Consultancy Opportunity: Study on Green Business, Green Jobs and Green Skills for Leather in Kenya and Cotton and Textile in Ethiopia, Solidaridad Network


Solidaridad Network is an international solution-oriented civil society organization working through eight regional expertise centres to transform markets to make them more sustainable and inclusive. Our eight regional expertise centres include Asia, Eastern and Central Africa, Europe, Latin America, North America, Southern Africa, South America, West Africa and our global Secretariat in the Netherlands. Solidaridad Eastern and Central Africa, one of the regional centres, headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya with country offices and programmes in Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda. We bring together supply chain players and engage them with innovative solutions to improve production, ensuring the transition to a sustainable and inclusive economy that maximizes the benefit for all. We facilitate strengthening of local capacity in developing countries, support the creation of enabling environments for economies to thrive, and improve market access.


The Glasgow Climate Change Conference (COP26) in October and November 2021 reached consensus on key actions to address climate change including adaptation, mitigation and finance.

Adaptation received particular attention with parties establishing a global goal on adaptation to identify the needs and solutions to the climate crisis already affecting many countries. On mitigation, parties agreed to strengthen their emissions reductions and also align their national climate action pledges with the Paris Agreement. On finance, there was a consensus to continue increasing support to developing countries and fulfill the pledge of providing US$100 billion dollars annually from developed to developing countries. A new global goal on finance was also launched.

Nations also reached new agreements for market mechanisms, essentially supporting the transfer of emission reductions between countries while also incentivizing the private sector to invest in climate-friendly solutions in a range of sectors and technologies for example, energy efficiency, transport and reforestation. These mitigation activities allow for the development of carbon credits that can be transferred internationally and used in other countries towards meeting the aims of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) or other compliance uses. Demand for Carbon credits is also increasing in the private sector to off-set the emissions in companies that otherwise cannot bring their GHG emissions balance to zero or partial reductions.

These instruments, by delivering an investment signal to the private sector, enable countries to achieve scale in mitigation action that in turn may help to contribute to adaptation action. In addition, greenhouse gas emissions will be increasingly scrutinized, regulated, and priced using robust verification system and tools.

2.1 Objective

The objective of this study is to;

  1. Identify green business opportunities and inclusive business models
  2. Associated green jobs and
  3. Associated green skills related to current and intended climate adaptation and mitigation actions of selected countries and commodity supply chains where Solidaridad has implemented interventions in the last 5 years.

2.2 Responsibilities of Consultants/Scope of Work

The following tasks will be carried out;

Green Business Opportunities

  1. Review the mitigation and adaptation policy actions in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) of the targeted country and its applicability to the selected commodity supply chain
  2. Identify and review existing and upcoming national, regional and global NDC related policies, regulations, programmes and instruments to implement the NDCs as it relates to the selected commodity supply chain
  3. Assess the business implications of (i) and (ii) for the various market actors in the commodity supply chain. This will include changes required in business practices and associated technologies, and disruptions to existing business models
  4. Identify the green business opportunities arising from (i), (ii) and (iii) and service provision in particular
  5. Map existing market actors in country in the identified green business, their product offerings, original manufacturer, source country, product prices, target customers, product promotion methods, and sales distribution channels
  6. Estimate the current market size and potential for growth in the next 5 years of the green business opportunities identified
  7. Assess the business models and investment requirements for new market entrants in the green business identified.
  8. Develop brief business concepts for the most promising green business opportunities in particular a pathway for market entry and dimensions for inclusivity.

Example of inclusive green business

    • Smallholder farmers, artisanal processors and other micro and small market actors have access to green technologies as clients of green businesses and are users of green technologies and products (e.g. solar irrigation systems, electric vehicles (e.g. tractors, tricycles), and Various tools for farm use). – Smallholder market actors are suppliers or service providers to green businesses and diversify their income as a result (e.g. smallholder farmers sell carbon credits of their farms by adoption of Regen farming practices and agro-forestry, artisanal processors sell carbon credits from using improved cooked stoves).

