Consultancy for Training and Implementation of Organic Certification for Lesuyai Farmers Organic Cluster in Taita Taveta County

Micro-Enterprises Support Program Trust (MESPT) has since the year 2002 developed a niche in supporting the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises by providing integrated business solutions for sustainable development. The strategic thematic areas of focus for MESPT are: Micro Small and Medium Enterprise development, Food Safety and Agricultural Productivity, Green Transformation and Access to Finance and Credit Services. These are geared towards supporting the establishment and growth of sustainable agri-businesses in Kenya for poverty reduction, income generation and employment creation. The MESPT led Danida Market Development Partnership (DMDP) Program is designed to give an opportunity to enterprises that are keen on delivering towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The program brings commercial and non-commercial actors together in partnerships to promote sustainable business, development and employment opportunities contributing to SDGs 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and 17 (Partnerships for Sustainable Development).

The overall objective of DMDP program is to contribute to sustainable economic growth in developing countries within the framework of the SDG’s. Through broad partnerships, the facility contributes to the motivation and mobilization of private sector investments. The basis of a partnership project is a business idea driven by one or several private companies. The MESPT led banana market development partnership project seeks to contribute to increased and sustainable incomes and decent jobs within the banana subsector in Taita Taveta County with emphasis on women and youth by Enhancing the Competitiveness of the Banana Sub Sector. This will by extension contribute to poverty alleviation. The 5-year (2020 to 2025) project is being implemented by a consortium of three organizations – MESPT, Orana A/s and Wanda Agriculture Group Limited. The project is rolling out interventions geared to enhancing the competitiveness of the banana value chain and hence improved market access for the targeted farmers. Production capacities of 2,000 small holder farmers and service providers will be developed, and vertical and horizontal linkages facilitated thereby sustainably creating value and business efficiencies. The project will deliver a socially and environmentally responsible fruit pulp processing factory that is economically viable. The factory whose annual processing capacity is estimated at 40,000MT shall be fully operational in the fourth year of the 5-year project cycle.

Among the planned interventions of the program is support at least 150 farmers in organic banana farming. Key activities include mobilization of farmers into farmer cluster(s), preparations through training and certification. It is expected that through this at least 150 smallholder farmers will be organized and equipped through training and linked to Orana who will is the main off-taker of organic farming banana and a consortium partner. It is also expected that the commercial partner who is also establishing their organic farm, some investments will be made at the smallholder famer level triggering an ecosystem of investors upstream and downstream.

Background of Banana Value Chain

Banana value chain has been identified as a potential driver of socio-economic development within the Taita Taveta County as per the 2018 -2022 County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP). Out of the total population in the county, 60% are involved in banana production. As of 2017, it accounted for 32% of the total value of fruits and recorded 30% growth in revenues from USD 129.3M in 2016 to USD 169.77M in 2017. This presents a great investment opportunity in the banana value chain.

There are about 4,000 banana farmers in the county with acreage ranging from 0.25 to 3 acres. The County production per unit area is half the global average due to low adoption of improved agronomic practices, attack by nematodes and diseases, limited access to affordable quality inputs, extension and financial services, value addition opportunities and weak linkages to markets. Only 8% of Banana farmers in the county are in contractual relationship. This reflects the need for market development interventions for sustainable models and scale.

Smallholder farmers are struggling to make more productive use of their farmland. Most are unable to produce enough, to feed their families on an adequate nutritional diet and to sell in the market and generate sufficient incomes to meet other needs. Additionally, farmers are demotivated by market inconsistencies caused by the market players. Hence, there is a need for them to adopt good agricultural sustainable practices and access quality inputs to enhance production as well as linkages to consistent competitive markets to boost rural economies. Organic farming presents an opportunity to the farmers and the county at large. Organic certification is a certification process for producers of organic food and other organic agricultural products, generally involve a set of production standards for growing, storage, processing, packaging, and shipping. Therefore, the producers and market promoter all need to be organically certified. It is a concept that has not been applied in the banana value chain within the target region


There is a growing demand for safe food the world over. Safe food production does not assure markets but also environmental conservation, improved biodiversity, and health/regenerative ecosystems. It is expected that through this the community exposure to chemical-based production will be reduced and by extension new markets for organic banana opened and by extension premium prices to the participating farmers. A culture of organic production thus created will expand to other value chains and is beneficial to the wider community and the county. By the small holder engaging in organic farming the pressure for commercial partners to invest in parcels of land for organic farming will be eased as they concentrate in their core business entailing processing and marketing

Objectives of the Consultancy.

The objective of this task is to train and prepare at least 150 farmers from Lesuyai organic farmer cluster in Mata ward Taveta sub-county in organic banana farming. The farmers are in the initial stages of forming an organic farming cluster which will be registered and subsequently audited for the renewal of the organic certificate. To achieve this certification all the relevant infrastructure, organizational, documentation and traceability systems in compliance to Organic Certification Standard and final Audit by accredited Auditing firm such as ECO-CERT need to be done.

