Addax and Oryx Foundation Grants

The Addax and Oryx Foundation aims to fund focused, high-impact projects with a clear beginning, end and exit strategy, run by small organizations that have little or no access to large funders.

The Foundation gives preference to concrete projects that cover more than one of our key areas of focus: health, education, community development, with environmental stewardship cutting across all activities, in the knowledge that they are all crucial to the journey out of extreme poverty.

Selection Criteria 

The Addax and Oryx Foundation funds projects that:

  1. Are conducted by registered non-profit, non-governmental organizations (see also under Limitations and exclusions) with:
    • Proven experience and competence in the proposed area of activity.
    • Demonstrated budget efficiency and transparency in the use of funds.
  2. Contribute to the eradication of the root causes of poverty in Africa and the Middle East.
  3. Focus on the Foundation’s four core areas:
    • Health
    • Education
    • Community development
    • The environment.
  4. Create a sustainable and measureable impact for the most underprivileged populations.
  5. Ensure sustainable development by building skills and empowerment for the long-term.

The Foundation gives preference to projects that cover two or more of its core areas, and to small organizations run by highly committed individuals who are directly involved in the projects they propose.

The organizations it supports commit to biannual reporting on the progress of the project and the use of funds. The Foundation is strongly committed to efficient technical and financial management of the projects its finances.

The Foundation has developed a policy document as a recommendation to NGOs requesting funding for water-related proposals. The Addax and Oryx Foundation gives priority to projects that encompass the whole cycle of water supply, in particular, the natural recharging of underground water through intact ecosystems.

Limitations and exclusions

The Foundation does not support:

  • On-going programs
  • Individuals or their families directly
  • Religious or faith-based projects, programs or organizations
  • Political organizations and/or events
  • For-profit organizations
  • Third-party fundraisers
  • Unregistered charities
  • Projects outside Africa and the Middle East
  • Sports sponsorships
  • Research when it is the project’s sole purpose
  • Professional conventions, conferences, seminars
  • Requests solely for travel, accommodation and/or meal expenses
  • Requests solely for operating or administrative expenses

Funding Process

The Foundation’s Board meets; the Board approves a project, it is the subject of a Funding Agreement that defines precisely the duties of the implementing organization towards the Foundation and vice versa.

This implies an efficient and transparent use of funds with regards to the stated project objectives.

The implementing organization is required to provide biannual narrative and financial reports during the project and a final report three months following the end of the project. The Foundation commits to supporting the implementing organization financially according to a jointly established schedule.

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