Call for Proposals: Staff Training on Results-Based Programming and Reporting (RBPR) for Centre for Domestic Training and Development (CDTD)

1.0 Organizational background:

Centre For Domestic Training & Development (CDTD) was founded in 2001 with a vision to employ as many domestic workers with proper home care management skills. CDTD strived to professionalize an understand the challenges that faced this industry. Treating Domestic Workers with dignity and respect and fair pay was an acute problem over and above the stigma associated with domestic work. CDTD began a program in 2001 under the Domestic Support Services, which initially served 5 girls from Kibera. Sensitive to the needs of Kenyan women and the founder’s burden to change the sufferings of Domestic Workers a Centre was born and registered as an NGO in 2003. Since then, CDTD has adopted numerous programs to change the landscape of Domestic Work among them being the National Shelters Network, Counter Trafficking-In Persons, Sexual & Gender Based Violence (SGBV) program with Domestic Workers Transformational Program (DWTP) as the focal point of CDTD’s work. To date CDTD has transformed more than 10,000 people and remained a focal policy influencer in matters employment, labor rights advocacy, sexual & gender based violence, safe migration and counter trafficking-In persons.

2.0 Project background:

The Centre for Domestic Training and Development is committed to improving its performance and achieving development results and therefore is making efforts to improve the effectiveness, accountability, transparency, and efficiency of its program management and delivery. The need is acknowledged to develop staff’s knowledge and skills in the proper result-based programming and reporting to apply appropriate project reporting skills. RBR capacity gaps within CDTD have been a challenge in the previous and to date and are a priority for the organization as it moves towards delivering on the current mandate. To prepare staff to effectively apply RBPR, they must be introduced to and understand the basic concepts of Results-Based Programming and Reporting. In this regard, CDTD has highlighted the need to outsource a specialist to facilitate the transfer of such knowledge and techniques through the facilitation of an appropriate, practical, and tailored training process.

3.0 Project objectives:

The main objective of this training is to enhance the staff capacity in the area of results-based programming and reporting, result harvesting, and linking the projects’ outcomes to the program portfolios of CDTD. To ensure sustainability and retention of knowledge, the training design should include extensive use of at least 40% practical exercises, quizzes, and group work of the proposed content. The key learning objectives of this training process are:

  • Improve understanding of results-based programming and reporting and its importance for measuring, and achieving results.
  • Improve understanding of the concepts and approaches involved in results-based reporting.
  • Strengthen skills in constructing results frameworks, and formulating SMART results and indicators.
  • Improve and strengthen skills, knowledge, and awareness of the importance of RBP and its application in daily work.
  • Identify concrete measures that could be put into place to improve effective RBP in the respective CDTD’s project.

4.0 Project outcomes and deliverables:

  • Agenda and debriefing presentation to management on training outline.
  • Delivery of training content, evaluation of the training, and recommendations.

5.0 Training structure:

The structure of the course and specific topics addressed during the training are as follows:

A. Culture for obtaining results:

  • Results-based programming and reporting (RBPR).
  • Theory of Change.

B. Planning for results

  • Problem Analysis.
  • Definition of indicators.
  • Formulation of SMART Results.

C. Monitoring for results

  • Results-oriented reporting
  • Applying knowledge and learning to modify results chain as needed

6.0 Duration:

The training will have a duration of 2 days and will be carried out at CDTD’s Graceland Court Office. The training will be facilitated over 2 full working days by an individual or a team of trainers.

7.0 Requirements:

Technical proposal – including methodology, draft agenda and timeline, list of learning material to be provided to all participants, topics to be covered, and presentations, exercises, and activities to be included.

8.0 Qualifications and competencies:

  • Proven experience in the theory of change and result-based- programming and reporting.
  • Experience in conducting RBPR training with NGOs.
  • Minimum of a degree in Project Management with post graduate qualification
  • Monitoring and Evaluation or related fields.
  • Minimum of 3 years in conducting RBPR training in NGOs with consistent documents.

9.0 Payment and submissions:

60% payment upon execution of the assignment and presentation of an acceptable preliminary report and balance after an outcome report together with a demand note (invoice) for the services rendered.

Submission of Interest:

Applicants wishing to express their interest in undertaking the prescribed work must meet the minimum requirements. Applications to be sent by 1700hours (EAT) to not later than 7th February 2022.

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