Consultancy Call for Interest for Survey on Prevalence of Disability among the Children and Youth under 23 years in Turkana West Sub-County including Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement – JRS

1. Background

The Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) is a ministry of the Society of Jesus, incorporated as an international non-governmental organization with a mission to accompany, serve, and advocate for the rights of refugees and forcibly displaced people. The organization was founded in September 1983 and now has a presence in over 56 countries. JRS undertakes services at national and regional levels with the support and guidance of an international office (IO) in Rome. The style of JRS service is human and spiritual, working in situations of greatest need, seeking the long-term well-being of refugees and displaced people while not neglecting their immediate or urgent needs. In Kenya, JRS has two projects: an urban refugee project in Nairobi focusing on Education, Livelihoods and Mental Health and in Kakuma Refugee Camp focusing on Secondary Education, Inclusive Education, Livelihoods and Protection.

The last census estimated that around 2.2 per cent of the population (0.9 million) Kenyans live with a disability which is most likely an underestimation. In Turkana West Sub-County 2,395 persons with disability were identified excluding refugees (KNBS 2019). According to UNHCR ProGres V4, there are an estimated 2011 (852 (female, 1159 male) children with disability (CWD) in Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement. However no comprehensive assessment has been undertaken to determine the exact number of CWDs including their barriers in accessing basic services such as education, employment and protection and having dignified stay.

Globally, children and young people with disabilities have been among the most excluded from all levels of education – a situation that is compounded during emergencies and protracted crises. Ensuring a disability-inclusive education in emergency contexts is key to preventing or stopping the exclusion of children and young people with disabilities from their right to quality education. To ensure no child is left behind including out of school adolescents and youths, even in the most difficult circumstances, it is important to have high-quality data that accounts for all children. However, the scarcity of reliable data, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (Including in Turkana West sub-county (both host and refugee), can prevent the fulfillment of this obligation. Little is known about the number and characteristics of children with disabilities. Even less is known about their living conditions and quality of life, or the barriers they face in accessing education, protection, safe environment, health, nutrition, social services, and skills for employment and or self-employment.

Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and United Nations Higher Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and National Council of Person with Disabilities are seeking for an experienced consultant/team of consultants to conduct a disability survey to establish and map out disability domains of children and youth below 23 years in Turkana West Sub-County including Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement including their access to education, protection and employment opportunities. Findings from this survey will be used for programming purposes, targeting the most urgent needs and priorities to support access to quality education for children with disabilities.

2. Objective of the Study

  1. Determine the prevalence of disability among children and youth aged 23 years and below in Turkana West Sub-County including Kakuma and Kalobeyei settlement disaggregated by; sex, age, nationality, language, location, education level and type of difficulties.
  2. Identify barriers to access to education, employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for children and youth with disabilities including their protection needs and risks in Turkana West Sub County including Kakuma and Kalobeyei.

3. Activities and Specific Tasks

Under the supervision of the Inclusive Education Coordinator, with support of the technical team the consultant is expected to provide the key deliverables of the consultancy with timelines:

  1. Develop survey protocol and data collection tools,
  2. Conduct an inception meeting with relevant stakeholders to present the survey protocol and seek feedback.
  3. Train enumerators and supervisors on data collection methods and tools.
  4. Collect Data
  5. Analyze the collected data and prepare a comprehensive report.
  6. Present the findings to stakeholders, including government authorities, UNHCR UNICEF and relevant civil society organizations.

4. Expected Deliverables

  1. To have disaggregated data of the different domains of disabilities identified among the targeted population.
  2. To have a clear description of the obstacles and barriers which limit access to quality education, employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for children and youth with disabilities in Turkana West Sub- County including Kakuma and Kalobeyei.
  3. To provide clear and concrete evidence of protection needs and risks facing children and youth with disabilities in Turkana Sub- County including Kakuma and Kalobeyei settlement.
  4. To provide recommendations for improving the lives of the children and youth with disability.
  5. To provide concrete recommendations for improving access to quality education and vocational training and other services for children and youth with disabilities in Turkana West sub-county including Kakuma and Kalobeyei settlement.

5. Timeline and Milestones:

The consultancy will be conducted within a specific timeframe:

  • Start Date:15th July 2023
  • Objective 1: Determining Disability Prevalence – 15th August 2023
  • Objective 2: Identifying Barriers to education, vocational training, employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for children and youth with disabilities -15th August 2023
  • Objective 3: Identifying Protection needs and risks – 15th August 2023
  • Submission of final reports and presentations – 30th September 2023

6. Qualifications

JRS is looking for an individual consultant or consultant team with the following qualifications and specify the roles and function of each member.

  • Advanced university degree (master’s degree) in Education, social sciences, social work, policy, public administration, international development, psychology or another relevant field in disability inclusion and human rights.
  • At least 5 years of relevant working experience (Lead consultant) in research and analysis assessment in disability sector with demonstrated experience in protection and policy recommendations. The applicant is required to submit copies of previous relevant publications and research.
  • Sound reputation in the field of research with good capacity and experience in research, policy, and implementation of programs.
  • Previous working experience and knowledge of disability-inclusion
  • Prior experience with International Agencies including UNICEF and UNHCR is considered a strong asset.
  • Individual consultant(s) should demonstrate knowledge and experience of the educational needs and issues for children with disabilities in low-resource and/or refugee camp settings.
  • Fluent in written and spoken English.

7. Content and timing of the proposal

The proposal should include the following:

  • CVs of the consultant or the team of consultants with references
  • Concept notes of the project implementation clearly highlighting the methodology and tools which will be used for data collection, analysis and visualization.
  • A workplan including a detailed timeframe of the delivery expected outcomes of delivery.
  • Budget (breakdown).

8. Contract arrangements

The contract for this assignment will be until 30th October 2023. Expected start of services is 15th July 2023. The Consultant is expected to work in seven administrative wards of Turkana West sub-county including Kakuma Refugee camp and Kalobeyei Settlement. The contract will be on a lumpsum basis, and the consultant will be entitled to remunerations upon submission of the deliverables as per agreed schedule. Payments will be based on the schedule stipulated in the contract. The contractual details of the assignment will be reflected in the contract to be signed between the consultants and JRS. The consultant will also sign a Code of Conduct with UNICEF and UNHCR.

9. How to apply

To apply, interested parties may submit the EOI with methodology, budget, a cover letter, CVs & profile of the experts who shall undertake the assignment to:

The consultant/s will be selected following a competitive bidding process. Interested consultants should provide an indication of daily rates, number of days and timelines.

Deadline for submission is COB 5th July 2023, at 5:00pm East African Time.

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