Social Enterprise Model Development Consultancy addressing unmet Eyecare in Kenya, Sightsavers

Location:       Kenya

Contract:       5 month contract


Sightsavers is a non-governmental development organization and has been working in Kenya since 1952, when blindness affected up to 7% of rural Kenyans, and a further 2.5% had a significant degree of visual impairment. Our primary focus in the early years was on the elimination of avoidable blindness, the promotion of inclusive education, and community-based rehabilitation for adults who were irreversibly blind.

The National Eye Health Strategic Plan 2020 to 2025 estimates 15.5% of Kenyans need quality eye health services, ranging from cataract surgery, diabetic retinopathy care, vision corrections and even basic ocular allergy treatment and care. This is required to avoid the same populations leading to blindness, and its associated social impediments.

We conducted a market analysis study in two counties of Kenya in 2021 to guide the feasibility and development of a market-shaping refractive errors programme for semi-urban and rural communities. The results indicated the need to identify suitable social business models for refractive errors which are inclusive, affordable, sustainable and high quality.

This consultancy is intended to support Sightsavers to design a market-shaping social enterprise model that that can address the significant unmet eyecare needs highlighted above. The proposed scalable health innovation (market shaping solution) is expected to be tested in rural and/or semi urban setups with an ambitious goal to accelerate access and reach more women and girls, children and persons with disabilities.

The consultancy is for a 5 month period commencing in September 2022 and ending February 2023.

About the consultancy

This consultancy is intended to support Sightsavers to design a market-shaping social enterprise model that that can address the significant unmet eyecare needs highlighted above. The proposed scalable health innovation (market shaping solution) is expected to be tested in rural and/or semi urban setups with an ambitious goal to accelerate access and reach more women, girls, children and persons with disabilities.


  • Based on a legal and regulatory review, identify any barriers and gaps that needs to be addressed to develop a sustainable social enterprise model in Kenya.
  • Based on the situational analysis and assessment, develop a design proposal with business plan to inform the implementation of a three to five-year project for Sightsavers.


To develop an inception plan and finalize the work plan in consultation with Sightsavers

According to the inception plan, carry out the assignment including the following activities:

  • A legal and regulatory analysis detailing any barriers and gaps that needed to be addressed and identify the possible options for the social enterprise model.
  • Engage with Sightsavers teams, partners and other stakeholders to identify their recommendations for improving accessibility, affordability, acceptability, and quality of eye health and refractive errors services.
  • Engage and garner further information from the private sector (low to mid-end opticians, pharmacies, market vendors, drug stores) to ascertain 1) price points; and 2) barriers to selling more affordable spectacles and providing screenings/testing and accessing quality product.
  • Generate a report that outlines 2-3 options for the model to be piloted. The business plan should include a financial model (with a baseline potential as well as a stretched financial potential).


  • Inception report outlining the legal and regulatory analysis with a summary of situational analysis including an executive summary, findings, and recommendations for addressing gaps and key potential private sector partners.
  • Final report that outlines 2-3 options for the social enterprise model informed by a theory of change/intervention logic, and business plan. The business plan should include a financial model.
  • PowerPoint presentation on design proposal for consultation with Sightsavers and partners.

Expected Skills of the Consultant

  • Master’s degree or equivalent qualification or experience in business development, social sciences, international development, or other related degree.
  • Fluency in English language, written and spoken, required.
  • Proven knowledge of the social and political context of Kenya
  • Extensive experience in business development, social enterprise development and/or private sector engagement, including in service provision and evaluations.
  • Strong analytical and communications skills, including the ability to interact with partners on various levels
  • Availability to commit to a 5 month period

Consultants with a proven track record in the above will be procured to undertake the project through an expression of interest process.

Full details of the project, Scope of Work, Outputs/ Deliverables can be found within the attached ToR 

How to express your interest:

To express your interest to undertake this assignment, please read the complete ToR, complete our Expression of Interest (EoI) which can be found via the application link by 25 August 2022.

Interested bidders are also requested to include an example of previous similar work.

We anticipate interviews will be conducted early September 2022.

Expressions of interest should only be made using the forms provided.

As as equal opportunity Employer, we actively encourage EoI’s from all sections of the community. Qualified people living with a disability are particularly encouraged to apply…

Closing date of the advert: 28 August 2022

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