Consultancy for Co-creative Residency Facilitator using Storytelling and Final Exhibition Curator, CISP


CISP –Comitato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo dei Popoli (International Committee for the Development of Peoples) is a rights-based international NGO established in 1983 in Rome. CISP implements humanitarian, rehabilitation and development projects through its cooperation with public and private local actors in over 30 countries globally. Since 1997 CISP has been working in Kenya to carry out projects in areas of development by supporting national and county authorities to provide quality, equitable, transparent and accountable services in various sectors. Over the past 23 years CISP Kenya has expanded its activities across more than 12 Counties in both rural and urban areas in various sectors of intervention, including Agriculture and Food Security, Conservation, Livelihoods, Health and Nutrition, Protection (children, refugees, GBV), Education (early childhood, university), Governance, and Arts and Culture.

CISP is the lead agency of a consortium of partners implementing a multi-year and multi-country EU-funded project entitled ArtXchange “Connecting creative youth in Africa and Europe”, aimed at promoting intercultural dialogue, collaboration and exchange among youth professionals from the creative sector in Kenya, Somalia and Europe.

CISP is seeking a qualified Consultant to facilitate a “Co-creation residency and final event” in Nairobi, Kenya using storytelling, and involving artists both from AU and EU countries.


The general objective of the assignment is to facilitate international artistic residency and curate a final multimedia event for a total of 23 days.

Specifically, since the activity will bring in different methodologies and participants from different countries and backgrounds – the consultant will curate the storytelling component of the activity and will be required to collaborate with other creative experts.

The “co-creation of cultural and artistic innovative productions/projects” activities are a priority for the ArtXChange project.

In particular:

The Specific objectives of the assignment are:

  • To create content and facilitate the residency using storytelling.
  • To enhance the participant’s critical and creative thinking.
  • To facilitate collaboration and co-creation among the participants and with the other facilitators/disciplines involved in the residency (Body Mapping).
  • To develop with participants final performances/artist products to be showcased in a final event.
  • To curate the final event in collaboration with other facilitators.

The consultant will be required to work and coordinate with CISP and the other select facilitators to successfully deliver on these activities.

Deliverables and Timelines

The assignment will be undertaken from 15thJanuary to 27thFebruary 2022. The total number of days for the consultancy will be 23, as demonstrated in the table below.

Preparation:15th January -5 days

Residency: 10-18 February 2022 -9 days

Final event preparation and implementation: 21-27 February 2022 – 7 days

Reporting: By 15th March – 2 days (inclusive of 1 review online session with participants)

The residency will be held in Kenya.

Main outputs/deliverables will be:

  1. Preparation/planning of the residency (5 days) can be done remotely:
  • Residency program and content preparation in line with the project objectives for approximately 20 youth from 3 different countries.
  • Budgeting of the activity and material purchase list.
  • Coordination of logistics with CISP.
  • Initiate collaboration with other selected experts for residency program finalization – CISP will provide linkages with the facilitators.

2. Facilitation of the residency (9 days) to be conducted in person in Kenya:

  • Facilitation of an artistic residency using storytelling.
  • Co-creation sessions in coordination with other residency facilitators.
  • In collaboration with other facilitators, support the residency participants in developing artistic products/performances to be showcased during the final event.

3. Curatorship of final event (7 days) to be conducted in person in Kenya.

  • Develop final event content and program in collaboration with the project staff.
  • Support the setting up of the exhibition.

4. Final report (2 days) can be done remotely.

  • Conduct one online review session with participants to get their feedback and reflection of the residency and final event
  • Provide a detailed report on the Residency and final event proceedings, key observations and outcomes.
  • Provide a signed daily attendance list of participants.
  • Feedback on results of the activity and potential suggestions for CISP future actions.
  • He/she will get the assistance of the CISP Administration and Project Manager regarding logistical arrangements for the organization of the residency and final event. CISP will take care of transport to and from the residency venue, final event venue and all field visits required to deliver the assignments.

