Consultancy Opportunity for an Energy Transition Scoping Study: How Kenya will Access Clean Energy – Oxfam International


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The governance of the extractives sector is an integral component of transforming resource wealth into development and citizen wellbeing. The emerging extractives sector in Kenya provides an unprecedented opportunity for social and economic transformation of the country. Significant deposits of oil, titanium, coal, and other mineral resources have been discovered and are set for exploitation at a most opportune moment for the country on a quest for upper middle- income status by 2030.

While Kenya has made progress in its regulatory environment, there continues to be opacity in the governance, transparency, and accountability, particularly in relation to revenue management, land acquisition and proper environmental safeguards.

To realize the holistic potential of the extractives sector, however, there must be significant good governance practices in place. On the flip side, the world is transitioning to a low carbon economy, granted that this transition requires a significantly additional amount of minerals to be extracted for its realization. Significant quantities of the minerals needed for the energy transition such as copper, rare earth metals, titanium, manganese, graphite, cobalt some found in Kenya and most African countries.

African policy makers on the continent are grappling with the dilemma of addressing the energy and economic challenges on the continent and at the same time addressing the climate challenges. There is no doubt that fossil fuels have powered the industrialization and development of many developed counties, and it would only be fair for developing countries such as those in Africa to benefit from these resources. However, it is no longer a question of fairness but rather preparedness.

Equitable access to energy services is an essential element to sustainable growth of any economy and presents an opportunity to transform lives.

As Kenya prioritizes the need to increase access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable and clean energy for its citizenry it must be alive to the energy transitions debate. How ‘just’ is a just transition if ‘600 million people do not have access to electricity and around 900 million people lack access to clean cooking facilities?’

The energy transition conversation is aligned to efforts to embrace renewable energy and at the heart of these deliberations is the global response to the drastic climate shifts that the world is experiencing. Countries must be alive to their peculiar circumstances, the resources they have and the needs of the citizenry to allow a smooth transition.

However, given the impacts of climate change, adaptation is now seen as equally important. To effectively respond, countries must simultaneously mitigate and adapt- the Energy Transition combined both responses and, as such, is equally applicable to developed and developing countries.

Closer home on the 2nd of November 2021, During the COP 26 in Glasgow, President Uhuru Kenyatta in his speech to the at the UN Climate Change Conference mentioned that Kenya is determined and on course to achieving full transition to clean energy by the year 2030. The President noted that renewable energy currently accounts for 73% of Kenya’s installed power generation capacity while 90% of electricity in use is from green sources among them geothermal, wind, solar and hydro-electric installations. “Renewable energy in Kenya currently accounts for 73% of the installed power generation capacity, while 90% of the electricity in use is from clean sources. We are on course to achieve our target of 100% use of clean energy by 2030 and to achieve 100% access to clean cooking by 2028,” President Kenyatta said.


As this is a scoping study, literature review will be involved primarily. The consultant will be expected to travel to some counties and collect data from selected respondents (KIIs) that will be randomly sampled and the data representative of the population that is targeted by the project. He/She will be required to present a methodology for collecting, analyzing and presenting the data, details of which should be in the inception report. The methodology will be discussed and finalized in consultation with Oxfam’s MEAL and Natural Resources Programme staff. The respondents will be derived in consultation with Oxfam in Kenya.


The global transition to a low carbon economy has never been more urgent than it is today. In response to the Climate Emergency and considering the gains made under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), specifically the 2015 Paris Agreement and the achievements in the 2021 Glasgow Climate Pact, there is global consensus to move towards a net-zero economy. For many years, mitigation was the intuitive response to Climate Change. The height of mitigation was reached in 2015 when there was global consensus to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ultimately achieve a net-zero world by the second half of the century.

Therefore, the proposed Energy Transition scoping study aims to aid the Natural Resources Pillar, understand the Energy Sector in Kenya and in-turn fund raise and eventually program. The study will aim to achieve the following:

  1. To map out policy frameworks that will enable and or hinder Energy Transition.
  2. To map out civil society actors, INGO’s and private sector actors working in the Energy Sector working towards Energy Transition.
  3. Develop an in-depth understanding of access to energy and Energy Transition issues in Kenya and work towards setting the civil society agenda on the energy transition and climate change.
  4. Identify communities that will directly impacted by Energy Transition in the energy, oil and gas sector and advocate for the prioritization of their social, economic and environmental rights.
  5. Contribute to attaining national Energy Transition and Climate change objectives in Kenya.


Proposed Study methodology

The consultant will be expected to adopt a mixed methods approach in undertaking the assessment, using desktop research and Key Informant Interviews with subject matter specialists. The final methodology will be agreed upon with Oxfam and the consultant at inception phase.

Gender Sensitive methodology: The consultant will adopt gender equality principles that will aim to address any gender biases that may arise during the study.

Data collection tools and Instruments: The identified consultant will develop relevant data collection tools and identify the appropriate means for collecting the data which will be discussed and agreed with, prior to the data collection exercise.

