Consultancy: Gendered Dynamics of Urban Tenure Rights and Realities in Kenya – a Study

Reall is seeking to procure consultants or consultancy agency with research experience and expert knowledge of gender issues in Kenya – preferably in the field of women’s land, housing ownership and resource rights. Knowledge of affordable housing would also be an asset.

The overarching purpose of this consultancy is to examine the policies and lived experiences of secure tenure for women in urban contexts, including the impact of incentives schemes (e.g. by housing and mortgage providers) in terms of improving the rates of home ownership among women, as well as the wider impact of this on gender dynamics. Secondly, the consultant will be expected to evaluate the use, relevance and limitations of using sole/joint ownership as a proxy indicator for women’s empowerment.

The primary objectives of this work are to:

  • Identify and analyze key sources on tenure rights and realities for urban affordable housing, and understand key enablers and barriers encountered by end users (especially women) when accessing and implementing their rights.
  • Map out policy realities of formal institutions and affordable housing providers when implementing female focused tenure rights and policies.
  • Explore the needs and perspectives of end users in regard to tenure rights (especially joint/sole ownership) and the dynamics at household and community level.
  • Evaluate the value and breadth of sole/joint ownership as an appropriate proxy indicator for women’s empowerment.

For more information read the full Terms of Reference here.

Please ensure that you send us a proposal response to the ToR, in order for your application to be considered.

Submissions should be sent to by 9am GMT on  27 January 2023 and should include “Gendered dynamics of tenure rights and realities study” in the subject header…

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