Call for Applications 2022 – Development Research, Danish Fellowship Center

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Danida (MFA) provides grants for development research activities as part of Denmark’s international development cooperation. While the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015 constitute an overall framework for development cooperation and research, Denmark’s Strategy for Development Cooperation “The World We Share” constitutes the thematic framework for this call for research proposals. “The World We Share” also emphasizes the importance of development research collaboration between Danish universities and the research community in the Global South to generate knowledge and capacity as well as to contribute to creativity and innovation.

Within this framework, the MFA invites Phase 1 applications from Danish research institutions for grants related to development research with partners in the Global South. Partnerships contributing to inter-disciplinary and gender sensitive research with a large role for research institutions in the Global South are strongly encouraged to apply for these grants.

Estimated Value

The total allocation available for development research funding in 2022 is approximately DKK 200 million.

Eligible Countries

Window 1 is open to research institutions in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Myanmar, Niger, Palestine, Somalia, Tanzania, and Uganda, in addition to Denmark. Window 2 is open to Danish research organizations in collaboration with research institutions in Bangladesh, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Myanmar, South Africa, and Vietnam.

The deadline for submission of Phase 1 applications is 25 February 2022 at 13:00hrs CET.
Applications must be submitted in English and electronically via the e-application system.

For all details see;

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