Baseline Survey Consultant required for the “Improved Access and Uptake of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services (SRHR) for the LGBTQ Refugees of Reproductive Age in Nairobi” Project, HIAS


HIAS is a global Jewish not-for-profit organization that stands for a world in which displaced persons attain full potential and contribute to society through sustained legal, social, and systematic change, attaining legal status, exercising social and economic rights and rebuilding their lives. HIAS’ operation in Kenya was established in 2002 with the mission to serve the most vulnerable refugees through community-based protection, mental health and psychosocial-support (MHPSS), economic inclusion, gender-based violence, child protection and provision of durable solutions.

With funding from Swedish Association of Sexuality Education (RFSU), this project, will be implemented by HIAS Kenya over a period of one year and four months. The project’s goals are 1). Improved enabling environment among LGBTQ refugees in Nairobi. 2). Enhanced capacity of LGBTQ refugees to address their SRHR issues. 3). Enhanced capacity for LGBTQ CBOs to advocate for their SRHR in Nairobi. The project aims to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Partner agency staff and refugee leaders have enhanced capacity to provide integrated SRHR services to LGBTQ refugees
  2. Health workers have enhanced capacity to provide improved, quality and LGBTQ-friendly SRHR services that meet LGBTQ individuals’ specific needs
  3. LGBTQ refugees in Nairobi have increased knowledge of SRHR issues.
  4. LGBTQ CBOs have increased capacity to advocate for issues concerning their SRHR rights at the county and national level
  5. LGBTQ refugees have increased access to integrated SRHR services (including post-GBV services).


The main purpose of the study is to provide data and information that will be used as a basis to measure the degree and quality of change in the target population over the course of project implementation. In addition, the study will provide a benchmark to measure the projects contribution to more long-term change (impact). The following study questions will guide the baseline assessment.:

i. What is the current capacity of HIAS partner agency staff and refugee leaders to provide integrated SRHR services to LGBTQ refugees?

ii. What is the current capacity of healthcare workers and CBOs to provide improved, quality and LGBTQ-friendly SRHR services that meet LGBTQ individuals’ specific needs?

iii. What is the current knowledge and attitude levels on SRHR issues among LGBTQ refugees in Nairobi?

iv. What is the current capacity of LGBTQ CBOs to advocate for issues concerning their SRHR rights at the county and national level?

v. What is the current level of access to integrated SRHR services (including post-GBV services) by LGBTQ refugees in Nairobi?

Data collection will adhere to HIAS’ COVID-19 safety policies and align with the Kenyas Ministry of Health COVID-19 guidelines. Therefore, remote data collection methods will be adopted in cases where in-person data collection cannot be done due to the prevailing COVID-19 situation and, social distancing, wearing off masks and washing of hands must be observed.


The geographical scope of the study will be within Nairobi County; Kayole, Kawangware, and Eastleigh and surrounding areas. The design and implementation of the baseline will ensure ethical consideration are put in place, e.g., principles of gender equality, inclusion and non-discrimination are considered and acted upon throughout, and that the meaningful participation of the most vulnerable groups and other key stakeholders is promoted in the design and implementation of the baseline.


The baseline study methodologies will include:

  1. Secondary documentation: Desk review of project documents and other studies related documents
  2. Quantitative approaches will include surveys to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices of SRHR issues among the LGBTQ community and capacity of CBOs and health care providers in providing LGBTQ friendly services.
  3. Qualitative approaches will include focus group discussions key informant interviews and observation.

The baseline data collection is to be consistent with SPHERE standards[1] through its emphasis on a rights-based and participatory approach in conducting of monitoring and evaluation; the baseline survey will be organized in a participatory way, including HIAS staff, partner agencies, refugee community leaders and project beneficiaries.


The expected key outputs and deliverables are:

  • Inception Report: This report will present the detailed methodology, literature review, data collection tools/instruments and a data analysis plan. The inception report will be discussed with the HIAS baseline study team for any inputs.
  • Draft report for stakeholder review—clearly identifying information relevant to the five objectives of the project framework; as well as data gaps and areas that may require further assessment.
  • Raw and cleaned final dataset(s) containing all data collected for the baseline, including survey responses and KII/FGD transcriptions.
  • Final Report (incorporating inputs from the review): The main body of the report should be a maximum of 40 pages in length, excluding Table of Content, tables and annexes).
  • The findings will be presented in a validation meeting with key HIAS staff and stakeholders:


Probable date for the baseline survey to commence will be January 2022 and is expected to take a maximum of 18 working days, which includes desk-review, preparation, and implementation and report-writing.


HIAS will establish a baseline study team to oversee all the related tasks. The HIAS Kenya M&E Officer will be responsible for the overall coordination of all the evaluation tasks with the consultant. In addition, the Program Managers, Head of Programmes, Regional M&E Officer and Country Director will provide all the necessary technical and operational support required throughout the evaluation process.

HIAS will provide:

  • Relevant documentation and background information.
  • Contacts of relevant stakeholders and set up meetings.
  • Consolidated feedback/guidance on draft reports.


HIAS is looking for a consultant/team with the following skills and qualifications;

  • Demonstrable expertise on SRHR and gender equality, preferably in Kenya or the region.
  • Demonstrable expertise on refugee operations especially in Kenya.
  • Experience in qualitative & quantitative researches, data analysis and reporting with a focus on social research and evaluation, preferably in the region.
  • The team leader should preferably possess a post graduate degree in research-oriented social science or related discipline with extensive knowledge of and experience in leading (designing and undertaking) large scale quantitative social surveys as well as qualitative research.
  • Experience in managing and coordinating baseline surveys, delivering agreed outputs on time and on budget.
  • Experience in data collection and analysis using participatory methodologies.
  • Excellent and demonstrated understanding of ethical issues in research, especially in SRHR.
  • Capacity to use mobile data collection for data collection, and analysis of survey results.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication in English required.


Qualified and interested parties are asked to submit the following:

  • Letter of interest in submission of a proposal
  • A detailed technical proposal clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this ToR and including but not limited to the following:
  1. Consultant/Company Profile
  2. Proposed methodology including areas of piloting, Sample Size Determination, data collection methods and analysis.
  3. Demonstrated previous experience in similar assignments and qualifications outlined in this ToR (with submission of the most recent report of a similar assignment)
  4. Proposed Work plan with clear timelines.
  • Team composition and level of effort of each proposed team member (include CVs of each team member).
  • A financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs for the study quoted in Kenya Shillings.


Applications should be submitted to indicating Vacancy Notice No HRTK/BS/01/22 in the subject line. The deadline for submission is 27th January 2022 at 5:00pm.Important: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

HRTK is an equal opportunity employer, does not charge candidates for recruitment and dissociates itself from any entity defrauding candidates.

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