Consultancy for Clinical Supervision for HI Psychosocial Staff in Kakuma and Dadaab ( National Position)


The project aims to enhance access to inclusive education for children with disabilities, provide quality education and strengthen the inclusive education capacity of actors through capacity building, coordination and advocacy while mainstreaming protection. The proposed action is aligned with international and national frameworks to ensure the provision of inclusive, equitable, and quality education for children with disabilities and adolescents, especially girls, in Kakuma and Dadaab Refugee camps. These frameworks include both the UNCRC (Article 28) and UNCRPD (Article 24) that advocate for states to recognize the right of children to education and the right of PWDs to education respectively; SDG 4 that aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education; IASC Guidelines on Inclusion of PWDs in humanitarian action that recommends for community awareness on inclusive education, elimination of stigma and discrimination and strengthening of inclusive education systems; the Humanitarian Disability Charter that advocates for inclusive humanitarian services including education; and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, Article 11, enunciates the right to free and compulsory basic education


Enhance the professional growth and development of the staff and ensure enhance coping skills and management of vicarious trauma which in turn will lead to the provision of quality and safe services.


HI has Mental Health and Psychosocial Support component in Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps in the inclusive education projects that seek to provide such services to beneficiaries including children, caregivers, teachers, learning support assistants, and community outreach workers to optimize their work and ensure safeguarding practices are adhered to. It is for this reason that the project is seeking a consultant to conduct clinical supervision for 2 Psychosocial national staff in Dadaab and Kakuma. Supervision is an integral part of counseling practice since it plays a key role in enhancing the counselor’s skill, and knowledge and most importantly enhancing their capacity in delivering their mandate in a responsible, ethical and safe environment. It provides counselors with an opportunity to disclose some of their concerns, prevents vicarious trauma that may accumulate as a result of traumatic or distressing client experiences, and help them monitor their self-care and avoid burnout.


Support the counselors’ development of counseling knowledge and skills by identifying learning needs, determining counselor strengths, promoting self-awareness, and transmitting knowledge for practical use and professional growth.

Specific Goals:

  • To provide a protected safe space and time where the counselors who work directly with beneficiaries can share their experiences, and challenges and get support from a Mental Health supervisor.
  • To enable staff to express, discuss and process difficult or painful emotional responses to situations, clients, and colleagues.
  • To provide morale building, assess strengths, and needs, suggest varying clinical approaches, model, cheerlead, and prevent burnout.
  • Mentor and teach the counselors through role modeling and facilitate the counselor’s overall professional development and sense of professional identity.
  • Provide support on stress management, vicarious traumatization, and self-care.


The Service location for supervision will be done virtually via zoom. The clinical supervisor will arrange with the staff on the dates and times of supervision. The supervision should preferably take place at the end of the month so that staff can share the experiences and challenges they faced at the course of the month. The supervision will take the form of group counselling.


The activity will start from October 2022 to December 2023 and will be conducted every month on an agreed date between the consultant and the HI Psychosocial staff.


  • The supervisor should have at least a master’s degree in counseling psychology from a recognized University. Ph.D. on the same will be an added advantage.
  • Previous experience in conducting clinical supervision for humanitarian staff is required.
  • The supervisor should be a registered member of the Kenya Counseling and Psychological Association.
  • Must possess strong clinical counseling and supervisory skills.
  • Effective verbal and written communication skills.
  • Should have worked for at least 2 years in a humanitarian setup.


The consultant should include in the financial proposal a budget detailing costs per session. The technical and financial proposal should include the consultant’s understanding of the assignment, the goals, the proposed methodology and approaches, the tentative work plan, and their availability to carry out the clinical supervision. An invoice should be sent to the logistics Manager upon completion of the activity every month.


Based on the proposed schedule included in these Terms of Reference, the consultant should establish a work plan for the completion of the service. The work plan should give a clear description of how the consultant intends to approach the clinical supervision.


  • A comprehensive Curriculum Vitae which includes a statement about the expert’s past experience and references.
  • Cover letter detailing the firm’s /Individual suitability for the assignment and current contact information.
  • A detailed implementation plan/ technical proposal in accordance with the scope of work, expected outputs, and deliverables provided herein;
  • Business registration documents and KRA tax compliance certificate.

The submitted plan will be evaluated in terms of the quality of complete coverage of all aspects of the terms of reference, timeliness in relation to the development of the curriculum contents, analysis and production of a draft report as well as compliance with qualifications as provided for herein.


During the performance of the service, the consultant will be required to work in liaison with the Psychosocial Support Officer- Wilkister Nyamweya, who will be his/her contact person.


Willingness to adhere to Handicap International’s Federation institutional policies (Prevention and fight against corruption, Code of Conduct: Integrity, Prevention of Abuse and Safeguarding, Child Protection, Protection of Beneficiaries against sexual abuse and harassment). Available on the website:


Application documents submitted will be evaluated in three (stages);

1. General Mandatory Evaluation Criteria

For firms or institutions

  • Certificate of Registration
  • Trade license Certificate/ Business Permit
  • PIN/VAT Registration Certificate
  • Current Tax Compliance Certificate
  • Personal Accident Cover if available

For individuals

  • National ID
  • Relevant Certification
  • PIN/VAT Registration Certificate
  • Current Tax Compliance Certificate
  • Personal Accident Cover if available


At the Financial stage, the the Financial stage, the Lowest Competitive Evaluated bidder and within budget estimates will be considered for the award of the contract.

Potential service providers who meet these requirements and are available within the time period indicated should submit an application letter and the relevant documents listed above.

The deadline for submission of expression of interest (technical and financial budget proposal) is 24th October 2022 at 5.00 pm.

Interested and eligible bidders are requested to send soft copies of the application and company profile documents listed above to the following email address:

(Please indicate REF: Clinical Supervision Consultant)

Note: This consultancy is open to only national applicants. Persons with disabilities, Women and youth, and other vulnerable populations are encouraged to apply.

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