Consultancy for the Training of Local Media Persons on Child Sensitive Journalism, CISP

Project Title: AICS Child Protection Project
Location: Mumias
Duration: 6 days (4 days training, 1 day preparation for training and 1 day for preparation of training report)
Reports to: CISP Project Manager
Objective: Consultancy for the training of local media persons on Child Sensitive Journalism

CISP (Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli)
CISP Kenya carries out projects in areas of development by supporting national and county authorities to provide quality, equitable, transparent and accountable services in the sectors of higher education, child protection, culture, food security and nutrition. Currently, CISP is the Consortium lead for four development projects across multiple Counties and sectors in Kenya.

CISP leads a consortium of partners to implement a Child Protection project funded by AICS in four sub-Counties in Nakuru and Kakamega Counties. The project focuses on four components: prevention of child abuse, child participation and empowerment, capacity development and systems strengthening and participatory research.
As part of implementing this AICS Child Protection Project, CISP works very closely with media personnel to highlight child protection issues in the local media stations. In its engagement, CISP has identified a need to equip the local media journalists with key skills and expertise on child-sensitive journalism to ensure that their content protects the innocence of the children, safeguards their rights, and does not expose them to further harm or risk.

The purpose of this assignment is to equip the local media personnel with relevant skills and expertise to help journalists report on children’s issues in a way that enables them to create awareness on the plight of children /child abuse and serve the public interest without compromising the rights of children.

Project/Department _ Intervention Logic
Overall Project Objective To contribute to strengthening the child protection system in Kenya that prevents and responds to violence, abuse, exploitation, and harmful cultural practices of children, while promoting their physical, mental and social well being.

Specific Project Objectives To strengthen the prevention and response to abuse, exploitation and violence against children in the counties of Kakamega and Nakuru through intergrated, quality, accessible, and inclusive child protection services, child empowerment and the change of harmful social norms at the community level.

Relevant Project Result Areas

• Increased capacity of caregivers and community to protect their children
• Empowered girls and boys in the target sub-counties to better understand their rights, participate in decision making processes of their interests and demand for care when abused.
• Improved provision of quality, integrated, inclusive and gender sensitive child protection services accessed by children and their families in the target sub-counties.
• Promote best practices on child protection, through participatory evidence-based advocacy to inform policies, systems and guidelines at national and County levels.

2 Objectives
• Facilitate one workshop on equipping local media journalists with relevant skills and expertise in child-sensitive journalism.
• Increase the capacity of local media journalists to ethically interview children and their families, report and highlight cases involving children in a child-friendly manner that does not compromise/violate their rights.

Scope of Services Deliverables and timelines

3. Scope of service 4. Deliverable Timeline

a. Preparation of training program, materials, pre and post evaluation/test and submission to CISP team for approval | Deliverable: Curriculum/manual for the training | Timeline: 1 day

b. Carry out training in Mumias for 15 local journalists in March 2022 | Deliverable: 4 days training | Timeline: 4 days

c. Reporting and documentation | Deliverables: Training report | Timeline: 1 day

The consultancy will be conducted through in person training session, participatory discussions, role plays, concrete/ relevant examples/ case studies.
The consultant will cover their logistics (accommodation, transport and meals). CISP will cover conference costs and transport reimbursement for participants.

5. Consultancy timeframe: The consultancy assignment is expected to take 6 days should be carried out between Mid-March 2022 to end of March 2022 (the exact dates will be communicated).

6. Contract Award Criteria The contract will be awarded based on the following evaluation process in chronological order:

  1. Preliminary Evaluation: Applications will be assessed against the application instructions (see below, chapter 8 “Service Provider Profile”). Non-compliance or lack of meeting any of the minimum requirements will result in automatic disqualification of the application. Applicants that comply with all the minimum requirements will pass on to the Technical Evaluation stage.
  2. Technical Evaluation: Applications that pass the preliminary evaluation will be assessed only on their Technical Proposal. Only applications that obtain a score of 35 or higher on the Technical Evaluation will proceed to the Financial Evaluation.
  3. Financial Evaluation: Applications that proceed to the Financial Evaluation stage will be assessed on their Financial Proposal against the application instructions. Non-compliance or lack of meeting any of the minimum requirements for the Financial Proposal will result in automatic disqualification of the application.

7. Payment Parties will agree on payment schedule with the successful bidder that will be based on achievement of set milestones.

8. Service Provider Profile The profile of the Service Provider must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Degree in Communication, Media Studies or any other relevant degree.
  • Knowledge and experience in child protection.
  • Previous experience in training on child friendly/sensitive journalism will be an added advantage.
  • Strong facilitation skills
  • A deep understanding of child protection issues and related social norms.
  • Able to establish and maintain effective and meaningful working relations with partners and staff in general
  • Fluent in English and Kiswahili
  • Excellent communication skills
9. Mode of Application
Applications with non-returnable copies of CVs, testimonials and samples of previous work should be submitted on or before 18th February 2022 5 pm EAT indicating “Training of local media persons on Child Sensitive Journalism” as the subject to CC &

All applications should include all of the following:
Cover letter (maximum 1 page)
Technical and Financial proposal should be submitted as separate documents within the same application.
• Technical proposal (max 5 pages): The technical proposal should include
(I) the profile of the consultant with particular emphasis on previous experience in this kind of work
(ii) a Clear explanation about how the task will be accomplished, which tools and methodologies will be used
(iii) Draft work plan.

• Financial Proposal: The Financial Proposals should be clear and effective to achieve output-based deliverables and key performance measures while demonstrating Value for Money. The Financial Proposals should be inclusive of all costs required to render the services and achieve the deliverables of this TOR, including but not limited to: Trainer fees, accommodation and living costs, transport and communication costs of the Trainer. The costs assigned with each output should be sufficiently detailed, and any financial risks must be highlighted. The currency used for the Financial Proposal shall be in Kenya Shillings and should include all relevant taxes applicable.

• Supporting Documentation:
a. At least two samples of previous work for similar assignments.
b. Curriculum Vitae of the trainer involved in the service provision.
c. At least two Letters of recommendation from Companies/Organizations served in the past three years.
d. Kenya Tax Compliance Certificate for Kenyan registered entities or persons
e. KRA PIN certificate for Kenyan registered entities or persons
f. Business Registration Certificate for Kenyan registered entities or persons (this is not applicable for individual applicants).

Prospective bidders requiring any clarification on Technical and Financial proposal matters may submit questions to CISP via the email addresses indicated above no later than 14th February 2022, which will be responded to by CISP if received before the deadline.
At the discretion of CISP, applicants may be invited to supply additional information on the contents of their proposal during the Evaluation and award process; this will be communicated via Email should need arise.

CISP is strongly committed to ending child abuse, all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse, and to building a work environment that is safe and welcoming for all, where sexual harassment does not take place. The desired candidate for any position should share and support this commitment in all aspects of their personal and professional behavior. Any history indicating that the applicant has a history of child abuse, sexual exploitation and abuse, or sexual harassment, is a reason for excluding him or her from engagement with CISP.

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