Green Jobs and Green Skills

  1. Assess the potential new occupations and jobs arising from green business opportunities, associated skills required, and inclusivity potential
  2. Assess the modification to existing occupations and jobs arising from green business opportunities, associated reskilling required, and inclusivity potential

Example of inclusive green jobs and green skills

  • Women, youth and other marginalized groups are beneficiaries of new jobs and new skills, and reskilling of existing workers
  • Decent living wage is estimated for these green jobs and skills.
  1. Provide indicative approaches for building the requisite green skills for employment and entrepreneurship. This will include existing programmes.

2.3 Methodology

The study approach will primarily be qualitative including literature reviews, interviews of market actors, site visits, and photo taking. This will be completed with indicative assumptions and computations relating to market size and business investment requirements.

2.4 Deliverables

A Report (MS Word) in English with the following minimum contents:

  1. Executive summary
  2. Overview of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and its implications for the commodity supply chain
  3. Green business opportunities rising from the climate change agenda
  4. Business models for market entry into green business
  5. Green jobs and green skills
  6. Annexes
    1. Fact sheets
    2. Methodology of the study and limitations
    3. Documents reviewed
    4. Informants
    5. Data analysis (MS Excel Workbook)

The Report should be reader friendly combining text, graphs, figures, maps and images. It will be accompanied by a Presentation (PowerPoint or Google Slide).

2.5 Expert/Consultant’s Profile:

The firm/consultant is expected to fulfill the following qualifications.

  1. Hold at least a Master’s degree in climate, environment and natural resource management, energy policy, international development, business, economics, or a related field;
  2. Have a minimum of ten (10) years of experience in a combination of related fields such as national and international climate policies and measures including: climate and green growth; project management; climate or green finance; and development or related fields;
  3. Demonstrated experience in consultancy in the development space, preference on green business, green jobs and green skills. Experience working in green economy in East Africa but within the agricultural sector is an added advantage;
  4. Understanding of climate change and green growth issues, opportunities, challenges and practices relating to East Africa;
  5. Experience in the area of mainstreaming climate change adaptation and mitigation measures into development interventions in East Africa, or field operations involving climate change and green growth matters in the region;
  6. Proven track record on policy dialogue and cross-institutional collaboration at the highest level, including with representatives of government and non-government partners in East Africa;
  7. Experience in researching and drafting the technical content of proposals to climate funds or similar multilateral funds;
  8. Experience working with a cross-section of stakeholders, including senior government officials, donor governments and organizations, as well as regional organizations;
  9. Results-oriented, team player, articulate analyst with attention to details, persuasive communicator and good writer
  10. Excellent technical and analytical skills and established track record in operational and policy work on climate change, green growth and climate finance matters;
  11. Demonstrated experience and track record in conducting similar assignments in organizations with similar mandate and size as Solidaridad Network.

2.6 Consultancy Period:

1. Interested parties should submit a Technical and Financial proposal

Budget proposals should include logistics costs (transport, communications, meals and accommodation).Deadline on 14th September 2022

2. Decision on selected consultant – only selected candidate will be contacted. Deadline on 27st September 2022

3. Inception meeting and report Deadline on. 6th October 2022

4.Draft report submitted. Deadline 11th November 2022

5. Validation meeting and final report (virtual or in-person depending on prevailing situation). 25th November 2022

Application process:The consultancy firms/companies are required to submit an EOI containing a statement on candidate’s experience with similar assignments, curriculum vitae, financial proposal and work plan by 14th September 2022. All applicants must meet the minimum requirements described above, those unable to meet the requirement will not be considered.

Each EOI submission should be not more than 15 pages and include the following:

  • A brief proposal for the study with methodology and work plan.
  • A sample/samples of previous related work.
  • A financial proposal with a budget with breakdowns of different costs involved, to the finer detail (The budget to be all inclusive of reimbursable costs and applicable statutory obligations). Budget with aggregated figures will not be accepted.
  • Updated CVs for the team leader and team members (each CV not more than 2 pages).
  • Contact details of 3 references with complete contact information (i.e. name, organization, title position, address, email, telephone).

Submissions are by email to while addressed to:

Attn: Managing Director

Solidaridad Eastern and Central Africa Expertise Centre

Kilimani Business Centre, Kirichwa Road,

P.O. Box 42234 – 00100 GPO


Note: Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification and only successful candidate will be contacted.

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