Call for Proposals: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, and bodily integrity- Urgent Action Fund-Africa

Urgent Action Fund-Africa is pleased to announce the 2022 Sexual and Reproductive health and rights, and bodily integrity call for proposals.


Urgent Action Fund-Africa (UAF-Africa) is a feminist, pan African, rapid response Fund committed to transforming power relations through resourcing African feminists and Womn[1] Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) and their formations, as an act of solidarity. We are a part of the ecosystem of feminist and womn’s rights movements in Africa and globally. In character we are bold and courageous, proactive and responsive, creative and rigorous, curious, alert and agile, imaginative and grounded, consistent and reliable.

Objective of the Call for Proposals

1. Consciousness raising /awareness creation

  • We will support initiatives that seek to increase awareness on the right to choose, amplifying one’s voice, freedom from fear and violence, ability to access SRHR health facilities and information to organisations and individuals that provide support to accessing a broad range of SRHR information and services.
  • Grants will be provided for interventions that seek to increase political consciousness, agency, questioning the invisible power that inhibits the enjoyment of SRHR by African Womn.

2. Sustaining African Womn Human Rights Defenders ( AWHRD)

  • We will support African Womn Human Rights Defenders’ well-being, safety and security initiatives as they face resistance and backlash while formally and informally challenging the current SRHR status quo. This includes any activities that enable fostering a culture of collective care, healing and protection for (AWHRDs)

3. Advocacy /Campaign:

  • ·We will support initiatives that seek to challenge informal discriminatory norms and deep structures, including those that maintain inequality in everyday practices – e.g., culture, religion, social norms that define what is acceptable and often remain invisible powers that still hold people back and constrain SRHR work even when people know.
  • We will support African Womn Human Rights Defenders to challenge formal rules as laid down in constitutions, laws, and policies. These include initiatives where engagements on: Regional and international SRHR treaties/human rights standards; changes in laws and policies on SRHR; criminalization /decriminalization, are located as sites of change that influence informal power and political commitment towards an enabling legal and policy environment for the full and total enjoyment of SRHR

4. Knowledge leadership:

  • We will support feminist and womn-led initiatives that aim to improve knowledge sharing, networking and data collection on SRHR on the continent. This includes learning, documenting and evidence-based research and publications on SRHR related topics.

UAF-Africa will provide Rapid Response Grants of up to USD 15,000, and Advocacy and Alliance Building Grants of up to USD 30,000 to support the mentioned key areas of support.

How to Apply

The call for proposals is open from July 2022. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.

All applicants must be from womn-led womn’s rights formations – registered or unregistered – operating on the African continent. Collectives led by young feminists and supporting adolescent girls.

There are two ways to apply for the UAF-Africa’s 2022 SRHR Grants:

  1. Complete the Online Form which can be accessed here . Forms are available in Arabic, English, French, Kiswahili and Portuguese. If you are unable to save your responses as you complete the online form, we suggest that you download a form to prepare your response and paste them into the online form.
  2. Complete the Downloadable Form: the UAF-Africa Grant Application form which can be accessed for download at once completed, email it to  for review.

If you are unsure whether you fit the criteria to apply for funding or have any other questions, please contact UAF-Africa by emailing with the subject line: UAF-Africa 2022 SRHR Call for Proposals.

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