African Elephant Conservation Fund

The U.S. Department of the Interior and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is inviting proposals for the African Elephant Conservation Fund to provide financial assistance to support projects that will enhance sustainable conservation programs to ensure effective, long-term conservation of African elephants.

The Service is soliciting proposals for projects that promote conservation of African forest and African savanna elephants through the following:

  • Enhanced protection of at-risk elephant populations;
  • Efforts to decrease human-elephant conflict (HEC);
  • Habitat conservation and management;
  • Protected area management in important elephant range;
  • Strengthening local capacity to implement conservation programs;
  • Trans-frontier elephant conservation (e.g., maintaining or restoring connectivity between subpopulations, establishing new wildlife areas and protected corridors);
  • Wildlife inspection, law enforcement, and forensic skills;
  • Conservation education and community outreach;
  • Applied research necessary to inform protection and management, including surveys and monitoring;
  • Development and execution of elephant conservation management plans or ivory action plans;
  • Development of innovative technologies that have the potential to improve elephant protection;
  • Compliance with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
  • Fauna and Flora (CITES) and other applicable treaties and laws that prohibit or regulate the taking or trade of elephants or regulate the use and management of elephant habitat;
  • Reducing demand for and trafficking of illegal ivory products. Proposed project work should occur within the range of African forest or savanna elephants, or, if work is to be conducted outside of these ranges, the proposal must explain how the work will benefit elephants in Africa.


  • Priority may also be given to ecologically or evolutionarily unique populations, defined by at least one of the following conditions:
  • The population is reproductively isolated and differs markedly in its genetic characteristics from other elephant populations;
  • The population persists in an ecological setting unusual for elephants;
  • The loss of the population would result in a significant gap in elephant range; or
  • The population is of national importance.

Funding Information

  • Estimated Total Funding: $ 5,300,000
  • Maximum Award: $ 400,000
  • Minimum Award: $ 100,000
  • Expected Award Date: November 26, 2021
  • Expected Number of Award: 25


  • Applicants can be individuals; multi-national secretariats; foreign national and local government agencies; non-profit non-governmental organizations; for-profit organizations; public and private institutions of higher education; U.S. territorial governments; and Tribes and Tribal organizations. Apply by 25th June 2021.For more information:

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