all professional angles
  • Capture main highlights of the speeches from Chief Guest, Main partners, and representatives during the road shows in each County
  • Video to contain Roadshow activities in detail from all camera angles.(front back, sides to sides views)
  • Conduct (voice of people) with views of people/public in regards to what they have learnt during the road shows as well as sharing real-time experience on road traffic incidences. (At least 2 interviews of the community members per County)
  • Interview of 2 St John Ambulance staff (First responder Project staff and senior management-CEO/board) on the objective of the roadshow and what they would like to achieve relevant first responder project goals.
  • Visibility for the first responder project with all partners and their logos. This should be at the beginning of the video and at the end of the video –including all logos clearly displayed.
  • Clips to clearly identify in long shot, medium and close ups of teams in branded apparels/banners during the road show events

Video Editing/Post Production deliverables

  • Develop a 15 Seconds Introduction graphics clearly indicating the Project Name, Activity, Dates, location (areas covered) and duration of the Road Show. Indicate all Partners and their Logos, a few words description of what the activity is all about. (in this particular activity – LOGOs must follow this order: 1. JIA, 2. SJAK, 3. German Cooperation (Place horizontally)BMZ,SJAK,JIA The rest of the participating partners eg NTSA can be place below in any order depending on their john will provide this guidance
  • Develop a 15 seconds graphics Outro Appreciating partner contribution. There MUST be a Logo attached against each partner name.
  • Edited video to have necessary graphics to enhance its clarity e.g. name tags
  • Video to capture natural sounds during the First Aid enactment e.g. reaction from the public.
  • Video to have a voice over in English
  • Each Speaker must have a nametag and title
  • There MUST be English Subtitles against any byte that is not in English

Responsibilities of Video Grapier

  • Work with the event manager to ensure he/she is aware of each days programme and plan accordingly.
  • Provide videography and photography coverage for the event.
  • Post-event video editing of key sessions into video snippets with key messages for the website and social media sharing
  • Stream the event live on St John Ambulance social media platforms and link with Johanniter International Assistance website and social media handles as well.
  • Develop an Introduction graphics clearly indicating the Project Name, Activity, Dates, location (areas covered) and duration of the Road Show. Indicate all Partners and their Logos, a few words description of what the activity is all about.
  • The consultant will undertake the review of the work he is doing on daily basis during the road shows, assess and make the judgment of the data/information in close consultation with St. John staff at the event.
  • The quote of the videographer/photographer should include all his/her personal costs i.e. transport, meals and accommodation for him and his team during the event and while travelling from one County to the other.

Responsibilities of St. John ambulance Kenya

  • Support the consultant with the day to day Programme of the event
  • Plan and organize the persons to be interviewed both at the event and the St.John staff to be interviewed
  • Have an inception meeting with the consultant to agree on the process, quality, deliverables and report before contracting and after the event.
  • Ensure the consultants provide high quality videos and photos as per the TOR requirement
  • Have daily review meeting with the consultant to check progress in each County by monitoring the quality of video being taken each day and taken photos. In case of any diversion from TOR during the daily review meeting, St. John should discuss with the consult and adjust accordingly to meet the required standards.
  • Coordinate with the consultant to get relevant licenses and approval related to the e.g. with the County Government where road shows are happening, especially the Kenya police, service and other relevant government departments.

3. Duration of Assignment.

This is a 9 -day assignment, with the assignment break down as below;

  • 1day for inception and preparation
  • 4- day for the Road shows across the 4 counties.
  • 4days for post event video editing and final event report approved and acceptance by St John Ambulance.

4. Qualifications and Experience of Consultant

The independent consultant/consultancy firm must demonstrate experience and expertise as follows:

  • A Degree in Journalism/ mass Communication/ videography/media or relevant course from a recognized university
  • At least 5 years working experience in videography and photography with a record of providing high-quality, creative videos for clients
  • Knowledge of road safety issues in the Country is desirable.
  • Relevant knowledge and experience working on similar task/events is a MUST.
  • Track record and evidence of previous similar work to be provided in the proposal.
  • Demonstrated good working relationships with other NGOs, Government.
  • Familiarity with development and humanitarian programs/issues
  • High level of creativity and initiative,
  • Ability to manage camera and other videography equipment,
  • Experience of producing videos and photos for international organizations is an asset.
  • Good command of own photo graphic equipment (cameras, lenses, lights, filters, tripods), as well as photo -related image editing software;
  • Video production and photography skills.
  • Experience in multimedia production, photography and videography
  • Ability to work on tight schedules and under pressure to produce desired results
  • Knowledge of English and Swahili languages is a MUST.

5. Application Requirement

  • A technical proposal detailing understanding of the task, proposed methodologies of the consultancy, expected activities and deliverables (Must be submitted in PDF format).
  • Financial proposal submitted in KES and not any other currency and should include the consultant fees, logistics, transport, accommodation and meals.
  • A detailed work plan for the activity to be carried out in the 7 days as per the contract
  • If applying as a firm, the applicant must provide a Certificate of Incorporation/Business Registration and tax compliance certificate
  • Provide at least 3 references with full contact details and short write up of previously completed and certified assignments
  • At least 3 samples of previous assignment on video and photography.

Please note St. John Ambulance will not take care of any logistics and personal costs related to this Assignment, the applicant should have this factored in their financial proposal.

Evaluation criteria/Description

(i) Consultant Academic and Professional Qualification (30%)

  • A Degree in Journalism/ mass Communication/videography/media studies or relevant course from a recognized university
  • At least 5 years working experience in videography and photography with a record of providing high- quality, creative videos for clients.
  • Experience working with development and humanitarian programs/issues
  • At least 5 years of experience of producing videos and photos for international organizations is an asset.
  • Good command of own photographic equipment (cameras, lenses, lights, filters, tripods), as well as photo-related image editing software;

(ii) Consultant Prior Work Experience (25%)

  • Experience in corporate video corporate event video coverage
  • Sample of at least 5 photos and 3 videos previously done for a client. Preferably NGO
  • 3 contact of referees/previous clients

(iii) Methodology/Approach (35%)

Understanding of the terms of reference that includes:

  • Outline of methodology and approach of implementing this assignment.
  • A script for the video recording for the 4 days’ event
  • 2 sample questionnaires for the interviews both for the communities and for St. John staff (program staff and management/board members).
  • An explanation of the video quality to be expected including the resolution of the photos and in what format.
  • Proposed assignment plan that includes clear timelines for the assignment that demonstrates the understanding of the assignment expectation.
  • Detailed financial proposal and budget breakdown based on expected daily rates. The budget should be inclusive of all costs required to complete the activities, such as logistics.
  • A detailed work plan showing how the 7 days is utilised and costed.
  • Detailed technical Proposal Maximum 10 pages

(iv) Language and analytical skills(10%)

  • Strong analytical and information presentation skills
  • Fluency in English and Swahili is mandatory.
  • Highly detail-oriented.

Only consultants scoring 75% or above will be invited to participate in the next round of procurement: presentation of technical bids.

N/B There will be no financial negotiations for this TOR, as per The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) guidelines.

Application procedure

Please send in a short but detailed technical and cost proposal with an itemized budget and the proposed timeframe in response to the above scope and intended deliverables to The email submission should have the words ‘’SJAK/PROC/10/22-23 Road show photography and videography coverage’’ as the subject line of your email response by 11:59 pm East African time on 9th November 2022

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