Consultancy – Development of Sport for Protection Life skills Curriculum, International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Sector: Women Protection & Empowerment

Employment Category: Consultant

Employment Type: Full-Time

Open to Expatriates: No

Location: Kakuma, Kenya

Job Description

Terms of Reference

Development of Sport for Protection Life skills Manual for “Harnessing the Power of Sports to Prevent Gender Based Violence (GBV) in the Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement and Host Community.”


The Kakuma Refugee Camp is in Turkana County. The camp was established in 1992 to serve Sudanese refugees and has since expanded to serve refugees from Somalia, Ethiopia, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Uganda, and Rwanda, among other nationalities. The camp falls under the jurisdiction of the Kenyan Government and the Refugee Affairs Secretariat.

The Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement lies approximately 40km northwest of Kakuma is designed to facilitate integration of refugees and the host population in line with the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework.

IRC Presence and Programmes

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a global humanitarian aid, relief, and development non-governmental organization. the IRC offers emergency aid and long-term assistance to refugees and those displaced by war, persecution, or natural disaster. The IRC helps Refugees become self-sufficient. It focuses mainly on health, education, economic wellbeing, power, and safety. 

The IRC implements health, GBV and livelihood programmes in Kakuma. SRH services are integrated into the wider health services offered mainly through the Kakuma Hospital that the IRC runs. These services have also been extended to the host community. The organization also has a presence in the other parts of Turkana County where it has supported especially health, nutrition, livelihoods and GBV programmes. The organization has an established tradition of evidence-based programming through robust monitoring and evaluation systems. The IRC receives funding and technical support from UNFPA to implement SRHR and GBV interventions in the Kakuma Refugee Camp.

Sport for Protection Project


The title of the project is: “Harnessing the Power of Sports to Prevent Gender Based Violence (GBV) in the Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement and Host Community.”


IRC and other implementing partners have been implementing the project in collaboration with United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The overarching goal of the project is to reduce vulnerability to gender-based violence among adolescent girls, young women and boys in the Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement and Turkana West Sub-County by 2023. The three outcomes of the project focus on strengthening social inclusion, cohesion, and psychosocial well-being of young people through sport-related platforms. The project endeavor to  broaden participation of adolescent girls, young women, and boys in sports activities through engagement with community leaders and parents, training of coaches and other duty bearers, and psychosocial and life skills support to the youth. Furthermore, the sport avenues have been used to promote access to GBV services, including psychosocial support. Currently, Sports For Protection grant is ongoing and seeks to have a lifeskills curriculum to support in the training of sports coaches’ parents and peers in sports.

Project Objectives

The Sport for Protection Program aims to realize the following three objectives in the Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement.

Objective 1: Increase social inclusion of adolescent girls, young women, and boys in targeted communities through trainings as per the life skills manual developed from an inclusion manual currently in use by the program.

Objective 2: Increase knowledge about life skills on adolescent girls and young women and boys in target communities and create sustained adaption to new skills that promote inclusion, protection and reduce the impact of GBV.

Objective 3: Increase impact and utilization of acquired knowledge offered in a standardized life skills trainings to promote psychological well-being among adolescent girls, young women, and boys in target communities.

Target Group

This project directly targets 13,000 adolescent girls and young women (15-24 years) in the Kakuma Refugee Camp (5,000) and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement (3,000) and the host community (5,000). The project will also target 11,000 adolescent boys and male youth in the Kakuma Refugee Camp (3,000) and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement (3,000) and the host community (5,000). Majority of the refugee beneficiaries are of South Sudanese descent while those in the host community are mostly from the Turkana ethnic community. The life skills manual will be used to train coaches, peer leaders, parents targeted by the project in Kakuma.

Sports for protection Life skills manual development Consultancy

IRC is looking for a consultant to develop a sport for protection life skills curriculum that will include strategies, activities and information that will foster the development of life skills knowledge, attitude, and behaviour change. The Consultant will also train staff and Coaches using the developed curriculum on safeguarding and protection in sports using ToT model.


