Terms of Reference: Communications Consultancy Service, Oxfam GB


Oxfam in Kenya is a development, humanitarian and campaigning organization that works with others to challenge poverty and inequality. Oxfam envisages a transformed Kenyan society in which each individual regardless of gender, religion, ethnicity or social standing is able to access basic services and fully participates in decision making processes on issues that affect their lives and can be heard.

Oxfam has worked in Kenya since 1963 and is currently guided by the 2021-2024 strategic plan focusing on four goals:

  • Civil society maximizes civil society space and ensures more equitable raising and spending of financial resources at county and national level.
  • Poor and marginalized communities get a fair share of natural resources and their benefits.
  • Women gain power over their lives to participate in, and contribute to, public life.
  • The severity of future humanitarian crises on communities in Kenya is reduced.


Oxfam in Kenya’s development division has three core pillars – natural resources, governance and accountability and gender justice and women’s rights. This consultancy will provide support to the Natural Resources and the Governance and Accountability pillars in creating visibility for their programmatic work within Kenya. It will involve support from the Extractives Project Officer, Tax Justice Programme Officer and Communications Advisor to support in the planning, logistical, and execution of communication support to the Power of Voices Partnership Programme that Oxfam and its partners are implementing in Turkana, Taita Taveta and Kwale and the NORAD and IBIS grants in Turkana, Nairobi, Kajiado and Kilifi.

Scope of work

For the Natural Resources Pillar, the scope of work under this consultancy will specifically consist of:

  1. Layout, designing and printing of baseline report and the gender and protection assessment.
  2. Support the team to create content, layout and design a popular booklet for how to mine in Kenya
  3. Support in the design and delivery of other communication merchandise like bags, laptop sleeves, caps, etc.

For the Governance and Accountability Pillar, the scope of work under this consultancy will specifically consist of:

  1. Illustration, layout and design of the Okoa Uchumi Citizen’s Manifesto
  2. Illustration, layout and design of the Okoa Uchumi ToT Manual
  3. Development of infographics, one-pagers of a total of 6 studies/briefs
  4. Support in the design and delivery of other communication merchandise like bags, laptop sleeves, caps, etc.


The provision of the Services is to commence on August 2022 – December 2022 unless agreed by both parties that this Agreement is terminated early or amended in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

Fees and expenses

The consultancy fees will be exclusive of expenses and payment of the agreed fee and shall be due on completion of this assignment. In accordance with the Expenses Summary for Consultants, Oxfam in Kenya shall cater for all travel costs, telephone calls, stationary, photocopying and printing related to this assignment. However, where necessary Oxfam in Kenya will reimburse those reasonable expenses necessary for the proper performance of the Services provided these are agreed in advance and that you provide all relevant receipts. These expenses are in respect of general overheads, which would reasonably be expected to occur in the provision of consultancy services.

Tax and VAT arrangements

Oxfam in Kenya will deduct withholding tax from the consultancy fees which will be in conformity with the prevailing government rates and submit the same to the Government of Kenya. The consultant will be entitled to a copy of the tax submission certificate on request.

Intellectual Property and Confidentiality of Information

All documents, data and information accessed will be treated as confidential and used solely to create visibility for the project, and should follow the GDPR regulation on data control and storage.

All the required documents and deliverables in their draft and final versions shall be submitted to Oxfam in Kenya within agreed timelines and shall remain the explicit property of the organization.


The overall supervisor of this assignment will be by the Extractives Project Officer and the Tax Justice Programme Officer within Oxfam in Kenya.

Bid Requirements

Interested and qualified consultants are invited to submit their expressions of interest, which should include the following:

  • A suitability statement, including commitment to availability for the entire assignment.
  • Information demonstrating specific experience of the consultant relevant to the assignment including the scope and scale of similar assignments. Please provide details of similar assignment undertaken.
  • A detailed financial proposal showing a clear breakdown of the costs including all the chargeable taxes.

Adherence to Oxfam principles and policies

Once hired, the consultant shall operate under the principles governing Oxfam ways of working including adherence to policies and procedures of Oxfam with regards to such key issues as non-partisan, neutrality, gender sensitivity, impartiality and accountability, mainstreaming of Gender and safeguarding as well as other policies governing Oxfam operations on transport usage, security guidelines and confidentiality of information collected.

Application process

Consultant is expected to submit their bid by August 5th, 2022 to the following address KPConsultancyServices@oxfam.org.uk

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