Call for Applications: GLFx Africa Seed Funding

The GLFx initiative is opening a call to support new GLFx chapters that are leading action on the ground for the sustainability of Africa’s landscapes.

GLF chapters can be:

  • Teams of individuals that are obtaining NGO status
  • Existing local NGOs or grassroots initiatives
  • Existing networks, partnerships, or institutionalized stakeholder groups


The call is for groups of individuals (teams), networks, partnerships, initiatives, and organizations that:

  • are based in Africa
  • promote on-the-ground local actions and community meetings towards sustainable land use
  • are well organized, with an administrative structure to receive and manage funds
  • are diverse: gender balance is key in a team, and will be taken into account during the selection process


Selected chapters will receive:

  1. seed funding of €5,000 to run chapter activities
  2. community mobilization training to enable coordinated restoration action
  3. workshops and/or toolkits to facilitate the implementation of a community action plan
  4. GLFx Secretariat support in key areas (e.g. technical assistance for platform onboarding, capacity development materials, and learning opportunities)
  5. a connection to, and support for, GLF charter members in their region and the GLFx chapter network
  6. promotional opportunities (e.g. profiles in the Landscape News online journal, speaking engagements)

For all information:

Deadline: October 30th

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