Call for Expression of Interest: Consultancy for Development of Training Modules for Business Development, I Choose Life – Africa (ICL)

1.0 About Us

Choose Life – Africa (ICL) is a leading youth focused Non-Governmental Organizations that has significantly contributed to the realization of socio-economic development and empowerment of individuals bringing about transformative change across communities in Kenya. The organization has over 17 years’ experience implementing evidence-based adolescents and youth programs in over 345 institutions of learning (Primary, Secondary and Higher learning institutions) across 25 Counties in Kenya. ICL aims at contributing towards improved life opportunities of adolescent and youth aged 10-24 using a holistic transformational model. ICL employs evidence to design and run innovative and high impact interventions to improve key indicators in health, education, economic empowerment and leadership and governance with regards to children, adolescents and youth. To ensure maximum impact, ICL utilizes a multi-sectorial approach, Quadra Helix development approach (which brings together the Government, Private sector, Academia and Civil society) to foster innovative and sustainable transformation in communities. In this model, ICL envisions better health and well-being, quality education and improved livelihoods for sustainable development. In her work, ICL is guided by Vision 2030 whose objectives it seeks to cascade to counties, sub-counties, wards, organized groups and households. In her sustainable and transformative service delivery, ICL invests in generation and documentation of evidence to influence policy and practice. The organization is guided by a vision of a “Healthy Africa, Empowered People!” and is on a mission to improve the life opportunities of youth aged 10-24 through strategic empowerment for sustainable development.

2.0 Objective of the Consultancy

I Choose Life – Africa is seeking a Consultant / Consultancy Firm to develop a gender sensitive training module for business development to be used in the training of youth in Migori, Turkana and Kisumu in agriculture.

3.0 Proposed Training Module for Business Development

Consultant is to develop a training module for business development to be used in the training of youth in agriculture. The module should cover topics including but not limited to Business Idea Generation, Product Development, Business Model Canvas, Team Development, Sales, Marketing & Branding, Customer Management, Financial Management & Bookkeeping, Intellectual Property & Governance, Capital Raising & Pitching, Digital Literacy and Value Chain Development.

4.0 Expectations

The Consultant who will be shortlisted must have 7 – 12 years of experience in developing business related curriculum for both government and non- governmental organizations. The consultant must have extensive experience in project design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation with a focus on youth employability, entrepreneurship skills development and business coaching, mentorship, and acceleration. As such, the consultant should have extensive field experience to ensure the materials reflects the realities of local and humanitarian contexts.

5.0 Deliverables

  • Developed a training manual with at least 12 topics not exceeding 5 pages each
  • Developed PowerPoint presentations per topic developed with a maximum of 15 slides inclusive of a relevant video reference
  • Developed a training user workbook not exceeding 2 pages per topic developed
  • Submitted the final training materials within 10 days of contract signing

6.0 Qualifications

The consultant should have the following qualifications:

  • Bachelor degree in Entrepreneurship, Business Administration, Economics
  • Strong experience on entrepreneurship and Youth economic empowerment and delivery of related trainings
  • At least 3 years’ professional work experience Livelihoods & Economic empowerment projects.
  • Experience working with saving groups, livelihoods, microfinance and IGA approaches.
  • Experienced facilitator and trainer, with training material development skills.
  • Experience working with non-governmental organizations, local communities and authorities
  • Demonstrated understanding of project management best practices, including planning, budgeting, and stakeholder management.
  • Ability to prioritize work, execute exceptionally well, and deliver high-quality results within very tight timelines. Self-starter, highly motivated, and proactive.
  • Experience running a successful business in Kenya or evidence of application of theory into practice

7.0 Timeframe and Days Required

The assignment should be completed within 7 days of signing the contract.

ICL will conduct relevant quality checks including relevant plagiarism tests.

8.0 Rate

Consultancy rate will be KSH. 18,000 per topic developed. Payment will be made upon successful completion and approval of developed materials as per deliverables above.

9.0 Expression of Interest – Technical Proposal

Agencies or individuals interested in tendering for Training Module for Business Development should prepare a detailed Expression of Interest (Maximum 15 pages) and submit with the following information:

  • Short summary or profile of individual/agency seeking to bid.
  • Profiles of the lead consultant and team if any
  • Proposed methodology including activities in delivery of this assignment.
  • A sample of previous work done with evidence of past achievements.
  • Proposed budget breakdown against the deliverables.
  • Contact details of 2 referees related to the past relevant work done.
  • A copy of KRA pin number and Tax certificate of compliance
  • CR12 for companies.

How to Apply

The Expression of Interest – Proposal should be submitted to;; and cc; on or before 11th January, 2022 10:00 am

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