Abilis Foundation Grants for Disabled Persons

The Abilis Foundation provides small grants to Organizations run by People with Disability (related to mobility, vision, hearing or any other type) to implement their projects in developing countries.

Primary objective of the Abilis foundation is to build the capacity of people with disabilities improving the quality of their lives.

The grants range from 500 to 10,000 Euros.

Focus Areas

  • Human Rights
  • Children
  • Disability
  • Women & Girls
  • Livelihoods
  • Activities and Advocacy of Organization of Persons with Disabilities

Past Projects

  • Creating self-employment for the women with disabilities
  • Working together for Inclusive education
  • Welfare Association for Rehabilitation of Disabled and Society, WARDS working in enhancing educational and vocational training for disabled children
  • Advanced Level Vocational Training Sewing and Cutting to Women with Disabilities
  • Economic Empowerment of Deaf Women
  • Literacy Programme for the Empowerment of Women with Disabilities

Eligibility Criteria

  • Organizations that include persons with disabilities i.e. mobility, visual, hearing or any other type of disability in their leadership are eligible to apply for the funds.
  • Support is also given to the organizations that are run by parents of children with disabilities.
  • Applicants must live in a country defined as qualifying for Official Development Assistance by the United Nations and the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development).
  • Applicant organization must be legally registered and own certificate of registration.
  • Special priority is given to projects on advocating for human rights of disabled people and to activities developed and implemented by disabled women. Organizations run by parents of children with disabilities can also apply for funding.
  • Preference is give to projects with involvement and active role of persons with disabilities in developing the project and in committing their own resources to the project (including time).
  • The application must show how the project will continue to benefit the community once the project’s funding term has been completed.

Application Procedure

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