African Union CIEFFA Youth Capacity Building Workshop

The African Union’s International Center for Girls’ and Women’s Education in Africa (African Union CIEFFA) is a specialized institution of the African Union, established for the promotion and advocacy of gender equality in education on the continent.

Within its stakeholders, the African Union CIEFFA recognizes the important role that African youth play as change-makers both at grassroots and national levels in advocating for gender equality in education. Since 2017, the African Union CIEFFA convenes 55+ young African women and men working as advocates of girls and women’s education (GWE) within their nations and local communities. The annual Youth Capacity Building Workshop focuses on skills building in areas of advocacy and policy literacy among other skills.

The African Union CIEFFA is hosting its 5th Youth Capacity Building Workshop in November 2022 under the theme “Girls and women’s education, and climate change: connecting the dots to build sustainable and resilient communities” and convening 50+ African youth leaders to learn, exchange experiences and design collective community solutions that tackle to girls’ and women’s education, and climate change issues.

Application Deadline: 21 August 2022

Eligibility Criteria

  • Be an African youth aged between 23 – 33 years of age;
  • Be able to demonstrate the following: leadership abilities and aspirations; a commitment to the promotion of girls’ and women’s education;
  • Have a clear understanding of one or both of the workshops’ languages; English or French;
  • Hold a valid African passport (Passport must be valid by the 1st of June 2023);
  • Applications from African youth holding valid African passports but residing outside of Africa are also accepted.


  • Fully funded trip to the three (3) day workshop (Economy tickets and accommodation);
  • DSA for the duration of the workshop to cover dinners;
  • Access to a network of over 240 girls’ and women’s education (GWE) youth champions in Africa;

For more information and application:

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