Global Change Makers: Leadership Coaching for the Sustainable Development Goals

About WYSE International

WYSE International is a global charity that has supported thousands of emerging leaders from over 120 countries. WYSE coaches are leadership professionals with experience coaching leaders all around the world. They offer their time and expertise on this programme for free in service of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Global Change Makers: Leadership Coaching for the Sustainable Development Goals is an exciting and unique opportunity to enhance your leadership skills in service of your community. Successful applicants will participate in a free, bespoke, year-long coaching programme with a world-class leadership professional. Your leadership coach will support you as you lead a project which positively benefits your community.

The key focus area include:

  • Quality Education
  • Gender Equality
  • Clean water and sanitation
  • Affordable and clean energy
  • Reduced inequalities
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Climate action


Global Change Makers is open to people who are:

  • 18 – 35 years old.
  • Committed to making a positive contribution in their community.
  • Have a project, or an idea for a project, which contributes towards the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Programme details

  • Over the course of a year, you will have a monthly one-to-one coaching session with a professional leadership coach.
  • In addition to the coaching sessions, you take part in quarterly leadership workshops and have access to WYSE’s global community of Change Makers.

Programme benefits

  • Seed: Your project is still in the early stages, perhaps you haven’t launched it yet. We will help you to clarify your goals, develop an action plan, attract resources, overcome obstacles and develop the skills and confidence to launch your project.
  • Growth: Your project is underway, but you want to develop its effectiveness and sustainability. We will help you to reflect on the early successes and development areas of your project so far, (re)align with your sense of purpose and vision, set goals, identify and overcome obstacles and develop the skills and confidence needed to take your project to the next level.
  • Expansion: You have an established project, but you want to expand its reach, scope or effectiveness. We will help you to evaluate your project’s impact so far, reflect on the context in which your project exists and what needs you are seeking to address, connect with your sense of vision and purpose, identify and overcome barriers and enhance the resourcefulness, resilience and self-awareness needed to expand your project.

How to apply

Applications are now open for Global Change Makers- closing on the 22nd July 2022.

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