Scope of work

The scope of work will include, but not necessarily limited to, the following activities:

  1. Training of the cluster on
  • Hygiene, health, safety, accident, and emergency procedures,
  • Crops and Disease protection, pest, and diseases management in organic farming,
  • Soil Cultivation and tillage in Organic Agriculture ,
  • Staff management at the farm,
  • Post-harvest handling in Organic Agriculture
  1. Material preparation including checklist, updating the QMS and Quality manuals
  2. Updating Records/ document preparation
  3. Carry out the required analysis; soil, irrigation and drinking water, pesticide residues in produce, organic manure
  4. First Aid Training
  5. Organic Standards, Regulations and Certification.
  6. Internal audits and closing of non-conformity exercise
  7. Guide the farmer cluster and MESPT in selecting a suitable Organic certification Body
  8. Facilitate final certification audit

Expected Deliverables

1 Inception report

Highly summarized and clarified briefs combined into an inception report submitted to MESPT for perusal with a clear implementation plan of the training.

2 Develop a training program for the cluster

Training schedule, curriculum and manuals shared to MESPT.

3 GAP Analysis report showing the gaps and status of the cluster as per organic standards

Draft report will be accompanied with photographic evidence of the training and signed attendance sheets for the trainees

4 Organic Training

Farmers within the cluster taken through and mastering the organic certifications process and can pass the Audits. Training report with all the necessary accompaniments – Concise presentation of the training sessions’ content applied methods and key discussions, conclusions and recommendations based on lessons learned for future interventions; training program evaluation forms filled in by participants. In addition, the consultant will provide training certificates to the trainees.

5 QMS system

An updated QMS system

6 Soil, water and manure analysis

Results of the soil, water and manure analysis in place

7 Pre- Audit and compliance

At least 90% of the members of the cluster are aware of the Organic Standards, Regulations and Certification, apply skills learnt and demonstrate the same during the pre-audit.

8 Develop final report

Final report of the whole assignment submitted in hand bound copy and electronic version.

9 Certification of the organic cluster.

Organic certificate issued to the cluster


The consultant is expected to produce the following deliverables: –

  • Final report on the consultancy enumerating the activities undertaken; 1 bound hard copy and 1-soft copy (CD) of the report, containing the entire activities undertaken during the consultancy period. This should include attendance list with names and contacts for farmers.
  • Certificate of participation for the farmers in Organic certification training.
  • Organic certificate of the farmer cluster


The assignment will commence immediately after signing the contract with MESPT. The assignment should end not later than 30th December 2021. There will be provision for discussion on the consultancy work MESPT for validation and inclusion of comments where applicable.

Payment Plan

The Consultancy firm is requested to quote a fee that will cover all their costs including transport, accommodation where applicable and other incidentals.

The payment plan will be as follows:

a) 20% upon successful delivery of activities 1 and 2 under clause 7 of this TOR

b) 30% upon successful delivery of activities 3 and 4 under clause 7 of this TOR

c) 40% upon successful delivery of activities 5, 6, 7 and 8 under clause 7 of this TOR

d) 10% upon successful delivery of activity 9 under clause 7 of this TOR


The consultancy firm will be required to prepare the training materials, including handouts to the farmers, conduct the training and provide a report for the same as outlined in the deliverables above.

MESPT will meet the costs of inviting the participants, organizing the training venues including field visits if any, and providing the training materials for the participants in terms of notebooks, pens, flip charts, marker pens and LCD where required.


MESPT is looking for a consulting firm with the following requirements.

  1. The consulting firm must provide verifiable proof of previous similar engagements.
  2. Excellent communication and reporting skills
  3. The consultancy team shall be composed of:

Consultancy Team Qualifications

Team leader:

  • At least 10 years of experience in certification processes for agricultural value chains certification – specific experience in organic certification will be an added advantage
  • Minimum of master’s degree in an agriculture/ horticulture/ agribusiness/ agri-economy or related discipline
  • Professional qualification in food systems/products certification and audits

Other team members

  • Degree in agriculture/ horticulture/ agribusiness/agri-economy or related discipline and at least 5 years of experience – specific experience in organic certification will be an added advantage
  • Professional qualification in certification and/or audit processes an advantage.

Application Requirements

Interested applicants should send the following documents:

a) CV(s) of the lead consultant and team members of the firms applying.

b) Provide detailed company profile.

c) Provide a copy of certificate of registration.

d) CR12 Certificate

e) Must provide a copy of valid KRA Tax compliance Certificate.

f) Provide detailed proposal with a detailed Work plan demonstrating the number of man-days to be employed and budget for this work.

g) List of previous relevant assignments should accompany the tender, with a covering letter explaining how their experience addresses the requirements of the TOR.

h) Copy of reference letters or testimonials issued to the applying firm in the last five years.

The Financial Proposal and the Technical Proposal files MUST BE COMPLETELY SEPARATE and emailed separately through by COB 4th November 2021 and clearly named as either “TECHNICAL PROPOSAL” or “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL”.

The subject of the email should clearly capture the tender number & description. The file with the “FINANCIAL PROPOSAL” must be encrypted with a password so that it cannot be opened nor viewed until the Proposal has been found to pass the technical evaluation stage. Once a Proposal has been found to be responsive by passing the technical evaluation stage, MESPT shall request via email the Proposer to submit the password to open the Financial Proposal.

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