Call for Proposals: Out of School Children (OOSC)Assessment

Reporting To: Area Manager, Dadaab
Location: Dadaab Refugee Camp, Kenya
Grade: Consultancy, National Consultant – Nationally recruited Contractors Agreement

Lutheran World Federation/World Service (LWF/WS) is a faith-based humanitarian International Non governmental Organization operating programs in emergency relief, rehabilitation and development in 32 countries across the world. In Kenya, LWF/WS works through its Kenya-Djibouti-Somalia program with operational field Area programs in Kakuma, Dadaab, Djibouti and Kismayo. LWF is UNHCR’s lead partner in implementation of community services, child protection, basic education, youth development, peace building, community safety, livelihoods and social accountability to support refugees in Dadaab.

LWF manages Early Years Education (EYE) and Primary education in Hagadera, Ifo and Dagahaley camps.
The program comprises of 22 schools with a population of 41572(23392 Boys, 18180 Girls)1 learners.
The overall goal is to provide access to inclusive quality education for refugee children in a friendly, age appropriate, safe and protective environment.

1. Background

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 on education calls for completion of “free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes” by all girls and boys by 2030. One of the indicators used to monitor achievement of this target is SDG indicator 4.1.4, the out-of-school rate. Globally, it is estimated that 258 million2 children, adolescents and youth are out-of school. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated problems of exclusion causing further pressure on weak education systems. The current crisis also highlights the need for accurate figures on enrolment and children out of school. Dadaab Refugee Camp faces challenges accurately identifying children who are out of school, measuring the scope and causes of exclusion, and integrating this evidence in policy and planning.

In light of these, LWF intends to carry out an assessment to analyze and identify the profiles of OOSC, the underlying reasons for their exclusions, and how these can be addressed in order to help the operation understand the profiles of OOSC for better targeting, provide national policy planners, donors and other stakeholders with more reliable evidence for the design of interventions aimed at reducing the out-of school population. LWF Dadaab, will hire an external consultant for a period of 40 calendar days. The consultant will work with LWF staff to attain the deliverables and will be supervised by the Area Manager, work closely with Technical Advisor, Education and Protection, Quality Service Manager and liaise with the Education Officers in Dadaab Area Program.

1. Objectives and Key Tasks
The following are the objectives of the assessment;
i. To analyze the complexities of the OOSC problem in Hagadera, Ifo, Dagahaley refugee camps and host community (20kms): who they are, where they live, how many they are, and why they are out of school, gender and age disaggregated
ii. To identify the various and overlapping types of exclusion and inequities experienced by Out of School Children. e.g. Exclusion based on sex, clan, religion, disability, age, nationality among others
iii. To provide for a comprehensive definition of OOSC that considers issues of educational quality in terms of inputs, processes, and outputs
iv. To give examples of policies, strategies and interventions that have been effective in addressing such exclusions in other contexts and which LWF can use.
v. To provide recommendations and strategies for LWF to take in the future to ensure that all children in the camp and or host community have equal access to quality education.

Under the overall authority of the Country Representative Lutheran World Federation, Kenya, and the direct supervision of the Area Manager, the Consultant will carry out the following tasks:

1. Inventory and evaluate the quality and reliability of national data sources on enrolment, school attendance, and out-of-school children (administrative data, censuses, sample surveys), with a focus on data gathered since 2019 (use recent data such as Census, KDRDIP baseline)
2. Determine the out-of-school rates of children in pre-primary, primary, , broken down by gender, locality, and other personal and household factors.
3. Compare out-of-school rates computed from various data sources _____administrative and survey data.
4. Create profiles of the most important groups of out-of-school children, as well as identify and characterize the primary (demand- and supply-side) causes for their exclusion from education.
5. Summarize the role of non-state actors and non-formal education in the education of children from pre-primary to upper secondary school.
6. Identify data gaps and provide recommendations for better out-of-school-time monitoring.
7. Discuss the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on school attendance and out-of-school numbers.
8. Prepare datasets and write a report in English based on the findings from activities 1–7.
9. Make a presentation with the study’s findings and deliver it to the LWF in a face-to-face or virtual meeting.

2. Deliverables and Timeline
For each camp, the Consultant will submit the following deliverables to LWF:
1. Inception report with detailed plan of work and assessment tools (11th October,2021).
2. First draft report with the results of key tasks 1 to 6 (13th October 8th November, 2021).
3. Second draft report with the results of key tasks 7 & 8 (19th November, 2021).
4. Final report (with executive summary), incorporating feedback by LWF, and datasets with the results of key tasks 1 to 8 (26th November 2021).

For each camp, the consultancy is expected to require 10 working days over a period of no more than 2 months. The provisional start date for the consultancy is 4th October 2021 and the completion date would be no later than 29th November 2021.

3. Cost and Technical Arrangements
For each Camp, the total cost of the consultancy, including any essential travel, where necessary, will be agreed in advance. All payments under the consultancy will be made against deliverables, as shown below.
Deliverable                                 Time allocated                       Payment
Inception report                           5 calendar days                    20%
First draft report                          25 calendar days                  30%
Second draft report                     5 calendar days                    20%
Final report and datasets            5 calendar days                    30%

4. Submission of the Proposal
Interested applicants are encouraged to apply for this assignment by submitting the following;
i. A technical proposal that includes but not limited to; an interpretation of the objective of the assignment
ii. Detailed methodology appreciative of the prevailing context in Dadaab including COVID-19
iii. Detailed work-plan (program)
iv. Annexes: Any documents, such as work samples, or other information, which the consultant feels will assist proposal review team in evaluating the proposal
v. Profile of the lead consultant describing qualifications, and previous similar assignments
vi. A financial proposal; detailed budget in KES with cost elements for each deliverable itemized.

Transport, Meals, Accommodation and other personal effects are inclusive of the consultancy.
The budget should be inclusive of relevant taxes where applicable
The consultancy proposals shall be sent to;, subject line
reading “CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR OOSC ASSESSMENT”. The deadline for application submission is
Thursday 30th September, 2021 by 5:00pm
LWF reserves the right to reject any application(s) without disclosing the reasons

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