Consultancy to Develop a Digital Platform for Plastic Waste Collection and Management, DanChurchAid Kenya (DCA)

1. Organizational and Project Background

DanChurchAid Kenya (DCA) implements economic empowerment interventions in Kakuma refugee camp and Kalobeyei Settlement, targeting the host and refugee community youth. The interventions are mainly focused on providing business skills and capitalization to enable youth run successful business enterprises and access self-employment opportunities. As part of the business capitalization DCA provides an opportunity for youth to pitch their business ideas for grant financing and grow their start-ups. The key criteria applied for grant financing is innovativeness and environmental impact of the potential enterprise.

As an outgrowth of the enterprise financing and keeping with its aim of mainstreaming innovation into its work, DCA is piloting an innovation project titled Taka ni Mali in Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei Settlement in Turkana West. The innovation project aims to reduce the effects of waste in the environment through a community managed & led solid waste management model that brings together locally rooted actors (local community group and the affected community) to reduce plastic waste in the environment. This is to be achieved through developing a system that taps community participation in management of plastic waste in the camp. The project is being executed through a partnership with a local youth led community organization.

2. Purpose of the assignment

Support in conceptualization, development, and implementation of a digital platform that will deliver end to end solution managing plastic waste (recording, tracking, reporting and loyalty reward system) in the refugee camps. It is envisaged that the digital platform will create a link between plastic waste producers at household level, waste collectors, recyclers, and market for the recycled products.

3. Proposed features of the system

The digital platform should have the following features, but the team is open to adjustments during the design phase after consultation with the successful service provider.

  • Mobile based app digital platform and available on Android OS.
  • Able to produce reports on waste generated at different intervals within the households as well as waste collected and delivered at the collection centres.
  • Geo Positioning System functionality for tracking locations where waste has been reported and collected.
  • Loyalty reward system (with a clear reward earning criteria – that promotes conservation and environmental care) for awarding waste collectors and households with points that are redeemable for cash and other environmentally friendly merchandize.
  • The platform should be able to record payments due for for every user.
  • Notification system for the users of the platform on the amounts of plastic waste delivered and received at the collection centres.
  • The platform should be easy to use and have and accessible both offline and online.

Expected Deliverables of the assignment

1. Digital platform Design

  • Consult and interview project implementing teams and gather relevant data to inform the design of the platform.
  • Provide a detailed diagrammatic drawings/visual of how the digital platform is expected to operate.
  • Develop the digital platform for the plastic waste management with all the proposed features.

2. Testing of the platform

  • The service provider will be required to test the platform and provide a report detailing its usability as a waste collection and management tool, issues related to data and security integrity.
  • After testing the service provider will be expected to fix any technical issues to optimize its performance before rolling it.

3. Training (knowledge transfer)

  • Provide training and knowledge transfer to DCA personnel and partner team managing the project

4. Digital platform implementation

  • Deploy the system for use on a pilot basis within the refugee camp
  • Provide support and maintenance of the digital platform
  • Provide a mechanism of tracking all technical issues raised and actions taken – Issues log register
  • Provide hosting or advise on the best host of the digital platform which should be done locally.

5. Security of the platform

  • The platform must provide an affordable but safe end-to-end security that protects data and the platform from hackers and any other potential threat.
  • The platform should comply with national laws and regulations that relate to personal data and privacy.

6. Intellectual property rights

The copyrights of the developed digital platform and any other output from this assignment will be fully owned by DCA Kenya and no information or material of the same can be shared or used by the consultant or his representatives without written authority from DCA Kenya.

4. Duration of the assignment

The initial tasks of the assignment (design, training and development of the platform) are expected to be completed by end of August/September2022.. The actual dates for completion of the assignment shall be agreed between the service provider and DCA.

5. Qualifications and experience

  • The assignment is open to individuals and companies with strong background in Information Technology particularly development of digital tools
  • At least 5 years’ experience in development and management of digital platforms
  • The service provider must have a team of experts experienced in different areas of IT and digital platforms development
  • Should have a proven record of digital platform development already in the market for both Android and Apple OS.
  • The service provider should have system in place to raise issue tickets via the platform and all correspondence with the users.

6. Assessment management and values

For this assignment, the service provider will be expected to familiarize him/herself with and adhere to the DCA Code of conduct for service providers (ethical principles & standards). Please refer any questions to the DCA Head of Programmes:

7. Payments and costs

  • The service provider will be paid in accordance with this TOR and within DCA’s approved rates.
  • DCA will cover ALL the consultants’ costs related to carrying out this assignment, as it will be defined in the final signed contract.
  • Withholding income tax payable to the Government of Kenya (GoK) shall be deducted during payment.
  • The consultant will sign a contract prior to commencement of this assignment, which will detail additional terms and conditions of service

8. Submission Guidelines

If you meet the required qualifications and interested in this assignment, please submit the following:

  • Technical Proposal highlighting among any other necessary information: brief profile of the service provider, previous experience in developing digital platforms, understanding of the TOR, etc.
  • Financial Proposal: The financial proposal should provide cost estimates for the services to be rendered.
For clarification or enquiry contact persons:

Patrick Kibuku – Head of Programmes: Email –

Submit your proposal:

All applications to be sent by email to: (clearly marked: Consultancy to Develop Digital Platform for Plastic Waste Collection and Management not later than 31st July 2022.

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