Consultancy Services – Curriculum and Course Content Development for Livestock Policy, Investment, Communication and Advocacy (LIPICA)


The prevailing institutional environment in most African countries has continued to evolve in the provision of affordable, accessible and sustainable quality veterinary and livestock services. Among the challenges for livestock development in Africa is inadequate capacity to generate, collate and manage information for evidence based advocacy and policy formulation, the low level of engagement in policy processes, and inadequate implementation capacities. An analysis of these problems provides the basis for the approach in the Live2 Africa programme, a five-year (2017 to 2021) programme funded by the European Union (EU) and African Union Commission (AUC) and implemented by the African Union Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) with the overall objective “To support the transformation of the African livestock sector for enhanced contribution to environmentally sustainable, climate resilient, socio-economic development and equitable growth”.

The programme focuses on the following:

  • Investment in livestock value chains [LVC] increased;
  • Policies, regulatory frameworks and strategies to enhance LVC performance publicized;
  • Innovative incentives and financing mechanisms for increased investment along the LVC expanded;
  • Animal Health Delivery Services Improved;
  • Animal Production, Productivity and Ecosystem Management Enhanced.

Through the Live2Africa project, AU-IBAR seeks for a consultancy services of a firm/consortium to develop a curriculum and course content for a training programme on Livestock Policy, Investment, Communication and Advocacy (LIPICA).


The need for increased investment in the agriculture sector has been recognized at the highest levels of governments in Africa as evidenced by various initiatives that include:

  1. The Maputo/Sirte Declaration of 2003/2004 which was supposed to be the corner stone for CAADP and consequently other regional and national policy frameworks.
  2. The Malabo Declaration has renewed the African Union’s vision of “Inclusive Accelerated Africa Agriculture Growth and Transformation” as stated in Agenda 2063.
  3. The “Livestock Development Strategy for Africa (LiDeSA)”, which is believed to be instrumental to transforming the livestock sector by harnessing its underutilized potential. The strategy has been developed as response to these new initiative.

Nonetheless, the political will observed in the past few decades has not been fully translated into appropriate policies, legislations, investments and actions to ensure a comprehensive livestock development. A number of factors have contributed to this and include amongst others:

  • Inadequate capacity of Member States, Regional Economic Communities and other potential stakeholders to:
    • Analyze, formulate and implement livestock policies and legislations;
    • Justify and provide evidence for increased investment in the livestock sector
    • Advocate and communicate effectively the need for investment and better policies.

Additional challenges emanate from the need to meet the expected increase in demand for livestock and livestock products. The expected supply responses require policies that ensure sustainable commercialization while at the same time addressing negative externalities.

In response to these challenges, the training modules aim at developing knowledge, skills and competencies in livestock policy formulation and analysis, investment , and advocacy among Member States and Regional Economic Communities.

Scope of Work

Under the direct supervision of the Programme Officer, the guidance of a committee of experts and the overall supervision of the Director AU-IBAR, the service provider will perform the following tasks:

  1. Review and update AU-IBAR curriculum on Policy Investment Communication and advocacy through expert consultation
  2. Develop a course content after the development of the curriculum on Livestock Policy, Investment, Communication and Advocacy;
  3. Submit the draft report on the curriculum and the course content
  4. Facilitate the validation workshop of the Curriculum and the course content;
  5. Submit the consolidated final version of the report on the curriculum and course content with power point presentation.


  1. Inception report
  2. Draft report
  3. Validation workshop report
  4. Final report
  5. LIPICA curriculum and course content with proposed way forward on delivery approaches

Consultancy Period

The consultancy period should not exceed a period of 2 months effective from July/August 2022 (immediately upon signature of contract).

Technical Proposal

For each consultancy, the applicants should submit a Technical Proposal that should include:

  • Outlining methodologies, for conducting the consultancy as per the tasks and indicate the number of days to accomplish this task.
  • A profile and CVs of the consultant(s) undertaking the work indicating relevant academic qualifications and professional experience
  • Information showing past experience in related field, demonstrating an inventory of past and current assignments of similar nature.
  • Contact addresses (Postal, email and telephone) of at least three referees or any other information that may show the consultant’s ability to carry out the assignment to satisfaction.
  • Legal administrative documents from the consulting firm or training institution attesting to its existence of at least five (5) years and proof of its tax compliance.

Financial Proposal

The financial proposal should provide a detailed breakdown inclusive of consultancy fees, travel costs and DSA for field visits where applicable and incidental expenses.

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation criteria will be applied as follows:

A- Mandatory requirements

No Requirements Y/N
1 Legal Status: Registration/Business Certificate or Authorization to exercise for training institutions with proof of tax compliance. Y
2 Must be a capacity development firm or a training institution with experience in livestock sector. Y

B- Technical Scoring

The technical proposal will weigh 80%

Criteria Maximum score
1. Experience 45
1.1   Demonstrated experience in Livestock sector policy development

• 0 point for less than 4 years

• 5 points between 5 years and 10 years

• 10 points for more than 10 years

1.2   Specific experience (similar tasks)

• Maximum of 25 points for policy

• Maximum of 5 points for investment

• Maximum of 5 points for communication and advocacy 5 points for each similar task up to a max. of 30 points

(for each task, provide name of the client and cost of the task)

2. Staffing/Relevant qualifications 20
2.1 CVs of the proposed consultants 20
3. Methodology approach/timeframe 30
Methodology, Approach and proposed period. 30
4. Experience in online training 5

The Consultancy firm or training institution must fulfil the mandatory requirements and score at least 70/100 in order to be considered for further evaluation.

Financial Evaluation

The financial proposal will weigh 20 percent. The financial proposal will be evaluated on the basis of total cost, cost realism and used in combination with the assessment of the technical quality to determine the best value.

Submission of Proposals

The technical and financial proposals should be submitted in two separate envelopes; each clearly marked “Technical proposal” or “Financial proposal”. The two proposals should be enclosed in a single envelope clearly marked “title of the Consultancy” as the subject to

The deadline for application is 18 July 2022 at 18:00 Nairobi, Local Time.

For all details see; Terms of Reference (English Version)

AU-IBAR Personal Data Protection and Privacy Statement

AU-IBAR Declaration Form

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