Master Scholarships in Early Childhood Education

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree at the heart of this proposal focuses on Play, Education, Toys and Language (hereinafter PETaL). Its design is based on the best practices and expertise of the participating institutions.

It is built by three programme country institutions [the University of Cordoba (Spain), the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (Portugal) and Marmara University (Turkey)] on a unique framework for the delivery of an EMJMD programme.

The study programme, including the curriculum content, will be jointly delivered by the teaching staff of all the institutions involved plus the enriching contribution of expert guest scholars from all over the world (e.g. the USA, Africa, South America, and Europe).

Each of the programme countries will deliver 30 ECTS of the taught credits, resulting in a fully integrated curriculum of 120 ECTS (90 ECTS plus 30 ECTS Master Thesis).

PETaL EMJMD is an innovative and unique course, which will enhance the attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Play, toys and games; intercultural education (IE); second language acquisition (ESLA), and early childhood education (ECE) are the key topics of PETaL, which until now have only been offered in isolation.

By embedding these topics in a single, coherent programme we offer both European and international students the chance to develop a unique portfolio of skills and knowledge within a programme of study that ranges over three different countries (ES, PT and TR).

The course modules are designed to intertwine pedagogical aspects with culture in order to emphasize the importance of culture in the practices of game and play within a plurilingual and intercultural context, such as 21st century society.

The impact of culture on education in general, and on Early Childhood Education and child development in particular, has always been an interesting area for research; however, a programme like PETaL EMJMD that incorporates play, toys, language and intercultural education has not been introduced up to now.

Through toys and play, children explore and know the rules and symbols of their communities, as well as recreate roles and situations that reflect their sociocultural and 21st century plurilingual world. As a result, they learn how to subordinate desires to social rules, cooperate with others willingly, and engage in socially appropriate behaviour.

Given all sociological factors and when they are evaluated together with the psychological ones, we can see that there is a current need for action to increase the amount and quality of play provided to children.

Since discrepancies are observed between urban and rural areas and between different cultures, there is also a need for action to start programs where cultures can learn and take advantage from the experiences of each other.

In summary, the PETaL EMJMD reflects a common and integrated approach by the consortium that will provide graduates with an internationally recognized joint degree.

A full Master Scholarships in Early Childhood Education includes:

  • The full tuition fees (9000€/year)
  • A monthly allowance for living expenses of 1000€/month
  • Installation fee: 1000€ (lump sum at arrival)
  • Travel expenses (3000€/year – lump sum)
  • A health insurance (value 500€/year)

A full scholarship for EU students includes:

  • The full tuition fees (4000€/year)
  • A monthly allowance for living expenses of 1000€/month
  • Travel costs : 1000€/year
  • A health insurance 500€/year

Consortium Scholarships

  • The consortium offers scholarships for EU and NON EU candidates applying for the course.
  • The number (3-4/intake) and amount of scholarships will be fixed according to the fund availability.
  • It will be distributed according to the candidate CV’s quality and their motivation.
  • A full scholarship is not given.

We prefer to give partial scholarships to several students instead of full ones to only a few. The Consortium scholarship may include (one or two of the following, not all):

  • Tuition fees (up to 9000€ / year, valid for 2 years).
  • Free Health insurance.
  • Travels: up to 500€.
  • Monthly allocation for living and housing (200-300€/month).

Academic Scholarships

  • Academic Scholarships are granted to excellent applicants.
  • These scholarships will cover a part of tuition fees and about 500€ / month for EU students and 850€ / month for non EU students.

Note: Additional scholarships are available depending on the program country and other factors.

For more information:

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