Request for Proposals: External Facilitator-Consultant, Oxfam

Oxfam is part of a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. We are working across regions, present in around 80 countries, with thousands of partners, and allies, supporting communities to build better lives for themselves, grow resilience and protect lives and livelihoods also in times of crisis. Because we want lasting solutions, we fight the inequalities that keep people locked in poverty and injustice. We tackle not the symptoms but the systems, and we campaign for genuine, durable change. See Oxfam’s Global Strategic Framework 2020-2030for further background information.
The Oxfam International Secretariat leads, facilitates and supports collaboration between Oxfam’s affiliates to increase their impact in fighting poverty and injustice. It works to provide advocacy, campaigns and development programs and to respond swiftly to emergencies. It also provides line-management for regional teams and country program operations.
The purpose of the Oxfam Global Leadership Conference is to bring together the leadership of Oxfam and provide the opportunity for colleagues to meet, network, exchange views and information and to discuss current and future challenges at a time when the Confederation is accelerating implementation of the Global Strategic Framework (GSF) and the transformation of Oxfam into a feminist and decolonial, diversified network.
‘Change starts from within’ and this is not only about Oxfam as an entity but concerns every colleague across the Confederation. This Conference seeks to be inclusive of as many perspectives as possible with leadership taking responsibility for its role in shaping culture and living our values, to work in equal decolonial partnerships to achieve maximum impact.
Thus, the Oxfam Global Leadership Conference is an important opportunity to confirm collective priorities and to serve as an effective catalyst for change that will be co-created and implemented together with colleagues from across the Confederation.
•Internal conference
•Participants in situ: Executive Directors of all Oxfam affiliates, Oxfam Country and Cluster Directors1, Regional Directors, OISecretariat (OIS)Executive Leadership Team joining from across the world in around 80 countries.
•A selected number of plenary sessions will be open for all Oxfam staff to join virtually.
4.Planning and Location
The conference will take place in March 2023, in Nairobi Kenya.
5.The Conference
The conference is expected to bring together approximately 100 participants. It is expected to be held over 3-4 days combining in person meetings mixed with virtual meeting platform (hybrid). While the main working language of the Conference will be English, interpretation will be offered (in plenary sessions) into French and Spanish (Arabic to be confirmed).
6.Objective of the assignment
Oxfam Global Leadership Conference –Facilitators ToR July 20222This consultancy is being commissioned by Oxfam International to support the successful design, preparation and facilitation of the Oxfam Global Leadership Conference.
Requests for proposals are invited from suitably qualified teams/ companies/ institutions with demonstrated expertise in designing and facilitating innovative global multi-stakeholder meetings, in supporting organizations to thrive in complexity, and with skills in creating safe spaces in a multi-cultural settings. The timeframe for delivery of this consultancy assignment is the period September2022 to March 2023. Total contract value is expected to be agreed as a lump sum based on estimated level of effort/ daily fees.
7.Services expected
The role of facilitators is to co-design, help prepare and facilitate the conference. It is expected that the facilitators will do this together with a project team preparing the conference and content leads of the topics to be prepared and included in the conference, and in consultation with relevant staff in Oxfam, co-creating the conference, where the process to get there is as important as the conference itself.
8.Timeframe and Expected Deliverables
The timeframe for delivery of this consultancy assignment is the period September to March 2023. Total contract value is expected to be agreed as a lump sum based on estimated level of effort/ daily fees
Task/ Deliverable Timeline
Phase I: Design and Preparation.

Design and preparation of the conference as a whole, together with project team and content leads;

Estimated level of effort: O September to December: 60days

 O January: 20days

 O February: 20 days

 O Total: 60 days

September–February 2023
2023Phase II: Facilitation in situ. Facilitation of sessions as designed in phase I.

[Level of effort: 20days]

March 2023
Phase III: Feed Forward. Share reflections on the conference orally and in writing, highlighting both what went well and any lessons learned and areas for improvement

[estimated level of effort: 5 days]

March 2023
Total estimated level of effort 85 days
9.Expected qualifications
Requests for proposals are invited from suitably qualified teams, companies or institutions with:
-demonstrated expertise in creating and facilitating innovative global multi-stakeholder conferences, in a virtual/ hybrid and in person setting
-Sensitive to power dynamics
-English is a must, preferably with knowledge of French, Spanish or Arabic,
-Experience with the non-profit or development or social justice sector across regions (highly desirable)
-Understanding of ‘current debates and topics affecting the NGO sector
-Understanding of organizational transformation/complex system thinking/ change management, feminist principles and transformative leadership development (additional advantage)
-Preferably located in the location of the conference or based in the global south and diverse
-Skilled at bringing forward all voices in the room
10.Criterion for selection
Oxfam will assess all submissions as to their:
-Values and cultural fit with Oxfam
-Experience in supporting transformative organizational change with feminist principles
-Track record of the company and facilitators’ experience
-Location or base
Submissions (in English) from interested companies or institutions should be sent no later than close of business Sunday 28August 2022(any time zone) to and include the following details:
1.Description of the team, company or institution presenting the proposal
2.Approach description -outlining a proposed approach for designing and preparing the conference
3.Breakdown of proposed activities and budget, associated time or level of effort and estimated cost (before VAT or any other charges, as total lump sum fee or based on standard daily rates).
4.Evidence of relevant expertise, experience and track record of the consultancy company
5.Details of qualification/ experience of the person who will be primarily responsible for the delivery of the work; and all facilitators (if more than one is proposed), including experience across regions and languages.
Any questions for clarification should be sent to Carolina Mori, Associate Director Risk and Assurance at OIS at Questions will be answered between 15 and 19 August 2023.
Interviews with shortlisted candidates will be scheduled in the 3 weeks following the closing date, with the work scheduled to commence as soon as possible thereafter.

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