Call for Concepts for Piloting Solutions that Address Manufacturing Pollution in East Africa

The SMEP Call for Concepts for Piloting solutions that address manufacturing pollution in East Africa will close on September 15th 2022, at 13:00 GMT.

SMEP seeks to fund concepts that pilot innovative investible pollution mitigation concepts that create viable business cases around the following thematic areas:

  • Concepts that contribute to reducing or eliminating manufacturing pollution by
    transforming industrial waste-to-energy inputs for industrial processes or;
  • Through technologies, concepts that directly intercept and preferably recycle by-
    products from industrial processes.

Pollution mitigation concepts that create viable business cases and align with the objectives of these themes but cannot be strictly categorized into them will also be considered.

SMEP intends to fund up to six concepts, each receiving funding of between £250 thousand to £1 million.

Eligibility extends to manufacturers, solution providers, research institutions, and industry actors.

For detailed information on the scope of the procurement, as well as the application guidelines visit

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