Call for Consultancy Services to carry out a Baseline Assessment of Strengthening the Livestock Sector in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALS) of Kenya Programme -Phase II

Contract no: 81073701

Call for Consultancy Services to carry out a Baseline Survey

Frontier Counties Development Council (FCDC) calls for technical and financial proposals to conduct a baseline assessment of the Livestock Sector Support programme from 20 June to 31 July 2022.


The FCDC counties of Garissa, Wajir, Mandera, Isiolo, Marsabit, Tana River, Lamu, West Pokot, Samburu, and Turkana account for more than half of Kenya’s landmass (61%). They are home to a population of at least 5.53 million people. The population depends mainly on livestock production as the basis of their livelihoods, with the sector accounting for an estimated 80% of the region’s economic performance. On average, about 64.2 % of the population lives below the poverty line, compared to a national average of 36.1 %.

The FCDC region is experiencing increasing climatic variability due to climate change. Livestock plays a vital role in risk management, particularly for the more impoverished herders, who are more vulnerable to high economic and climatic risks. The region borders Somalia to the East, Ethiopia and South Sudan to the North, and Uganda to the West. A robust trans-boundary movement of animals and trade in livestock contributes to the spread of livestock diseases. Conflicts also tend to transcend these borders. The shared porous borders are prone to trans-boundary insecurity and conflicts linked to spillovers from neighboring countries; climate-induced cross-border migrations of pastoralist communities competition for shrinking pasture and water resources, resulting in conflicts.

LSS II Programme Overview

LSS II Programme will run for 4 years, from April 2022 to March 2026. The overall objective of the LSS II Programme is to contribute to the resilience of the pastoralists in the FCDC region to droughts, livestock disease outbreaks, and natural resource conflicts.

The Programme builds on the work accomplished in the first phase, which aimed to strengthen livestock sector institutions to deliver relevant services through better stakeholder coordination; and common disease control, rangelands management, peace and cohesion, and fodder production strategies.

The Programme will support FCDC in enhancing livestock disease surveillance, strengthening disease control, training human resources, improving infrastructure, and contributing to the rapid response to emergencies. It will facilitate inter and intra-county grazing plans and harmonious sharing of pastures. Furthermore, it will promote the registration of community land for the communities to have legal control of their land through the acquisition of title deeds. The Programme aims to increase fodder production to address the natural pasture feed deficit in the FCDC counties; establish strategic fodder reserves in the counties for drought emergency preparedness.

To promote peace and cohesion essential for livestock sector development, the Programme will support peace structures, convene alternative dispute Resolution meetings, and encourage inter-county dialogue on land and natural resource-based conflicts. In addition, for sustained capacity building for peace and cohesion in the region, the Programme will strengthen collaboration with Garissa University Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) to provide outreach programmes for peace actors and research the conflict hotspots to offer empirical evidence for action.

The Programme will endeavor to create functional and mutually beneficial linkages with region-wide and national pastoralists’ interests through advocacy, political lobbying, and implementation of policies that contribute to the program’s goal.

FCDC will implement LSS II through strategic partnerships with key institutions at the county, regional and national levels. The leading partner at the county level will be County Departments for Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries. At the regional level, the main partners will be the Sector Forum for Agriculture and Livestock, the Sector Forum for Peace and Cohesion, and Garissa University Institute for Peace and Security Studies. At the national level, the main partners are the Pastoralist Parliamentary Group, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives, State Department for the Development of ASALs, and the Development Partners relevant to the goal of the program.

Programme implementation within FCDC will be coordinated by a Programme Coordinating Unit (PCU) under the guidance of the Programme Steering Committee and Sector Forum for Agriculture and Livestock. The PCU shall be composed of a Programme Manager (PM), Finance and Administration Manager, Programme Officer, Program Assistant, Procurement Officer, and admin assistant. The PCU will oversee the day-to-day management of the Programme.

Baseline Assessment Summary

Table 1: Baseline info summary

Programme Name: Strengthening the Livestock Sector In Arid And Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) Counties of Kenya: Phase II

Target Location: Frontier Counties- Mandera, Wajir, Garissa, Tana River, Lamu,Isiolo, Marsabit, Samburu, West Pokot and Turkana

Programme Goal: The overall objective of the LSS II Programme is to contribute to the resilience of the pastoralists in the FCDC region to droughts, livestock disease outbreaks, and natural resource conflicts.

Programme Outcomes/Outputs:

Outcome 1: Livestock production and productivity in the FCDC region improved through effective and coordinated livestock disease management.

Outcome 2: Improved management of rangeland resources across FCDC counties for enhanced peaceful co-existence of communities.

Outcome 3: Enhanced coordination and advocacy on policy dialogue and emerging issues in the FCDC counties.

Direct beneficiary:

  • Pastoralists who live in FCDC Counties

Key partners:

  • County Governments of FCDC Region, PPG, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Garissa University IPSS, NDMA, and others

Programme lifespan:

  • 4 years: 2022 – 2026

Support office:


Baseline Purpose:

  • The objective of the baseline survey is to collect data that will help establish the overall goal, outcome and outputs indicators of the program. These baseline indicators – monitored during the programme implementation and end-line evaluation – compared with the performance against pre-identified targets.

Primary Methods:

  • A quantitative survey of sampled pastoralists households/communities from the 10 target FCDC counties
  • Qualitative interviews with key partners were identified and agreed upon at the study’s inception.
  • Document review, including relevant secondary data

Baseline Start and End Dates:

  • From 20th June to 31st July 2022

Anticipated Baseline Report Release Date:

  • The baseline report will be released on 01 August 2022

Description of Programme

The overall goal of the Programme is “to contribute to the resilience of the pastoralists in the FCDC region to droughts, livestock disease outbreaks and natural resource conflict.”

