Consultancy for Development and Deployment of Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System

Founded in 1945, CARE is a leading global humanitarian and development organization fighting poverty. CARE International in Kenya has been working in partnership with Development and relief Organizations, the private sector and Government of Kenya since 1968 and is currently under the direct management of CARE US. We seek a world of hope, tolerance and social justice where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security. CARE commenced its humanitarian program in Kenya in 1968. Since then we have built a substantial development and humanitarian program including refugee operations, emergency response, livelihoods, food security, climate change adaption, sexual reproductive and maternal health, women and girls’ economic empowerment, and youth employability. CARE Kenya’s mission is to reduce poverty at the household level and to provide relief in emergencies.

Beiersdorf Kenya Project.

CARE International in Kenya in partnership with Beiersdorf-NIVEA, a global corporate enterprise based in Hamburg Germany, is implementing a two years COVID19 resilience project, targeting vulnerable women and youths in Kakamega and Bungoma Counties. The project interventions include Enterprise development support through capacity building on Village savings and Loan Association (VSLA) methodology and entrepreneurship skills to target beneficiaries; Creating mass awareness on prevention of COVID19 pandemic, conducting regular campaigns on community health and sanitation safe practices and Strengthening capacity of 400 front line health workers on implementation of COVID19 home based care and response approach via Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology, as well as provision of Infection prevention and Control (IPC) materials to 200 health facilities, as part of CARE’s contribution to curb spread of COVID19 and related vulnerabilities.


COVID-19 has had a devastating impact globally, that has affected women and men differently. To curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the government of Kenya has taken several measures, including: international travel restrictions, mandatory quarantine for suspected and confirmed cases. At the local level restrictions on social gatherings and meetings, adherence to social distancing measures, and at some point closure of learning institutions. The pandemic continues to test the limits of the already overstretched Government health support systems, the bed occupancy often declared full to capacity, the front line health workers over stretched due to long hours attending to huge number of patients each day. According to study by BMJ Global Health, COVID-19 case management unit costs for asymptomatic patients[1] and patients with mild-to-moderate disease under home based Care in Kenya is Kshs.1, 993.01 per day, compared to hospitalization costs of KSH. 6,717.74 (three fold) per day. The Home based care management cost per day is 30% less compared to full time hospitalization of COVID19 patient, hence preferred by majority who are unable to afford the hospitalization cost. Use of technology in providing simple instruction to COVID19 patients under home based care, is envisaged to minimize visits by front line health workers, thereby reducing case management cost and ensuring safety.

Overall Objective

The overall objective of the consultancy is to provide CARE Kenya with a combination of Interactive Voice and Response (IVR) and SMS text messaging platform, contextualize and digitize contents of home based care guide into simple, easy to follow prerecorded messages compatible with all basic phone models in English and Kiswahili languages, for use by front line health workers in responding to COVID19 patients under home based care.

Specific Objectives.

  1. To develop and deploy IVR system.
  2.  To record and upload contents of COVID19 home based care guide to the IVR system.
  3. To train 400 frontline health workers on use of IVR system.
  4. To pilot/pretest application of the IVR system to deliver COVID19 case management guide.
  5. To track database of the IVR users during the project period.
  6. To provide technical backstopping during the period of IVR system use by the project.

Scope of Consultancy

The engagement shall include development, deployment and functionality pretest of IVR system in delivery of COVID19 case management. The consultant will be provided with reviewed copy of COVID19 home based care case management guide, for extracting contents for prerecording and uploading to the IVR system. The consultant is expected to consult with Beiersdorf project team led by the project manager on administrative matters.

The successful Consultant is expected to deliver on the following tasks.

  1. Development and deployment of the IVR system: IVR setup, Uploading of short, simple prerecorded, menu/content, Incorporate beneficiary database tracking feature.
  2. Training of frontline health workers on use of IVR system.
  3. Pretesting the IVR system functionality and effectiveness in delivery of COVID19 case management content.
  4. Launch the IVR system use and provide technical backstopping on call during the project period.

Expected Output

The following deliverables are expected from the consultant.

a) Inception report.

The inception report shall outline the scope of work and time lines. The first inception report to be presented on the inception meeting and the reviewed report within 5 days of the inception meeting. The inception report and meeting will provide CARE Kenya with opportunity confirm if the consultant share same understanding and interpretation of the TOR and implementation schedule.

b) Draft Comprehensive report.

The draft consultancy report, addressing the TOR should be produced in English for CARE Kenya to provide feedback within 30days from the date of approval of the Consultancy.

c) The final report.

The final report will be produced within 10 days after receiving comments on the draft report CARE Kenya team. The content and structure should include feedback from beneficiaries and front line health workers during the system pretest, emerging challenges and recommendations.