The data will be analyzed using appropriate data analysis packages. The data should be presented in a logical, meaningful, reader friendly and simple language on a date agreed with Oxfam.

Ethical Considerations: The consultant will put in place measures to ensure data collection adheres to all necessary ethics and guidelines provided by local laws on data protection, the GDPR and ethics standards.

Research Principles and Approach: The research approach will be informed by a feminist participatory action research model. Grounded in principles of empowerment, accountability, respect and transparency.


Output 1: The consulting firm/bidder will submit a comprehensive study report in both electronic version and signed hard copy. The document should be very precise and address each specific objective.

The consulting firm/bidder will submit the following:

  1. Inception report on the execution of the assignment within five days of the commencement of the consultancy; setting out how they will approach the assignment, proposed methodology and timetable and data collection tool, including draft discussion guide for collection of field-level data in the selected counties.
  2. Share transcripts with Oxfam and agree on the final discussion guide/Interview guide that includes signed consent forms from the respondents, with detailed understanding of their data rights as per the General Data Protection Regulations (2016).
  3. Draft comprehensive assessment survey report which should include at least the following:
  • Executive summary (2-3 pages)
  • Introduction
  • Purpose and objectives
  • Methodology
  • Findings
  • Conclusion and recommendations

Output 2: The consulting firm/bidder will produce a database for the survey and deliver with draft assessment report.

Output 3: The consulting firm/bidder will deliver a high-quality Power-Point presentation of the report before finalizing the assignment.

Output 4: Facilitate a stakeholder validation workshop to receive input and feedback from Oxfam.

Output 5: Final report, incorporating Oxfam’s, partners’, and stakeholders’ input, completed after input is received.

The written report will be:

• Produced in English language and using accessible and concise language.

• The report format and text shall be in A4 paper size and a legible Arial 12 font size.

• The report should not exceed more than 35 pages.

• At least one signed hard copy and one electronic copy by the agreed deadline.


The desired specification and qualities of the consultant(s) are as hereunder:

  • Postgraduate in Energy and Extractives i.e. (Oil, Gas and Mining), Development Studies, or related fields.
  • A strong understanding of Natural Resource Governance and sustainable development.
  • At least a master’s degree in Social Sciences (Natural Resources Governance) would be an added advantage) for the lead consultant and a minimum of bachelor’s degree on the relevant academic areas for research assistants will be an added advantage.
  • Good understanding of Kenyan Constitution and frameworks regulating the Energy and Extractives sector.
  • At least 5 years of experience in conducting comprehensive studies or assessments on various aspects and proven experience of using participatory methods as the means of data collection and analysis.
  • In-depth knowledge and experience on using participatory research methods (key informant interviews and focus group discussions).
  • Excellent analytical and report writing skills with skills in using statistical packages such as SPSS, Epi data, N-Vivo for qualitative analysis
  • Familiarity of the context and cultural sensitivity is an added advantage.
  • Experience in working with international and national organizations to work within limited time frame
  • Demonstrated track record in preparation of documents, project proposals, evaluation reports

Confidentiality of information: All documents and data collected will be treated as confidential and used solely to facilitate analysis. Interviewees will not be quoted in the reports without their permission.


The process will be as follows:

The total study period is 30days that include preparation, field work, data analysis and report writing. The expected date of the start of the study is 5th June 2023 and AN ENERGY TRANSTION SCOPING STUDY: HOW KENYA WILL ACCESS CLEAN ENERGY study report will be produced by 4th July 2023.


Oxfam will deduct withholding tax from the consultancy fees which will be in conformity with the prevailing government rates and submit the same to the Government of Kenya.


Consultant(s) who meet the above requirements should submit bids, which at minimum include the following:

  • Suitability statement, including commitment to availability for the entire assignment in the months – May 2023 – August 2023.
  • Brief statement of the proposed study methodology including a detailed work plan.
  • Detailed financial proposal, including daily costs.
  • Information on the team composition and level of effort of each team member – include updated curriculum vitae that clearly spell out qualifications and experience.
  • Contacts of three organizations that have recently contracted the consultant to carry out relevant study.
  • Budget financial proposal must indicate all-inclusive costs for conducting the survey.

N/B: The entire bid should be a MAXIMUM OF TEN (10) PAGES inclusive of CVs and Budgets. Bids not meeting this requirement will not be considered.


The consultant shall work under the supervision of the Oxfam’s MEAL Advisor with a strong liaison with the Extractives Strategist and Programme Officer.

How to Apply

Oxfam Kenya invites individuals who meet the criteria to submit Expression of Interest that clearly articulates the consultant(s) understanding of the terms of reference, methodology for executing the work including key deliverables and tentative budget should and clearly indicated “AN ENERGY TRANSTION SCOPING STUDY: HOW KENYA WILL ACCESS CLEAN ENERGY” Expression of Interests shall be sent to no later than close of business on 24th May 2023. Only applicants who qualify will be contacted

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