Consultancy Opportunity: Developing a Training Manual for Water Management Committees in Kochogo South, Kisumu County – Habitat for Humanity Kenya (HFHK)


1.1 Habitat for Humanity Kenya

Habitat for Humanity Kenya (HFHK) is among the 70 country affiliates of HFH International. In Kenya, we were registered in 1982 as Non-Governmental Organization, with the goal of enabling low-income families access decent and affordable shelter. In the last 40 years, HFHK has supported more than 56,000 families across 9 counties in Kenya through housing micro-finance and direct construction. Habitat for Humanity considers housing as a long-term, incremental process which builds on cross-sectorial interventions such as construction, water, sanitation, energy, land tenure, and policy change at different levels of governance, actors and regions. Our Business Plan (2020-2025) has outlined four Programmatic Areas namely: Financing for owner-led construction (financial inclusion); Settlement-Based Practice (building resilient settlements); Secure Land Tenure (evidence-based advocacy and information sharing); Disaster Risk Reduction & Response (DR3). We are currently operating in Laikipia, Homabay, Kisumu, Tana River and Machakos.

1.2 Kochogo South WASH Project

The WASH project (Kochogo South) is implemented by HFH Kenya a cluster of 6 villages on the right bank of the Nyando river, 10 km South of the town of Ahero. Kochogo South Location stretches across 6 km from the border with Ahero in the North to the Nyando Wetland formed around the mouth of the river at Lake Victoria in the South.The area has a total population of 4,000 people (51.1 % women and 48.9% men) of whom 50.8 % are below the age of 18 years. The project area has no safe water source with uninterrupted water supply all year round. The closest safe water source is a borehole with a solar powered pump at Kochogo North sublocation that serves 4,931 people in 4 villages. To access the borehole, one has to cross River Nyando and travel a distance of 9 km even from Kochogo South, and therefore it is not a viable source of domestic water for the target population. Through the BMZ sponsored project, HFH Kenya will ensure that 1 solar powered borehole is drilled, fitted with storage tanks and reticulated to water points through pipelines, each managed by a water committee that conducts water quality tests and supplying water at a minimum cost of 5% of family disposable income. HFH Kenya will also ensure that borehole water committees and 5 water point committees are established to operate the water supply through maintenance rules and fees agreed with the 6 villages and enacted by the governance rules of respective the local WRUA. These committees will be trained and taken through refresher courses in effective, transparent, and accountable water point management.


The objective of this consultancy is to develop a training manual for water management committees. The manual should be developed in line with the Kisumu County Government’ strategy for management of rural water supplies which entails capacity building for Small-Scale Water Service providers (SSWSP) with alignment to all the applicable legal frameworks and other emerging issues like climate change that affects access to reliable and adequate safe water.


Habitat for Humanity Kenya is looking for an individual consultant, or a company to develop – water management committee training manual that will be guide the training of the water management committees in Kochogo South, Kisumu County. The consultancy should include the following:

Phase 1: Desk review of existing materials (internally and externally) that support the implementation, management and monitoring water management committees., within HFH Kenya project areas. The desk review may be supplemented by interviews with key staff, county staff and other stakeholders.

Phase 2: Developing a training manual for water management committees. The manual will incorporate a water resource management toolkit, with written materials, pictorials, teaching aids, curriculum and interactive learning materials, digital resources (aps) and other resources that can facilitate participatory learning. Key issues to be addressed in the manual includes and not limited to:

i. Implementation of New strategy for management of rural water supplies in Kisumu County, climate change.

ii. Guidelines on climate resilient and water safety planning.

iii. Guideline on development of sustainable, management, operation and maintenance plans for water supplies/facilities of varied technologies.

Phase 3: Validation meeting with water stakeholders in Kisumu County to review the manual and provide feedback to be incorporated in the manual. The consultant will then conduct trainings for trainer of trainers and the water management committees in Kochogo South using the developed manual and other training materials.

Note: Since the manual will also be used for creating awareness to the communities on existing water service provision guidelines, reference should be made to the following documents alongside others:

i. Guideline on Water service provision in rural and underserved areas (By WASREB)

ii. Reference to draft Kisumu County Water bill

iii. Kisumu County water Act

iv. Kisumu County strategic plan for Water, Environment, Climate Change and Natural resources


The deliverables will include:

PHASE 1: Conducting a desk review of existing materials (internally and externally) to provide a report of appropriate contents for the manual.

PHASE 2: Development of the manual with training tool kits.

PHASE 3: Validation and trainings through workshop and adjusting based on feedback.

4.1 Education

Master’s degree in water management, education, economics or related field or a combination of bachelor’s degree and minimum of 5 years of relevant experience.

4.2 Experience

  • Experience in Water resource management
  • Experience and track record in curriculum development and providing similar training(s)
  • Previous experience in applied research / data collection
  • Previous experience in WASH sector or related work
  • Ability to communicate in both English and Kiswahili language is an added advantage.
  • Excellent writing and editing skills.
  • Experienced in producing concise reports and presentations, training modules and materials.


Interested applicants, who meet the criteria for this position, must provide:

1. A proposal clearly showing the following:

a) Approach and methodology for meeting the objectives of this assignment.

b) Proposed Number of days it would take to complete this assignment.

c) Financial proposition showing all the expenses, inclusive of 5% withholding Tax.

2. A detailed CV and professional background relevant to the assignment

3. Firms are required to provide their company profile

Applications should be submitted to:

The Procurement Officer.

Habitat for Humanity Kenya,

CVS Plaza, Kasuku lane, Nairobi, Kenya
office: +254 101 454 380 • 020 2572812



Application Deadline: 3rd February 2023

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