Consultancy: Gender Baseline Study in Kenya (Mombasa and Kilifi), Aga Khan Foundation

Scope of the evaluations

The study will be done in Mombasa and Kilifi in the listed sub counties, all led by same consultant or consultancy team. The study to be conducted in the following areas:

  • Area 1: Kilifi County; Kilifi South, Kilifi North, Malindi, Magarini and Ganze sub counties
  • Area 2: Mombasa County; Kisauni, Nyali, Likoni, Changamwe, Jomvu and Mvita sub counties

The study population will include women, men, adolescents, boys, and girls residing within the project areas of implementation. The baseline studies will provide a set of measurements against the intermediate and immediate outcome indicators for the AGECS project in Mombasa and Kilifi counties which will set a benchmark for measuring the extent to which the project achieves the desired impact on the project population. The list of indicators for each evaluation area is presented in the table below.

Objective of Study

The overall purpose of the baseline studies is to obtain data that will provide baseline values for all target indicators against AGECS expected outcomes, thus enabling AKF and its implementing partners to monitor and assess progress and effectiveness of the programme interventions during project implementation. The following are the specific objectives of the baseline studies:

  1. Collect quantitative data against the sub-project’s Outcome indicators, as outlined in the Performance Measurement Framework (PMF). This data will be used to determine the baseline status of the Outcome indicators and to set appropriate targets for each indicator. Data will be collected again at midline and end line to determine progress towards meeting these targets.
  2. Collect additional quantitative and qualitative data (beyond the scope of the PMF Outcome indicators) that may help to inform sub-project implementation and increase understanding of the context and/or needs prior to implementation.
  3. To use baseline data, as well as lessons from the baseline process, to identify recommendations and propose relevant adjustments to implementation activities, M&E activities, or CSO capacity-strengthening plans.

Deliverables of Study

The main deliverables and tentative timelines for these study are as follows:

  1. Final inception Report: Presentation of a finalized inception report for validation
  2. Draft baseline report: Submission of a draft baseline report and successful completion of a validation workshop
  3. Final baseline report: Completed study report (the report should be disaggregated at Sub county level for understanding the sub counties relevant situations), including quantitative and qualitative study findings, completed dummy tables, data visualizations, and analysis of findings
  4. Study datasets: Raw data and complete datasets in English. The Consultant will also be expected to provide a fully ‘cleaned-up’ dataset in an agreed file format (e.g., XLS, SPSS) accompanied by the code used to carry out analysis and a variable codebook.
  5. Transcribed transcripts: Complete, edited transcriptions and translations in English of all focus group discussions and key informant interviews conducted.
Key Competencies

  • Team lead should possess at least a master’s degree in Gender Studies, demography/ population studies, or Statistics and with essential training in Monitoring and Evaluation. Any training in public policy is an added advantage.
  • Other team members should ideally possess multidisciplinary qualifications across gender, social science, social work, and related qualifications.
  • Strong experience carrying out surveys and associated qualitative data collection, particularly focusing on Gender or related thematic areas.
  • The lead should have experience of conducting evaluations on gender and women studies for at least 6 years.
  • Demonstrated experience in designing and implementing studies, including proven experience in sound sampling, mixed methods approach (quantitative and qualitative), tool development and enumerator training.
  • Demonstrated experience in employing Open Data Kit (ODK) or other computer assisted personal interviewing software.
  • Demonstrated experience in data management, including designing and managing Gender Sensitive projects and capable of handling large datasets for study purposes.
  • Country knowledge and experience in conducting research and impact evaluation studies in Coast region, both urban and peri-urban areas and especially the Counties applied for.
  • Demonstrated experience safeguarding and working with vulnerable populations.
  • Advanced proficiency in English is mandatory. Knowledge of additional languages used in the project area applied for is an asset.

Eligibility and Application Criteria

Consultants (individual consultants/firms) meeting the above criteria are invited to submit a cover letter (including the names and contact information of two previous clients who can be contacted regarding relevant experience), technical and financial proposal (max 12 pages). The submission should also include the following annexes, which are not included in the page limit:1.CVs for the team and 2.samples of up to three (3) evaluation reports on gender and related studies conducted during the last 4 years, preferably in the areas of programme implementation., copy of legal registration and consulting firms profile. Applications should be for one of the following study areas:

a. Area 1: Kilifi County; Kilifi South, Kilifi North, Malindi, Ganze sub counties

b. Area 2: Mombasa County; Kisauni, Nyali, Likoni, Changamwe, Jomvu and Mvita sub counties

These should be submitted in a single zipped folder by email to with the subject line: “AGECS Kenya Baseline Evaluation Consultancy-Area”. Proposals should be received not later than midnight of the 21st of November 2022.

Applicants who are firms should additionally submit evidence of registration, certificate of incorporation and current year tax certificate.

Quotation should include;

  • Research planning and all field logistics before and during data collection
  • Approvals- NACOSTI
  • Data cleaning and analysis
  • Consultant professional Fees (inclusive of WHT)

Reporting Channel and Submission

The consultants will be supervised by the AKF MERL team with support from Partner M&E Officers. The evaluation team will closely work with all designated AGECS Kenya partners (SYWP and DAYO) for all the project-related information and administrative procedures.

Any queries and clarity regarding this consultancy can be directed to: and only within the first 5 days after publication of this call for proposals.

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