African Women Development Fund (AWDF)

The African Women’s Development Fund is a Pan-African grant-making organisation that supports the realization and fulfilment of African women’s rights through funding of autonomous women’s organizations on the continent1
. AWDF supports work to advance women’s rights under three strategic themes: Body and Health Rights, Women’s Economic Security and Justice, and Leadership Participation and Peace. Each year, there are two opportunities for
organizations who meet all our eligibility criteria to apply for funding.

Type of Grants

There are three types of LFS grants – you can only apply for one:
● Pamoja: you can apply for a maximum of US$500,000 per annum for up to 24 months
● Ananse: you can apply for a maximum of US$200,000 per annum for up to 24 months
● Yalla: you can apply for a maximum of US$50,000 per annum for up to 36 months

Eligibility Criteria

  • ADWF funds organizations that are registered and/or have their headquarters in Africa and are led by African women (senior staff and Board) and where a majority, (at least 70%), of all staff identify as female.
  • AWDF fund organizations that have been registered for at least 3 years and are led by and focused on particularly marginalized groups of women and girls, including women and girls living with disabilities, LBTQI+ women and girls, sex workers, refugees and migrant women, women living with HIV/AIDS, young feminists and other imposed marginalities.
  • AWDF also supports community-based organizations (CBOs) if they meet all our eligibility criteria
  • AWDF accept applications from organizations working in partnership/ consortia, coalitions, etc.
  • AWDF welcomes applications that are for work delivered by more than one partner as long as the application is from one partner and both them and all the named partners meet all the eligibility criteria, etc.
  • If you are submitting an application for a consortium project or more than two organizations, we will consider the eligibility and income of only the applicant organization and not the combined income of all the proposed partners.
  • We do also accept organizations that are not working with partners.

Call schedule and application timeline

AWDF call for proposals will be open until the deadline on 19th July 2022

For all details and application procedure see;

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