Whitley Fund for Nature Awards (WFN)

Whitley Awards were developed to recognize effective leaders and communicators from around the world who are applying sustained, effective effort to conserve the natural environment.


  • Not High Income Economy countries – Wildlife conservation projects led by local leaders based in countries that are not defined as a High Income Economy by the World Bank. Exceptions to this criterion include Equatorial Guinea and certain island nations in the Caribbean. If you have any questions about eligible countries, please contact WFN.
  • Nationals with local support – a key focus of the Whitley Award is to boost the profile of leaders who are nationals of the country in which they are working. There are some exceptions, for example long term residency (15+ years) or commitment to country/region/ building capacity of local team members for future leadership.
  • We seek grassroots conservationists from locally incorporated NGOs in developing countries, rather than in-country staff employed by NGOs headquartered in developed countries – but if you are in doubt please contact us.
  • Good communicators and passionate people – people who will inspire others and importantly, who will collaborate and share results. Please note applicants must be able to communicate in English.
  • Leadership and teamwork – Whitley Awards are won by individuals backed by an appropriate team/organization. Individuals working in isolation and team/joint entries are not eligible.
  • Projects that are based on scientific evidence and understanding – this can be in the leader, expertise on the team, or via partners/collaboration.
  • Work involving (and benefitting) the local community and stakeholders is essential.
  • Ecosystem / landscape level projects are preferred. Genuine flagships are accepted, but not if results are purely species-specific.
  • Projects must be able to demonstrate past success and an evidence-based approach. We do not fund pilot projects or work that is at the start-up stage.
  • Grassroots, pragmatic work that is realistic, but ambitious too. We look for applicants on the cusp of ‘something big’ and work that is replicable or scalable.
  • Actions that will have clear, measurable outcomes – we look for applications that have given careful thought to what indicators can be measured to evidence impact.
  • Sustainable projects – we want the work to continue into the future, well past the Whitley Award. Successful proposals will demonstrate long-term planning.
  • Projects that demonstrate value for money and ability to manage funding at the Whitley Award level (£40,000). Organizations with Audited Accounts are preferred.
  • Projects for which an Award will make a big difference. Priority will be given to those that can demonstrate need.
  • Work that needs publicity – ones that will do well if ‘doors can be opened’ via the media and enhanced recognition.

A Whitley Award is a top nature conservation prize, designed to provide the winner with:

  • International recognition that enhances profile and credibility
  • Worldwide media visibility for their project and the issues it addresses
  • Financial support to pursue ongoing and proven conservation work
  • A supportive international network of other Whitley Award winners and Friends through which to solicit advice and support.
  • The opportunity to reapply to WFN, subject to meeting conditions of grant, for Continuation Funding in future years.

WFN currently gives competitive grants totaling £500,000 on average per annum to previous Whitley Award winners in support of the most effective ongoing work.

At each Whitley Award Ceremony there are up to nine Whitley Awards of £30,000 each, plus the Whitley Gold Award.

As of the Gold Award will be awarded to a previous Whitley Award winner in recognition of outstanding achievement in the field of biodiversity conservation.

For More Information: https://whitleyaward.org/apply-for-conservation-funding/

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