Qualifications and other Requirements

The consultant should possess the following knowledge and skills:

  • Proven track record of facilitating creative workshop both in Africa and Europe, using Storytelling.
  • Proven experience of Performing and/or Directing Events and festivals both in the EU and AU.
  • 10 years of relevant professional experience as a storyteller and play writer.
  • Experience in events curation and in dissemination of artistic products through publications, video/films etc.
  • Experience in working with artists.
  • Excellent creative and communication skills.
  • Experience in media and communication will be an added value.
  • Good interpersonal skills and the ability to interact effectively with diverse groups and in an international environment with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
  • Well-developed conceptual, critical, analytical thinking and planning skills.
  • Creative, willing to develop and encourage innovative solutions.
  • Knowledge of another language of the European Union will be an added value.
  • Willing to collaborate with other facilitators in the implementation of the activities.
  • Only consultants coming from African Union or European Union countries will be considered.


Parties will agree on a payment schedule with the successful applicant based on the achievement of set milestones.

Contract Award Criteria

The contract will be awarded based on the following evaluation process in chronological order:

  1. Minimum Requirements (preliminary evaluation): Applications will be assessed against the application instructions. Non-compliance or lack of meeting any minimum requirements will result in automatic disqualification of the application. Applicants that comply with all the minimum requirements will pass on to the Technical Evaluation stage.
  2. Technical Evaluation: Applications that pass the preliminary evaluation will be assessed only on their Technical Proposal. Only applications that obtain a score of 50 or higher on the Technical Evaluation will proceed to the Financial Evaluation.
  3. Financial Evaluation: Applications that proceed to the Financial Evaluation stage will be assessed on their Financial Proposal against the application instructions. Non-compliance or lack of meeting any of the minimum requirements for the Financial Proposal will result in automatic disqualification of the application.

Mode of Application

Applications with non-returnable copies of the documents specified below should be submitted on or before 17:00 EAT (20/12/2021) via Email as follows: CC:

All applications must include all of the following:

  • Curriculum Vitae of all consultant(s) involved in the service provision.
  • Cover Letter (Maximum 1 page)

Other Supporting Documents

  • At least two samples or links of previous work for similar assignments.
  • At least 2 letters of recommendation from Companies/Organizations served in the past four years.

Technical proposal (max 3 pages):

The technical proposal should include,

  • Training concept and objectives (based on general program objectives above)
  • Methodology (tools, participants engagement, evaluation, etc.)
  • Timeline and daily program schedule
  • Summary of facilitator experience in relation to the training objectives


  • The technical proposal must clearly show justifications, understanding of the TOR and the tasks to be accomplished and prove the trainer has enough experience and qualifications to perform all aspects of the assignment and deliver the services.
  • Indicate in the Email or in the technical proposal your availability to creatively direct the storytelling section and collaborate with other sector experts on the residency and final event in February 2022 – this is a necessary requirement to access the job consultancy in object.
  • Financial proposal (max 1 page, can be included in the technical proposal) The Financial Proposals should be clear and effective to achieve output-based deliverables and key performance measures while demonstrating Value for Money. The Financial Proposal should be inclusive of all costs required to render the services and achieve the deliverables of this TOR.

Note: that accommodation and living costs during the residency are covered by CISP and do not need to be quoted; the consultant will stay in the same venue with the participants (9 days). Please note that accommodation in the same space as the participants is a mandatory requirement for the implementation of the residency.

For applicants not residing in Kenya, accommodation and living costs for the remaining 9 days (7 days for final event and 2 days for arrival and departure) must be included in the quotation. Where applicable, the financial proposal must also factor in costs such as air ticket and airport transfers, covid-19 tests, and communication costs of the consultant. The expenses should be sufficiently detailed, and any financial risks must be highlighted. The currency used for the Financial Proposal shall be in Euro and include all relevant applicable taxes.

Prospective bidders requiring any clarification on Technical and Financial proposal matters may submit questions to CISP via the email addresses indicated above no later than 15/12/2021.

At the discretion of CISP, applicants may be invited to supply additional information on the contents of their proposal during the Evaluation and award process; this will be communicated via Email should the need arise.

CISP is strongly committed to ending child abuse, all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse, and to building a work environment that is safe and welcoming for all, where sexual harassment does not take place. The desired candidate for any position should share and support this commitment in all aspects of their personal and professional behavior. Any history implicating that the applicant has a history of child abuse, sexual exploitation and abuse, or sexual harassment, is a reason for excluding him or her from employment with CISP.

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