Call for Consultancy to Conduct Accessibility Audit in 8 TVETs in Nairobi

01. Organizational background information

Girl Child Network (GCN) is an independent, non-political, non-religious and non-profit organization partnering with over 300 organizations working to improve the wellbeing of children in Kenya with emphasis on the education of the girl child. The Network was established in 1995 as follow up of the Beijing Platform for Action and implementation of Article 12- The Girl Child. GCN came into being to primarily mainstream children, women and young people activities, and initiates interventions that focuses child protection, gender, democracy and governance, research, policy advocacy, education, health, capacity development, HIV/Aids and emergency response through Advocacy, action implementation, information sharing and strengthening of children programming in Kenya.

Girl Child Network in partnership with CBM Kenya is implementing a three-year Project dubbed, “Injob!”. The overall objective is to promote the educational, social and vocational inclusion of vulnerable and disabled youth in Kenya. Among key outcomes of the Project is, removal of architectural barriers preventing students with disabilities from accessing the formal technical training within Vocational training centers (VTCs). To uptake these architectural modifications, an accessibility audit will be conducted by a consultant in the 8 selected vocational training public institutions (VTCs) in Nairobi County.


Structural barriers within learning institutions can prevent trainees with disabilities from accessing educational services and learning opportunities. These barriers include the play grounds, pathways, walking lanes, corridors, non-modified classes and workshops as well as teachers’ staffrooms and ablution blocks. According to the Disability Act of 2003, Persons with disabilities are entitled to a barrier- free and disability- friendly environment to enable them to have access to buildings, roads and other social amenities, and assistive devices and other equipment to promote their mobility. This is emphasized by the sector policy for Learners and trainees with disability of 2019, which aligns the provision of education and training to the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the Basic Education Act (2013), as well as the Sustainable Development Goal No. 4 on Equitable, Inclusive Quality Education and lifelong learning for all. In this regard, the policy framework recognizes the importance of inclusive education by emphasizing on the need for all learners to learn together in an inclusive environment.

Education therefore is regarded as a basic human right for all Kenyans as re-affirmed in the Constitution (2010) under Article 54 (b) which gives specific right to Persons with Disabilities to access educational institutions and facilities that are integrated into society and are compatible with the interests of the person.

To address these barriers, the InJob! project plans to carry out an accessibility audit of 8 tvets within Nairobi. The accessibility audit aim to find the structural gaps that exist, making the learning environment for Trainees with disabilities unbearable and unfriendly. This will in turn inform infrastructure modification within specific institutions.

03.Objectives of the consultancy

A. To assess the 8 TVETS:  Carry out accessibility audit in the 8 selected project VTCs in terms of infrastructural barriers, doing an in-depth assessment of the facilities to examine the structural barriers for modification.

04.List of target Institutions.

No Name of institution Sub County
1 Mathare Vocational Training Center Mathare
2 Kiwanja Vocational Training Center Roysambu
3 Waithaka Vocational Training Center Dagoretti South
4 Kangemi Vocational Training Center Westlands
5 Dandora Green Light Vocational Training Center Embakasi North
6 Bahati Vocational Training Center Makadara
7 Ofafa Vocational Training Center Makadara
8 Old Mathari Vocational Training Center Mathare

05. Scope of Work 

The Consultancy services required will be within Nairobi County, targeting 8 Project Vtcs as listed in section 4 above.

During this process, the Consultant will be expected to assess the physical barriers hindering access to services within the institutions. School external barriers include: accessible transportation, safe and accessible roads and crossings whereas Internal barriers include: Entry/exit, Ramps, Stairs, Corridors, Signage, Doors, Classrooms, Greenboards, Desks and benches/chairs, Storage space, Windows (glare), Flooring, Drinking water units, Toilets and Lighting.

The data collected and the findings of the assessment will be consolidated into an audit report, including analysis of existing structures and recommendations for disability inclusion. This document will subsequently be used by civil works personnel to carry out infrastructure works to remove architectural barriers. Thus, the Consultant’s assessment reports will brief contractors and laborers about access features and their function and ensure that all retrofitting work complies with essential access standards.

Specifically, the Consultant will be expected to:

  • Develop, adapt and use a checklist to find out the accessibility state of the VTCs.
  • Carry out accessibility audit in the 8 selected VTCs
  • List the infrastructural barriers found in each of the 8 VTCs
  • Provide practical, cost-effective, and technical solutions for making the physical environment of a school safe, accessible and friendly for trainees with disabilities
  • Highlight intersection of disability and gender biases in facilities, if any.


The following methodology is proposed by GCN

  • Conduct a desk review of appropriate documents and policies on accessibility.
  • Observations of the 8 VTCs, including the surrounding environment.
  • Interviews with current trainees with disabilities and/or teachers with disabilities for active and meaningful participation of the beneficiaries, using a comprehensive questionnaire prepared considering national and international codes

NB: The consultant will provide a disaggregated data with specifics in terms of Name, gender, age, contacts and any other relevant information.


A final audit report indicating the processes, findings, recommendations, and conclusion. Two bound hard copies and One Soft Copy. The accessibility checklist of each of the 8 VTCs assessed should be attached.

08. Timeframe

This assignment is expected to run for period of 15 working days as follows:

Deliverable/activity Days Date
Submission of technical and financial proposal First week of May.
Contract signing and Inception report 1 8th May 2023
Tools developments and piloting 1 09th May 2023
Data collection 4 10th, 11th, 12th and 15th May 2023
Draft one report 2 16th and 17th May 2023
Compilation of final report 2 18th and 19th May 2023

09.Academic Qualifications

Academic Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Education (specialization on Special Needs Education and or any other social sciences.)
  • Holders of Master’s degree will be added advantage.

Any person who might have undertaken a similar assignment before will have an added advantage.

10. How to Apply

Interested consulting firms/ Individuals who meet the requirement under this call should send their technical and financial proposals attaching all the necessary documents (statutory, personnel and proof of previous work) through our email

N/B: Kindly note that any applications not sent through our Email platform as stated above shall not be considered.

(Only Applicants from firms in Kenya and native Citizens are allowed to Apply.)

The closing date for applications is 28th April 2023. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

For Application:

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