Consultancy to Support Integrated Marketing Communication Services

Plan International Kenya has been implementing its current Country Strategy, from July 1st 2015 to June 30th 2020, and extended by one year to end on 30th June, 2021. Beginning July 2021, Plan International Kenya will be implementing a new Country Strategy.

The new Country Strategy has been developed through a consultative process involving a variety of stakeholders including adolescent girls and boys, young women and men, community members and government representatives. This has culminated into a new five-year ambitious strategy that is focused on ending teenage pregnancies and ending all forms of violence against adolescent girls and young women. The new strategic shift and focus on adolescent girls and young women will see Kenya Country Office contribute to Plan International’s global ambition of reaching 100 million girls.

It is for this reason that Plan International Kenya is seeking the services of an Integrated Marketing Communications firm, to optimally position the organization as the leading organization for girls’ rights in Kenya.

Target Audience

  • Adolescents and young people aged 10-24;
  • Parents and caregivers;
  • Community leaders;
  • National and county governments;
  • Donors;
  • Corporates bodies with foundations and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) arms;
  • Individual donors

Purpose of Assignment

Plan International Kenya aims to launch the new strategy in June 2021, while seeking to answer the broader question on ‘why invest more on adolescent girls and young women and youth.

Plan International Kenya is also seeking ways to ensure the organization stands out as a thought leader in advocating for, gender equality, including issues that affect girls and young women. This includes the desire to grow the organization’s portfolio through international and local fund-raising, and individual giving under the new Country Strategy.

As such, the Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) should;

  1. Creatively reposition Plan International Kenya as the leading INGO in advocating for the rights of girls and young women in Kenya away from the traditional focus on children in general;
  2. Raise brand awareness and knowledge for Plan International for fundraising, sponsorship and goodwill from and not limited to government, corporate organizations, foundations, individual givers, and donor bodies with a view of increasing partnerships and program portfolio;
  3. Enhance use of old and new media across the organization as platforms to amplify the voices of adolescent girls and young women.


Plan International Kenya seeks to engage a dynamic and highly skilled consultant or consultancy firm to support its efforts in brand repositioning and enhance brand awareness.

Under the supervision of the Corporate Communications and Media Relations Manager, the consultant or consultancy firm will be responsible for;

  1. Increasing brand awareness and visibility of Plan International Kenya internally and externally; through a traditional media relations and social media engagement strategy that strengthens linkages, structures, and systems of relations with key media stakeholders;
  2. Creative development, design and copywriting for relevant taglines for the new Plan International Kenya mantra;
  3. Position Plan International Kenya leadership and selected staff as brand ambassadors for the organization to deepen the work of the organization among its stakeholders. This will involve the retooling of the selected brand ambassadors;
  4. Leverage our communications experts to create a unique series of tailor-made tools that help to monitor, analyze and influence internal stakeholder;
  5. Support in the launch of the New Country Strategy scheduled for June 2021 through events management, including media engagement and monitoring, social media engagements and monitoring;
  6. Support with media monitoring and listening with a view of identifying key and relevant media opportunities for engagements on topical issues to grow brand visibility;
  7. Propose and support in developing a suitable communication dissemination strategy that will support the new strategic areas of focus which are 1) Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights; 2) Prevention and response to all forms of violence and discrimination against adolescent girls and young women 3) Disaster Risk Management 4) Equal opportunities and Skills for Employment and Entrepreneurship for young women and men;
  8. Support our current global campaign through localizing the proposed tactics such as strengthening and building a strong pro-adolescent girls and young women movement through new and traditional media.

Required Experience:

The Integrated Marketing Communications consultant or consultancy firm should have:

  1. Not less than 3 years’ relevant experience of working with INGOs to creatively support brand reposition, awareness and visibility;
  2. Profiles of the relevant team to be engaged in offering the design, development, and management of Plan International Kenya Integrated Marketing Communication services and tools to carry out all the required deliverables during the contractual period;
  3. In-house capacity for copywriting, production of audio visual, and editorial content development;
  4. A reliable and consistent creative design and copywriting team;
  5. Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure;
  6. Strong interpersonal skills, ability to communicate and work with diverse people;

Duration of the consultancy

The consultant is expected to carry out the assignment between June and November 2021 covering a period of 6 months.

Supervision arrangements

The Integrated Marketing Communications firm will work closely with the office of the Corporate Communications and Media Relations Manager

Submission requirements:

Interested firms are required to submit detailed technical and financial proposals.

The detailed technical proposal should:

  • Show a thorough understanding of this Terms of Reference;
  • Demonstrate previous relevant experience how they would undertake this assignment, and expected outcomes;
  • The full names of all participating consultants and their roles, including technical expertise
  • Curriculum Vitae(s) of proposed experts outlining relevant education, and experience;
  • Physical address of the firm
  • Telephone number(s) of the firm (if applicable).
  • Full name and contact information of the contact person within the consulting team
  • Date of registration and Registration Number
  • Certificate of Incorporation or Registration Certificate
  • Valid Tax compliance certificate, VAT Certificate and PIN certificate;
  • Full names of Directors/Proprietors;
  • Clear and detailed work plan including a Gantt chart in line with the timeframe provided in this TOR and with consideration for the time it will take for Plan International to review documents before finalization;
  • Names and contact information of three references who can be contacted regarding relevant experience

The financial proposal should contain:

  • Detailed itemized consultancy fees/costs;
  • Validity period of financial proposal should be 90 days.

NB: The financial quotation should be all inclusive and should not contain hidden costs to be surcharged to Plan International

Shortlisted firms will be required to: –

  1. Develop a 10 minutes pitch presentation highlighting previous relevant experience, how they would undertake this assignment, and expected outcomes;

Safeguarding children and young people

The Integrated Marketing Communications firm shall sign and follow Safeguarding Policy and related procedures, and its security and safety policies and procedures.


Please visit the portal

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