The Sports for protection life skills manual will standardize training in Kakuma. It should be adapted to serve refugees and host communities and should contribute to use of sports activities to foster protection through sports activities in the communities. The sports Life skills manuals manual developed should be in sync with Sport for Protection Toolkit guide, other national approved life skill manuals developed under the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development.


To provide life skills curriculum for sports that will guide project implementation and train ToT, ToF and Adolescent girls’ young women and boys targeted in Sport for Protection Project.

Scope of Work

In liaison with the Women Protection and Empowerment (WPE) Program Team, guidance from UNFPA and input from partners, the consultant will be required to:

i) Undertake a desktop review of Sport for Protection documents and GBV prevention and response documents to ensure that the curriculum is contributing to the overall goal of sport for protection

ii) Review the existing life skills curriculums, assess the relevance and ability, and use the findings to develop a curriculum relevant to the target group

iii) Conduct consultations with relevant stakeholders and use the recommendations to enrich the curriculum.

iv) Engage the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development to input and later to adopt it for wider use.

v) Produce a draft play-based life skills curriculum and share it with relevant stakeholders for review and recommendation

vi) Pre-test the draft curriculum and use the feedback to improve the final curriculum.

vii) Appendix evaluation tools to enable facilitators to evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum.

viii) Develop a final life skills sport for protection curriculum. The final version (with sign off) approved by the relevant stakeholders.

ix) Submit the approved life skills curriculum to IRC  

x) Train 35 ToTs using the developed lifeskills curriculum

Deliverables / Outputs

i. Inception report

ii. Draft curriculum for life skills

iii. Complete training for ToTs Workshop

iv. Submission of final curriculum and training guide.

v.  Printed Sports for protection life skills training Manual for TOT and ToF Training levels the conceptual framework

vi. A draft copy for validation

Date and Duration of Consultancy

The consultancy period shall be for 28 days. The complete curriculum must be submitted to

IRC within 10 days after validation exercise.


The ideal consultant should have: –

  • A post-graduate degree in social sciences or another relevant field with training in the field of health, Gender, and development.
  • Over 7 years’ experience conducting gender studies with evidence of publications or field reports on gender issues with experience in women and adolescents programming.
  • Documented experience in developing life skills curriculum.
  • Experience in working with adolescents and youths and working collaboratively with government and other development partners.  
  • Experience with use of sports and gaming activities to help model behavior of adolescent and youth, address gender issues and build social cohesion and inclusion
  • Experience working with marginalized and special groups.
  • Ability to communicate in English and Kiswahili and in local languages in Turkana is an added advantage.

The successful candidate will be required to:

  • Follow protection guidelines when engaging with all participants in the assessment.
  • Adhere to organization policy of different partners that will be involved in the assessment.
  • Adhere to human rights, Protection Principles, socio-ecological, systems strengthening and MHPSS approaches.
  • Be guided by the spirit of collaboration, cooperation, partnerships, balance of power, meaningful engagement of marginalized voices and women, girls, young people, vulnerable, persons living with disability among others.

The IRC Role:

  • The IRC will fully engage the project lead consultant.
  • The IRC will facilitate transport for the consultant to and from Kakuma.
  • The IRC will pay for his/her including accommodation and logistics during the stay.
  • The IRC will support with logistics in Kakuma including office space and movements in the camps.
  • The IRC will facilitate taxi pick up and dropping to and from the Airport at a ceiling of 8000.
  • Facilitate consultant flight charges to and from Nairobi or Eldoret.


  • Interested applicants should submit their CVs and technical and financial proposal to the IRC careers cornerstone portal not later than 7 DAYS starting from the announcement date.
  • Consultants who meet the qualification above must submit the following documents:
  • Statement including a CV with experience details.
  • Technical proposal summarizing understanding of ToR, methodology and tools to be used.
  • Workplan
  • Financial proposal providing cost estimates.
  • Contact details of three organizations/ previous clients.  
  • All the required legal documents including VAT registration certificate. 


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