Call for Proposals: Up-Scaling Basic Sanitation for the Urban Poor Investments Programme – Support to Household and Plot Level Sanitation, and Faecal Sludge Management Projects, WaterFund

Water Sector Trust Fund (WaterFund) is a State Corporation under the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation. It was established under the Water Act, 2016, as a water sector financing institution with the mandate to provide conditional and unconditional grants to counties, and to assist in financing the development and management of water services in marginalised or underserved areas.

WaterFund has received funds from Government of Kenya, and the Government of Germany via KfW Development Bank to finance the implementation of ‘Up-scaling Basic Sanitation for the Urban Poor’ (UBSUP) Programme. The funds under this grant are to support construction of household and plot level sanitation facilities and related Decentralized Treat­ment Facilities (DTFs) in low-income urban areas through eligible Water Service Providers (WSPs).

In this 3rd Call for Proposals, WaterFund invites Eligible Water Services Providers throughout the country to apply for funding for improvement of sanitation in the low-income urban areas or low cost planned areas within their licensed service provision areas.

Eligibility Requirements for Applying for the Grants

To qualify for this funding, WSPs must meet the following minimum requirements:

a) Have a valid license from Water Services Regulatory Board (or if lapsed, provide documentation for renewal application)

b) The applying WSPs that have previously benefited from WaterFund under UBSUP, and Urban Project con­cept (UPC) funding must have completed all the funded projects and the project accounts closed. The projects must also be operational

c) WSPs with pending audit and governance issues will not be considered

Conditions for Applying for Funding:

a)Proof of availability of a functioning exhauster either owned by the WSP, the county or a valid emptying agreement with a private operator

b)Be able to obtain a valid sludge disposal license provided by the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA)

c)A letter of endorsement from the County Department of Public Health and the County Department of Environment

d)Proof of availability of land for the construction of the DTF (copies of ownership documents with approval from the county authority)

e)Willingness of the WSP to provide staff to implement the project and operate the DTF

f)Towns with an existing operational wastewater treatment plant or a DTF funded under the 1st and 2nd Calls for Proposals are not eligible for funding from UBSUP for another DTF

Application Procedure:

a)Identification of project areas in line with WaterFund Guidelines outlined in the Safisan Toolkit (https://

b)Development of project proposal using the standard UBSUP application form and attaching all the Each project proposal must comprise of at least 200 household or plot level toilets, at least one decentralized treatment facility in the project area (in the absence of a functioning waste water treatment plant), and a component of accompanying measures

c)Each WSP must clearly describe the existing arrangements for the emptying and the transportation of septage within their licensed service provision area

d)The application form and other details can be obtained from WaterFund Office, or via email on request, or downloaded from the website

e)Project proposals must be endorsed/approved by the respective County Government before submission to WaterFund.

All proposals must be submitted in four (4) hard copies and one soft copy on USB drive, and the envelope clearly marked “UBSUP 3rd Call for Proposals” to the address below:

The Chief Executive Officer,

Water Sector Trust Fund,

1st Floor, CIC Plaza 1, Mara Road, Upper Hill,

Tel: +254 20 272 90 17 / 8

PO Box 49699-00100, Nairobi.


NB: Water Services Providers are expected to work closely with their respective County Government during proposal development.

For Enquiries: Tel.: +254 20 272 90 17 / 8, Email:

Closing Date: All proposals must be received by the WaterFund at 5.00 PM on or before 18th August, 2022

WaterFund is the Winner of prestigious 2021 United Nations Public Service Awards (UNPSA). For more information, see:

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