Consultancy Opportunity: Exploring Transition Options for HelpAge Country Programme to a Locally-Led Development, HelpAge International


HelpAge International – HelpAge International is a global network of organizations working towards a fairer world for older people so they can live safe, healthy and dignified lives. In addition to working with more than 150 network members in 56 countries, HelpAge operates country programme offices in 13 countries across Asia, Africa, Middle East and Eastern Europe. In line with HelpAge International Global Strategy 20301, our commitment to partner led programming and the Charter for Change2, a key step is to transition our country programmes to a Locally-Led Development option.

Locally-Led Development – HelpAge International has committed to embracing and advancing Locally-Led Development. This commitment was expressed in HelpAge’s 2030 strategy and re-emphasized and clarified in a position paper on Locally-Led development issued in November 2021.

HelpAge’s vision for Locally-Led Development is, “Humanitarian and development initiatives designed, led and delivered by national or local actors and older people within countries”. At country level, the commitment to Locally-Led Development requires a genuine transformation, to shift the power from HelpAge International to local actors. In order to identify the most appropriate Locally-Led Development option for each country, HelpAge International has designed a process that promotes transparency and accountability and ensure that decisions are based on robust evidence and analysis. This consultancy will ensure that the perspectives of country teams and external local stakeholders are collected and fully contribute to the analysis and decision making, with the goal to achieve sustainable impact for older people in Kenya.

Country Programme – Kenya, a country of approximately 50 million has more than 2.7 million older people. The Government of Kenya has instituted policies and programmes aimed at improving the wellbeing of older persons and has the potential to play an important role within Africa and international forums advocating for older persons rights. HelpAge International has operated in Kenya since 1980, working closely with various ministries of the Government of Kenya and other partners to develop relevant policy framework and programming for older persons.

Currently we have 6 global network members based in country including one of the founding members of HelpAge International ( namely, HelpAge Kenya. The country programme is implemented by partners and network members with some very specific components of the projects supported by HelpAge directly. The current partners include the University of Nairobi’s Population Studies and Research Institute (PSRI), Kenya Aged Require Information, Knowledge and Advancement (KARIKA), Kibera Daycare Center (KDCCE) and Echimi Aito.

The four focus areas of the Kenya country programme are: 1) Income security to increase access to pension; advocacy, governance and accountability and capacity strengthening; 2) Healthy ageing to strengthen health systems in areas of human resources, policy, leadership, and governance; medical supplies, products and technologies; and health information systems including research and evidence, 3) violence, abuse and neglect (VAN) prevention and impact mitigation, and, 4) movement for change, local and global campaigning.

Projects in the country are implemented in collaboration with counterpart government ministries (Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and Ministry of Health), as well as Nairobi and Turkana County.

Purpose, objectives and scope

The purpose of the consultancy is to conduct local consultations with the Kenya country team and local external stakeholders, which will contribute to a detailed assessment of the Kenyan context with regards to the situation of older people, HelpAge’s work, the stakeholders’ views and capacities, the civic space and legal frameworks, etc. The consultancy will highlight opportunities and constraints and provide rigorous evidence to guide decision making on the transition to locally-led development in the country.


  1. Undertake a consultation with external stakeholders, partners and network members to assess the context, priorities, capacities and appetites of local actors for locally-led development and inclusion and advancement of the ageing agenda in country.
  2. Review and analyze the assessment information collected by the team and other relevant supporting documents
  3. Support the team in identifying the best-suited locally-led development option for Kenya.


  • The consultation will engage HelpAge staff, partners, network members, government agencies, donors and local civil society to explore their views on locally led development and the role of HelpAge in supporting this.
  • The consultant will clarify in the consultancy report the legal frameworks and the implications of status change on institutional arrangements and human resources.
  • The consultant will review the assessment information collected by the team and other relevant supporting documents, and provide additional analysis in light of findings from consultations with external stakeholders
  • The consultant will facilitate the identification of and discussions on potential options for locally-led development with HelpAge team, and their assessment against HelpAge’s criteria.
  • The consultant will support the team to identify and analyze the external and internal risks of locally led development and identify key milestones for the transition.

Methodology and process to be agreed with the consultant. FGDs and key informant interviews with external stakeholders and HelpAge selected staff including members of the Global team, and desk review.


  1. A consultation report, as per the agreed outline/template, providing a summary of information collected through consultations as well as triangulation and analysis of all information received.
  2. A presentation of the most viable options for the country, based on the external consultations and discussions with HelpAge teams, including justifications and evidence and an initial assessment against HelpAge’s criteria for the locally-led development.
  3. Facilitation of a country level workshop and production of a workshop report.
  4. Draft of the Recommendation using the outline shared by HAI
  5. A final consultancy report documenting the whole process.

Timing and deadlines

The consultancy is expected to be completed by October 31st, 2022

Qualifications and Experience Required

We are looking for a change manager that meets the following requirements:

  • Master’s degree in development studies, international relations, social sciences, Statistics, Communication, or related field.
  • Minimum of 10 years’ relevant professional experience in the development or humanitarian sectors, in organizational development and research.
  • Strong background and experience in change management and organizational transformation processes.
  • Technical expertise in conducting surveys with a range of methodologies and providing qualitative analysis. Ability to draw strong and valid conclusions.
  • Understanding of regulations governing NGO sector in Kenya, donor trends and key regulations governing international and local organizations in Kenya.
  • Fluent in English and Swahili.
  • Excellent facilitation, communication and report writing skills.
  • Consultant based in Kenya or the region, with a strong understanding of the Kenyan context.
  • Engaging with organizations working with and for older people, and awareness of aging issues in Kenya will be an advantage.

How to apply

To apply for a consultancy at HelpAge, please read the TOR on the right-hand side of the screen, study the requirements and submit your Expression of Interest (EOI) to include:

  • Technical proposal (maximum 3 pages) including: brief profile of the consultant, understanding of the TOR, methodology, workplan and key contacts from similar work carried.
  • Financial proposal: The financial proposal should provide cost estimates for services rendered including professional fees (daily rates x number of days) and other costs (if any) to carry out the assignment.

All interested applicants are requested to express interest by sending proposals via email to: by close of business Friday 9 September, 2022.

Please use the title ‘Consultant – Transition approach to Locally-Led development in Kenya’ on your email. Selection of the consultant will be undertaken by a panel and based on the experience of the consultant, the quality and relevance of the Technical and Financial proposals (e.g., value proposed for the contract within resources available) and on satisfactory references. Only selected/shortlisted consultant(s) will be contacted.

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