Responsibility of the Consultant and CARE Kenya

a) Responsibility of –Consultant.

  •  Prepare and present in power point (PPT) the inception report to CARE Kenya. The report should demonstrate the consultants’ understanding of the assignment, the detailed breakdown of activities and timelines.
  • Develop and deploy the IVR system.
  • Contextualize and structure the COVID19 home based care guideline content into short simple modules.
  • Prerecord and upload the selected modules to the IVR system.
  • Training of the frontline health workers on use of the IVR system.
  • Pretest and roll out use of IVR system in COVID19 case management.
  • Provide detailed budget, work plan, outlining relevant documents required from CARE.
  • Prepare and share draft report for review with CARE Kenya.
  • Prepare the final report and share the soft and hard copies with CARE Kenya.

b) Responsibility of –CARE Kenya.

  • Provide any information that may be required by the consultant during implementation of the assignment
  • Participate in decision making according to consultant tasks above and be available for consultation as needed
  • Review draft report and provide feedback.
  • Provide logistical support during the engagement period on need basis.
  • Facilitate payment as specified in the contract document.

Evaluation Team- Qualification and Skills

CARE Kenya is looking for experienced Consultant(s) who is/con work in collaboration with teams.

The Consultant(s) should possess the following qualifications.

a) At least degree level in IT related fields.

b) Extensive past experience in development and deployment of IVR technology.

c) Excellent communication, reporting and presentation skills in English.

d) Knowledge of CIK work, or other international NGO’s (desirable).

Schedule, Budget and Logistics

Proposed timeline

The Consultant(s) is expected to be completed the exercise by 10th/09/2021, starting off from 27th/08/2021.


Time Frame

  • Inception meeting with project team and Project quality, leaning and Accountability (PQLA) Manager-1 Hour-27thth, Aug, 2021
  • Detailed inception report including detailed work plan, sharing with the project team for review-5 days after the Inception meeting-1st, Sept, 2021
  • Development and deployment of the IVR system-10 days-1st to 10th, Sept. 2021.
  • Pretesting of the IVR system-2 days-13th to 14th, Sept, 2021
  • Alignment of the IVR system based on the pretest lessons-3 days-15th to 17th , Sept, 2021
  • Presentation of the IVR system to Key stakeholders & CARE Kenya Team-1day-21st ,Sept.2021
  • Training of 400 Community Health Workers on use of the IVR system-8 days-22nd to 30th, Sept, 2021.
  • Draft report review period-3 days-4th to 6th, Oct, 2021
  • Incorporating comments and submission of Final report-2 days-7th to 8th, Oct, 2021


All costs inclusive of taxes should be included in the quoted budget outline by the consultant. Including the accommodation, transport and communication expenses.

Coordination, Responsibilities and Management Protocol

The Program Quality, Learning and Accountability Sector Manager will be the technical lead in the exercise. The consultant will report to Project Manager-Beiersdorf, who will also be the contact to the consultant(s) and ensure access to requisite documents and other support needed to facilitate work of the consultant.

The CIK will provide support during county visits, including for the logistical aspect and introduction of the consultant to relevant stakeholders in the project area.

Application Process

Prospective individual consultant or consulting firm are expected to submit technical and financial proposals in English, including the following:

  • Profile of consultant/consulting firm, a clear demonstration of previous experience in development and deployment of IVR content.
  • Expression of Interest (EOI) outlining how the consultant meets the selection criteria and their understanding of the TORs. Proposed activities of schedule/ work plan with timelines
  • Financial proposals including consultant fees and field costs
  • Short cover letter stating interest and availability
  • Professional CV / Resume of the consultant(s) who will undertake the evaluation
  • Three Professional References
  • Two recent examples of similar consultancy undertaken by the applicant.
  • Submission of at least one (1) previous report from one of these consultancies should be included in the submission

Please email your application to by 20th August 20201, 17:00hrs EAT. Please use “Beiersdorf IVR System Consultancy” as the subject title of your email. Incomplete applications will not be considered, and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Application Process

Prospective individual consultant or consulting firm are expected to submit technical and financial proposals in English, including the following:

  • Profile of consultant/consulting firm, a clear demonstration of previous experience in development and deployment of IVR content.
  • Expression of Interest (EOI) outlining how the consultant meets the selection criteria and their understanding of the TORs. Proposed activities of schedule/ work plan with timelines
  • Financial proposals including consultant fees and field costs
  • Short cover letter stating interest and availability
  • Professional CV / Resume of the consultant(s) who will undertake the evaluation
  • Three Professional References
  • Two recent examples of similar consultancy undertaken by the applicant.
  • Submission of at least one (1) previous report from one of these consultancies should be included in the submission

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