Consultancy Services for Midterm-Evaluation of Johanniter’s Project Activities in Kenya, SSD and Uganda

Johanniter International Assistance has been active in Kenya since 2005 and operates a country office, which implements humanitarian projects with focus on health, livelihood and disaster risk reduction together with Kenyan partner organizations African Inland Church Health Ministries (AICHM), Rural Agency for Development and Assistance (RACIDA), St. John Ambulance and Merti Integrated Development Program (MID-P).

Three projects are currently being implemented with our partners and funded by German institutional donors. With our partner AICHM, we are implementing a project to contribute to breaking the cycle of food insecurity in Nasinyono, Turkana County funded by German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

In addition, we are working with AICHM in the health sector (improving health care) and in the nutrition and WASH sectors as part of our regional project in the refugee camps of Kakuma and Kalobyei settlement. In Uganda, we are working there with similar activities in Rhino Refugee Camp and Polorinya Refugee Settlement with our Ugandan partner Community Empowerment for Rural Development (CEFORD). In South Sudan, Johanniter itself implementing the activities in the districts of Western Bahr el Ghazal, Wau and Jur River. The whole project is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.

The third project with the three partners RACIDA, St. John and MID-P aims to improve the first responder sector in Kenya and is implemented in several counties (funded by BMZ).

Purpose of Evaluation

The objective of the external evaluation is to review project activities and processes of the Johanniter Kenya country office (CO) in Nairobi and partner organizations and the Regional Project in Kenya, Uganda and South Sudan in terms of effectiveness, impact, compliance, accountability with donor and Johanniter standards, also in order to ensure that program outcomes are reached and program activities are meeting the needs of the target communities.

Scope of Work

Regarding the following projects:

  • KEN0114 “Contributing to breaking the cycle of food insecurity in Turkana County, Kenya” (Partner AICHM, funded by BMZ, Vol: 1.6 Mio. Euro)
  • KEN0115 “Improvement of the First Responder Project in Kenya (Fanikisha, Kukabali, Janga)” (Partner RACIDA + St. John Ambulance + MID-P, funded by BMZ, Vol: 710k Euro)
  • EAF0101 “Improving access to and quality of health, nutrition and WASH services for people affected by the South Sudan crisis in South Sudan, Kenya and Uganda.” (Partner in KEN: AICHM, Partner in UGA: CEFORD, funded by FFO, Vol: 6.5 Mio Euro)

The evaluator is expected to perform the following activities mainly in the country office in Nairobi, but also in the project areas and in the country offices in Kampala (UGA) and Wau or Juba (SSD) (to be coordinated with HQ staff and under strict adherence to current Covid19-prevention regulations):

  • Evaluate whether the planned activities of the addressed projects are well implemented.
  • Analyze the efficiency of the projects. Are project resources and funds used efficiently? Are the most cost-effective methods used to reach project goals?
  • Assess the performance of the project so far with particular reference to qualitative and quantitative achievements of outputs and targets as defined in the project documents.
  • Evaluate the qualitative and quantitative aspects of management and other inputs (e.g. equipment, monitoring and review and other technical assistance and budgetary resources) provided by the project in terms of achievement of outputs and objectives.
  • Analysis of the cooperation of the JUH country office in Nairobi with the partner organizations, regarding programmatic cooperation, capacity development, exchange of expertise and impact of partners in target communities.
  • Conduct discussions with current partner organizations to analyze the partnership approach of the CO in Nairobi.
  • Conduct Kick-Off and Exit Meeting to share and discuss findings with CO Staff in Nairobi and HQ Staff.
  • Compile a compelling, evidence-based report.


The evaluation will be managed by the Johanniter Headquarters in Berlin, Germany.

The evaluator will implement the evaluation with support from the responsible staff at Johanniter headquarters, with whom the evaluator holds an initial meeting to discuss the methodology, scope of the evaluation, quality assurance and expected results. Following this meeting the evaluator will prepare a brief inception report.

During the evaluation, the evaluator receives the necessary support from the permanent contacts at HQ and from the staff in the country office in Nairobi.

The final report will be shared with the responsible staff members at HQ and presented in a meeting with staff members from HQ and CO (participants to be defined in the course of the evaluation).


The consultant will be required to deliver an evaluation report written in English. Content of the report should include the following key chapters:
Executive summary (max. 1 page), Evaluation purpose, Methodology, Main findings, Conclusions and Recommendations and Annexes (if applicable)

Qualifications and Competencies

The JUH is looking for an experienced individual with substantial knowledge and skills in project and partner cooperation evaluation. Good understanding of the East-African context specifically on Health, WASH, Food Security. We are looking for a person having the following professional attributes:

  • have expertise, knowledge and resources to undertake the assignment.
  • have at least 8 years of substantial experience in evaluations in the humanitarian context, preferably at the level of organizations.
  • have a deep and analytical understanding of partnership approach in the humanitarian context.
  • have demonstrated experience in evaluating projects in a humanitarian aid context.
  • have experience in relation to working with German institutional donors (FFO / AA)
  • be fluent in written and spoken English.
  • have excellent report writing and analysis skills.

The external Evaluator shall be completely independent and shall not in any way have been involved in the project activities or in the organizations under review.

Time Frame

The assignment is planned to take a maximum of 28 days on site in Johanniter Country Office in Nairobi (Travel and accommodation costs covered by Johanniter).
Planned start of evaluation and contract start date is 09th August 2021.

The consultant is expected to submit the final evaluation report written in English by 12th September 2021.

Budget and Mode of Payment

The total amount as to be agreed with the selected consultant would be paid in two instalments 30% upon signing of the contract and remaining 70% after completion of the report.

The payment will be made through wire transfer as such subject to applicable taxes/vats which will be deducted at source.

Other Terms and Conditions:

  • Johanniter International Assistance reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal without giving any verbal and/or written rationale
  • All reports and documents prepared during the assignment will be treated as Johanniter International Assistance property
  • The reports/documents or any part, therefore, cannot be sold, used and reproduced in any manner without prior written approval of The Johanniter International Assistance.

Response Proposal Specifications

Interested consultants must include a detailed technical and financial proposal with the following components in their application:

  • Motivation Letter
  • CV of the evaluator
  • Summary of key capacities, proposed methodology and approach to be applied
  • Intended timetable
  • Three references of similar contracts undertaken
  • Availability

How to apply

If you are interested, please send your complete application to

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