This will be achieved through key Outcome areas and their Outputs as shown below.

Programme outcomes and outputs:

OC1: Livestock production and productivity in the FCDC region improved through effective and coordinated management of livestock disease


  • Effective and coordinated management of livestock disease outbreaks achieved.
  • Increased access and use of feed and fodder to supplement rangelands resources.

OC2: Improved management of rangeland resources across FCDC counties for enhanced peaceful co-existence of communities.


  • Inter and intra-county grazing plans developed and used, and community land registration promoted.

OC 3:Enhanced coordination and advocacy on policy dialogue and emerging issues in the FCDC counties.


  • Enhanced coordination and advocacy on policy dialogue and pastoralist affecting issues in rangelands, livestock mobility and resource conflicts in the FCDC counties.

Baseline Objectives

The baseline assessment is intended for use by the programme team, target communities, and other key stakeholders (government, non-government, etc.). The assessment will help understand the current situation and gaps for improving the lives of the pastoralists in the FCDC Counties. The groups and individuals with a major interest in the baseline survey are County Governments, pastoralist parliamentary group (PPG), national government, the Ministry of Livestock, and donors, including SDC and USAID.


FCDC will select consultant(s)/firm to conduct the baseline survey. In addition, the consultant(s) will be required to prepare a detailed research methodology to be formulated in an inception report to be approved before the beginning of the assignment.

The Baseline survey will be proposed to apply both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. A total of 10 FCDC counties will be targeted for the baseline survey.

Quantitative Data Collection Methods

The reference document of this survey is the programme logframe. The assessment will identify existing data gaps at goal, outcome, and output levels. The Programme team initially determines possible key respondents or data sources. Next, however, a detailed data source and methods and complete questionnaires are required from the consultant team.

Programme goal, outcome, and select indicators:

Hierarchy Of Objectives

Impact (Overall Goal): To contribute to the resilience of the pastoralists in the FCDC region to droughts, livestock disease outbreaks, and natural resource conflicts


  • Reduction in the estimated number of livestock deaths due to drought, animal disease outbreaks, and natural resource-based conflicts
  • Number of persons (men, women, and minorities) benefiting from concrete climate change adaptation measures

Outcome 1: Climate-smart livestock production and productivity in the FCDC region improved through effective and coordinated management of livestock diseases and fodder production


  • # of FCDC Counties using Kenya Animal Bio-surveillance System that has improved disease reporting rating by the National Director of Veterinary Services (DVS) – ranked among the top 20 out of the 47 Counties in Kenya.
  • The number of Livestock disease outbreaks reported due to increased disease control measures.
  • % reduction in the unit prices of a bale of hay due to increased production and use of hay during the dry season.

Outcome 2: Improved management of rangeland resources across FCDC counties for enhanced peaceful co-existence of communities.


  • Efficient use of wet, dry, and drought grazing systems based on the grazing plans put in place.
  • Increased number of processes or policies that increase societies’ capacities to resist and mitigate all forms of violence or that strengthen coping mechanisms, state-society relationships, and social cohesion.
  • The number of inter-community and inter-county resource-based conflicts documented by alternative dispute resolution committees or the directorate of peace at the county level reduced

Outcome 3: Enhanced coordination and advocacy on policy dialogue and emerging issues in the FCDC counties.


  • The proportion of supported subnational governments (Counties) that are satisfied with the dialogue and responsiveness of other government units (national level) increased
  • Increased number of persons from Left Behind groups benefitting from Programmes to reduce exclusion, discrimination, and inequality.
  • Increased number of laws, policies, and strategies formulated and adopted for improved food security and that are sensitive to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Qualitative Data Collection Methods

Key methods to include focus group discussions(FGDs) and key informant interviews(KII) with partners. Proposed number of interviews and samples to be identified during the inception period of the study; the consultant(s) can suggest partners to be interviewed based on information needs.

All recommended evaluation tools are to be approved by FCDC and SDC before starting the data collection.

​​​​​​​Desk Review

The baseline team will use all Programme documents and will be provided by the Programme team. In addition, secondary data sources can be utilized for additional information gathering and triangulation.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Data Analysis and Interpretation

The primary data analysis should be disaggregated by sex and target counties. Assessment draft findings will be presented to the programme team and key partners for validation before the finalization/drafting of the final report.

Timeline and Products

The baseline survey will commence on 20th June and end on 31st July 2022

Table: Dates and deliverables

Date:            Work Item: Deliverables:
June 20-21
  • Workshop for baseline planning
  • Finalize the baseline design/methods
  • Prepare field schedule
  • Baseline Questionnaires
  • field data collection schedule
June 27-16 July
  • Field data collection by external baseline team
  • Raw data collection from pastoral families
  • FGD/ KII notes with partners
July 25-26
  • Data validation meeting with Programme team
  • Draft report
July 27
  • Submit the draft baseline report
  • Draft findings’ presentation
July 31
  • Final report submitted to FCDC
  • Final report


A technical and financial proposal for conducting the baseline survey will be submitted to FCDC.

Application ProcessApplicants must drop original and copies of a technical and financial proposal in the tender box at FCDC Offices on Woodlands Office Park, 2nd Floor, on Woodlands Road, off Denis Pritt labelled “BASELINE ASSESSMENT: STRENGTHENING THE LIVESTOCK SECTOR IN THE ARID AND SEMI-ARID LANDS (ASALS) OF KENYA PROGRAMME – PHASE II – Contract no: 81073701” by 10th June 2022.

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